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Matt and Allie were waiting in the line to sign up (报名) for the High Flyer Competition.They carried their design and they couldn’t wait to start building the kite.The line was long and filled with kids of all ages.Two teenagers stood in front of them. Matt ooked at their designs and his eyes widened. “Their kites are a lot better than ours. Look! This kite looks like an airplane,and that one looks like a spaceship, but our kite is a boring diamond (菱形)!”

“What if we give it a cool-looking tail?” Allie suggested. They cheered up a little and worked together on their kite all the weekend. To make the kite look better, they added a tail with beads (珠子) and tiny mirrors.

On the day of the composition, Allie and Matt carried their kite to the starting place between the spaceship and the airplane.The rules were simple.The kite that flew the highest for the longest time won.

Round One began. Allie held the string (线) while Matt ran down the field with the kite. He lifted it in the air. The kite shook and fell to the ground. Round One was over for them.

Matt ran back to Allie. “It’s the tail. The beads and mirrors are weighing it down.” “But they’re so pretty,”

Allie said. “Do you want pretty or do you want to win?” Matt asked. Allie nodded. Matt pulled off the beads and mirrors. He finished just in time for the start of Round Two. As he ran with the kite, he could feel the wind picking it up. He let it go and ran back to help Allie. They let out the string as far as it would go, right past the spaceship and the airplane. Their kite flew the highest for the longest time.

“I guess looks don’t mean a thing in kite flying,” Allie said.

“Yeah.” Matt said,“Simple is best.”

1.Matt and Allie were waiting in the line to sign up for ____.

A. a concert       B. a club

C. a camp          D. a competition

2.To make the kite look better, Matt and Allie ____.

A. added a tail     B. cut a part

C. drew a plane     D. painted it red

3. In Round Two, Matt and Allie’s kite ____.

A. fell behind the other kites B. was too heavy to fly away

C. flew the highest for the longest time D. shook and fell to the ground

4.What can we learn from this story?

A. Practice makes perfect.

B. Friendship comes first.

C. Looks mean a lot.

D. Simple is best.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要内容:马特和艾莉参加高空飞行物比赛。他们做了风筝,风筝上装了很多装饰物,很漂亮。比赛规则很简单,谁的风筝飞得越高,停留时间越长即获胜。第一次他们失败了。第二次他们揪掉了装饰物,结果获胜了。他们感悟到“简单就是最好。” 1.D考查细节理解题。由第一段第一句Matt andAllie were waiting in the line to sign up for the High Flyer Competition.可知答案是D。 2.A考查细节理解题。由第二段最后一句To makethe kite look better, they added a tail with beads and tiny mirrors.可知答案是A。 3.C考查细节理解题。由倒数第三段最后一句Their kiteflew the highest for the longest time.可知在第二回合中,他们的风筝飞得最高,飞得时间最长。故选C。 4. 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。



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1. You can be a support worker if you can ____.

A. wash hair      B. work weekends

C. read stories     D. write well

2.A trainee hairdresser will work ____ a week.

A. 40 hours        B. 20 hours

C. 16 hours         D. 10 hours

3.If you want to be a model, you can write to ____.

A. careers@golden-care.com

B. info@wowee.com

C. cathy@cut-above.brighton.com

D. info@top-model-agency.uk




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Justin was really good at basketball and he thought it was the only way out of his school. He could run with the _________ fast and beat any of the older boys at the court and the younger boys didn’t have a chance.

One day, some boys from another school ran up and asked to __________ with Justin. The big one in the middle said that he had heard Justin was the best and he wanted to see if it was true.

Justin agreed. During the game, Justin was running all over the big boys and making his shots. Suddenly, a big boy _________ Justin. Justin went flying, fell on the ground and broke his leg. The doctor said Justin might never play again. Justin was so _________.

The first six weeks, Justin just lay in bed watching TV every day and ate potato chips until the bag was empty. Justin put on too much weight. His once ___________ future disappeared. When he lost himself in great hopelessness, Justin’s sister, Kiki came home from the university.

She was like sunshine, _________ exciting stories of college. Justin was attracted by the stories that Kiki told. “Justin!” She interrupted his daydream. “Let me see your progress report.” Justin was _________. His grades had really fallen since he broke his leg. “Oh no, this won’t do, Justin,” she said. “We’re going to improve the grades.” So, while she was home on break, they studied, talked and worked together. Justin _________ better and he wasn’t so upset.

After spending those weeks with his sister, Justin realized that he didn’t want to feel bad for himself anymore, and he didn’t want to give up. Basketball used to be his thing, and he was good at it, but now there was only _________, so he had to get good at that. Justin passed through all his classes. With the study skills he had learned from his sister, Justin scored a 24 on the ACT.

Every university that he applied to (申请) accepted him. When the autumn came, Justin had his ___________ in colleges. He decided to go to the sunniest university in Hawaii, and nobody could say that Justin made a bad choice.

1.A. toy           B. ball            C. key          D. flag

2.A. play          B. stand          C. eat          D. ride

3.A. saw           B. met            C. pushed       D. followed

4.A. brave          B. honest          C. safe          D. sad

5.A. busy           B. quiet          C. bright      D. funny

6.A. changing       B. receiving     C. forgetting   D. bringing

7.A. moved          B. embarrassed    C. interested    D. pleased

8.A. repeated      B. taught         C. felt        D. sounded

9.A. schoolwork    B. sport          C. home         D. travel

10.A. fact          B. choice        C. record       D. event



—Jack, ____?

—I want to study computer science.

A. what is your future plan

B. what your future plan is

C. what was your future plan

D. what your future plan was



In 2022, the Winter Olympic Games ____ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

A. hold             B. held

C. were held        D. will be held



I ___ _ Beijing Opera since I was five years old.

A. learn                 B. Learned

C. will learn             D. have learned



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