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A fantastic journey to London Alan Trave...

A fantastic journey to London

Alan Travel Service

Time: July 20--July 28, 2014

Hotel: Hilton Hotel ( free breakfast )

Place of interest: Big Ben ( July 23 )

Ticket:  £8 each (kids : half price )

Place of interest: St. Paul’s Cathedral ( July 26 )

Ticket:  £12 each ( kids : half price )

Total fee: ¥9,870 each ( kids : half price )

Service tel: 0551 66780510

You can call 0044 02086528 to book tickets .


1.If you join in Alan Travel Service’s journey to London , you will spend ____day .

A. seven       B. eight     C. nine        D. ten

2.If Mr. Li and his 7-year-old son visit St.Paul’s Cathedral , they should pay ___.

A. 12          B. 18        C. 20       D. 24

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the ad?

A. Mr. Li and his wife should pay 19,740 yuan for their journey to London.

B. In Hilton Hotel you’ll have free breakfast.

C. If you want to find more information about traveling, you can call 0551 66780510.

D. You can visit St.Paul’s Cathedral on June 26 if you join in Alan Travel Service’s journey to London


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:这是一则有关在伦敦旅行的海报,其中主要介绍了各个旅行项目的时间及收费信息。 1.C细节理解题。根据Time: July 20--July 28, 2014可知 Alan Travel Service’s journey 是一个持续9天的旅行,故选C。 2.B计算分析题。根据文中信息Place of interest: St. Paul’s Cathedral ( July 26 ) Ticket: £12 each ( kids : half price )可知他们需要花费12+6=18,故选B。 3.7月20日到28日,所以不可能在6月26去参观St.Paul’s Cathedral,故D是错误的。 考点:广告类短文阅读


A hungry wolf was walking around in the evening. He met a dog. The dog was fat and looked happy. The wolf made _______ with the dog.

“You are looking better. It seems you are happy and satisfied. Your skin is so nice. You have been fed   _______   with nice food,” said the wolf.

“Well, my friend, my life is simple. I _______ my master’s house. He feeds me four times a day. I have been given a small house where I sleep well. I don’t have any _______ .”

“Then your life is good. I also wish the same. But you see I am always hungry. You see my bones. I am fed very_______ .”

“OK, then. Come with me. Live with me. You will also be happy,” said the dog.

The wolf _______ .Both of them reached the house where the dog lived. Both were happy. _______the wolf entered the house, he happened to see the top of the dog’s _______ . He found no fur there.

“Why is there no fur on your neck?” The wolf asked the dog.

“Oh, my dear friend. _______ do you ask it? My master puts a belt(皮带) around my neck. The belt _______ the neck while the belt is tied to a chain(链子). My master pulls it and pushes me_______ my house,” said the dog.

“What?”the wolf said and didn’t enter further. He was  _______ to hear what the dog said.

“Friend, let me_______ . I am not jealous(羡慕的) about you. You eat good food. But you are _______ here. My bones are thin, but I am _______ in my world. I can go anywhere I like. Thank you. I shall return to my forest.”

1.A.money        B. friends       C. progress     D. faces

2.A.badly        B. carelessly    C. properly     D. cleverly

3.A.watch        B. own           C. build         D.fix

4.A.dreams      B. difficulties  C. goals        D. thoughts

5.A.much        B. well          C. often        D. little

6.A.succeeded   B.won           C. agreed(同意)  D. wondered

7.A.If          B. Since        C. As           D. Though

8.A.neck        B. back         C. leg          D. head

9.A.How         B. When         C. Where         D. Why

10.A.moves      B. rubs       C. cuts         D. burns

11.A.on          B. in           C. onto         D. into

12.A.surprised B. pleased       C. worried       D. interested

13.A.look up    B. come in      C. go back       D. break down

14.A.hit         B. tied          C. killed        D.fed

15.A.alone      B. poor          C. famous        D. Free



--We got here on Monday morning.

--________ Why didn’t you call me earlier?

A. Good luck!         B. You did?

C. It’s no surprise. D. You are welcome.



Sally sat __________ Harry and they had lunch face to face.

A. beside   B. next to    C. opposite  D. Behind



-- Hello! Can I speak to Alice?

-- Sorry, she ___________ to the shop.

A. goes   B. will go    C. has gone  D. has been



I live far from the market. So I ________ drive to buy vegetables and fruit.

A. can               B. should         C. have to        D. may



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