满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

连词成句 将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复,标点已给出) 1.pe...



1.pen  in  I  a  China  pal  want


2.the  where  post  is  office


3.you  be  doctor  do  want  a  to


4.for   us  thanks  joining


5.give  people  money  me  their



1.I want a pen pal in China. 2.Where is the post office? 3.Do you want to be a doctor? 4.Thanks for joining us. 5.People give me their money. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:我想交一个中国笔友。 2.句意:邮局在哪儿? 3.句意:你想当医生吗? 4.句意:感谢加入我们。 5. 考点:连词成句。



1.It _________________(rain) outside so we have to stay at home.

2.Giraffes like to eat__________________ (leaf) on the tree.

3.Lily has a h_______________ family. She loves her family very much.

4.My home is _________________(在……对面) our school.

5.My father often ________________________(散步) in the park.




Mr. Tanaka is a teacher in a city of Japan. He usually visits many countries during his holidays. He speaks English very well. Then he wants to learn Chinese and goes to China. So he goes to evening classes and has Chinese lessons. He studies very hard.

He has a lot of friends. They often talk with each other and help each other. He often tells his friends that he does not have any trouble with Chinese but the Chinese have a lot.

1题判断正误(正确写 “T”错误写 “F”) 2题完成句子,3-4题简略回答问题, 5题将文中划线句子译成汉语。

1.Mr. Tanaka learns Chinese very well.(     )

2.Mr. Tanaka speaks _______________ very well.

3.Where does Mr. Tanaka want to go?


4.What does he often tell his friends?






Fred is eight years old. He goes to school near his home. He always goes there and comes home on foot. One day he comes home from school late. His mother sees him and asks him “Why are you late Fred?”

“My teacher is very angry and asks you to go to her office tomorrow.”

“To her office? Why?” his mother asks. “Because she asks a question in the class.” Says Fred. “Nobody can answer it but I can.

“You are so clever my son.” His mother says with a smile.

Her question is “Who puts the tomato on my chair and makes my trousers dirty?” says Fred.

1.Fred is late because he _________.

A. does his homework at school

B. plays basketball at school

C. likes to stay at school

D. has a talk with the teacher at school

2. _________can answer the teacher’s question in class.

A. Nobody             B. Fred

C. Many students       D. A few students

3.There is a _________ on the teacher’s chair.

A. book         B. tomato        C. bag            D. pen

4. The teacher asks Fred’s mother to go to school tomorrow because _________.

A. Fred is eight

B. Fred goes to school on foot

C. Fred’s home is near

D. Fred makes her angry

5.The teacher’s trousers are dirty because_________.

A. she falls to the ground

B. it is raining hard

C. she sits on her chair and a tomato is on it

D. she puts her cup on her chair




Actor wanted by Movie Company

Can you sing and dance? Can you work with other people?

Can you work evenings and weekends.

If you want to be an actor please call the Movie Company at 9935673.


Do you like to talk with different people? Do you like a busy but interesting job? Do you like to join the TV station?

Work time 830a.m.—550p.m. 5 days a week.

Tel 2433571 2433572 2433573

Add No. 24 Rose Building Wilton Street

We need Teachers

Do you love children? Are you friendly to children?

Do you like to teach children English math history or biology?

Call the Green Children’s School at 5113470 or send your e-mail to Children@yahoo.com


1.If you want to be _________ you can call 9935673.

A. an actor     B. a teacher

C. a reporter D. a policeman

2. You can send an e-mail if you want to be _________.

A. an actor     B. a teacher

C. a reporter D. a policeman

3.You can’t call _________ if you want to join the TV station.

A. 2433571     B. 2433572   C. 5113470    D. 2433573

4. The Green Children’s School don’t need a teacher to teach _________.

A. English     B. math         C. history  D. Chinese

5.You must work _________ if you want to be an actor.

A. every day                    B. evenings and weekends

C. five days a week            D. 830a.m. — 550p.m.




Mr. Black takes his daughter ______a restaurant. They sit down and there are a lot of ______  in the restaurant. They ______ for a long time but no waiters come to their table.

Mr. Black says “I’m ______ I can’t wait.” He waits for a minute and says “Now I am going to ______ something to get a waiter soon.”

He goes out of the restaurant and ______the restaurant “My______ is at a table in your restaurant she   ______ a red hat.”

The waiter finds the girl and he says to Mr. Black “Yes she’s here. Do you want to ______  her?”

“No” says Mr. Black “But please give her something to eat quickly. She is very    __” . Then he goes back to the restaurant. He is glad to see that a waiter is now at this table.

1.A. to           B. in         C. on            D. for

2.A. chairs      B. tables     C. people        D. waiters

3.A. look        B. eat         C. wait         D. drink

4.A. thirsty     B. full       C. busy          D. hungry

5.A. ask        B. do         C. buy           D. find

6.A. watches     B. tells      C. asks          D. calls

7.A. daughter    B. student   C. friend        D. father

8.A. puts on      B. wears       C. wear          D. is putting on

9.A. talk        B. listen      C. say           D. tell

10.A. nice        B. glad        C. hungry       D. interesting



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