满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions ______you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such______sending birthday cards, ______out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Others are only______for certain ages and in certain countries.

In China, ______ a child’s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up______ you what profession the child will choose later in ______.

For Japanese children, ______ third, fifth and seventh birthdays are ______important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.

In Argentina, Mexico and several______ Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration ______they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony (仪式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.

Eighteen is the traditional ‘coming of age’—the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote (选举), join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol ______buy a house.

In many English-speaking countries, a______birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person ______ now ______to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!

1.A. where           B. What             C. that                D. when

2.A. for              B. like              C. so                  D. as

3.A. blow             B. blowing         C. to blow            D.blown

4.A. find            B. finds            C. found               D. finding

5.A. on             B. in               C. at                 D. to

6.A. telling          B. told             C. will tell          D. tells

7.A. life            B. lives             C.living              D.live

8.A. a               B. an               C. the                D. /

9.A. especial        B.especially         C. more especial      D. most especial

10.A. the other     B. another          C. others              D. other

11.A. when            B.before             C. since              D. because

12.A. and             B. but              C. or                 D. so

13.A. twenty-one      B. twenty-first     C. twentieth-one       D. twentieth-first

14.A. has            B. was              C. have               D. is

15.A. old enough     B. young enough      C. enough old         D. enough young


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了一些世界上有关生日的传统知识。 1.C考查关系词与语境理解。A. Where哪里;B. What什么;C. thatD. When何时。有一些在任何地点、任何时间你都能找到的传统。根据句意及语境此题是定语从句,先行词是some traditions且在定语从句中作宾语,所以用关系词that,故选C。 2.D考查介词与语境理解。A. For为了;B. Like像;C. So因此;D. As作为。有一些在任何地点、任何时间你都能找到的传统,例如送生日卡片、吹生日蛋糕上的蜡烛及唱生日快乐歌等。此空是固定搭配such as,是例如的意思,故选D 3.B考查动词与语境理解。A. Blow吹;B. blowing吹;C. to blow吹;D.blown吹。例如送生日卡片、吹生日蛋糕上的蜡烛及唱生日快乐歌等。此空是动名词短语作前面介词as的宾语,故选B。 4.C考查动词与语境理解。A. Find发现;B. finds发现;C. found发现;D. finding发现。其他的只能在特定的年龄和特定的国家才能被发现。根据句意及语境此题是被动语态,所以用过去分词found,故选C。 5.A考查介词与语境理解。A. On在上面;B. In在里面;C. at 在几点;D. To到。在中国在一个孩子两周岁时,家人们会在孩子周围的地板上放一些东西。在某人生日那一天应用介词on,故选A。 6.D考查动词与语境理解。A. Telling告诉,说明;B. told告诉,说明;C. will tell告诉,说明;D. tells告诉,说明。根据中国传统那个小孩拿起的第一件东西就告诉你他以后生活中要选择的职业。根据句意及语境此题应用一般现在时态,故选D。 7.A考查名词与语境理解。A. Life生活;B. Lives生命;C.living活着的;D.live居住。根据中国传统那个小孩拿起的第一件东西就告诉你他以后生活中要选择的职业。“生活”在这里是不可数名词,故选A。 8.C考查冠词与语境理解。对日本孩子而言,第3、5和7岁生日是尤其重要的。根据句意及题干分析此空在序数词前要用定冠词the,故选C。 9.B考查形容词与语境理解。A. Especial特殊的;B.especially尤其地;C. more especial更特殊的; D. most especial最特殊的。对日本孩子而言,第3、5和7岁生日是尤其重要的。根据句意及题干分析此空修饰形容词important,所以要用副词,故选B。 10.D考查代词与语境理解。A. the other两者中的另一个;B. Another三者或三者以上的另一个; C. Others其他的,后不跟名词;D. Other其他。在阿根廷、墨西哥和其他拉丁美洲国家在女孩到了15岁的时候会有一个特殊的庆祝。根据句意及语境此题其他是泛指,且空后有名词,故选D。 11.A考查连词与语境理解。A. When当……时候;B.before在……之前;C. Since自从;D. Because因为。在阿根廷、墨西哥和其他拉丁美洲国家在女孩到了15岁的时候会有一个特殊的庆祝。根据句意及语境此空是当……时候,故选A。 12.C考查连词与语境理解。A. and 和;B. But但是;C. Or或者;D. So因此。在(许多国家)你有选举、参军和(在英国)饮酒或买房子的权利。根据句意及题干分析此空表示选择,故选C。 13.B考查数词与语境理解。A. twenty-one21;B. twenty-first第21;C. twentieth-one;D. twentieth-first句意:在许多说英语的国家在一个第21岁生日的蛋糕上面经常有一把钥匙。根据句意及语境此空应用序数词,故选B。 14.D考查动词与语境理解。A. Has有;B. Was是;C. Have有;D. Is是。句意:这个钥匙意味着这个年轻人现在已经足够大在他们想的时候离开或进入这个家。根据句意及语境此题应用一般现在时态,主语是单数且空后是形容词,因此选D。 15. old enough足够大;B. young enough足够小;C. enough oldD. enough young句意:这个钥匙意味着这个年轻人现在已经足够大在他们想的时候离开或进入这个家。Enough修饰形容词或副词只能后置,根据句意应选A。 考点:社会文化类短文


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English Cultural Exhibition

Every year, our English Cultural Exhibition is held



















Jack’s mum _________ _________ _________ _________ his results.


_________ _________ _________ _________ for you to require everything to go your way.

3.尽管Angela 没有准备好,但是她似乎很放松,而且也表现得很好。

_________ Angela was not prepared, she _________ _________ and did really _________.

4. 他在思考着做些坏事,这样,警察就会把他送进监狱。

He was thinking _________ _________ something bad so the police would _________

_________ to prison.

5. 在那里,白象不被允许去干活。

White elephants _________ _________ _________ _________ work there.

6. 他跑得真快!没人能赶上他。

_________ _________ he runs! No one can _________ _________ with him.


A man asked a question _________ _________ _________ Hans had no idea _________ he

was talking about.




1.The young man was b _________ enough to catch the snake.

2.Would you m _________ closing the window? It’s too cold.

3. It’s so cold today that n _________ of us would like to play outside.

4. Have you heard of the n _________? Some foreign teachers will come to our school


5. We must finish the t _________ on time no matter how hard it is.

6.The little child is learning how to c _________ from one to ten.



阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It is fun being a vet. 1., every day is different! It all depends on what is wrong with

the animals that come in.

At my clinic, I work long days on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, and short days on

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. Sunday is my day off so I can spend some time with my family.

_2. My clerk opens the door, turns on some music, and makes everyone a cup of tea or

coffee. My assistant cleans and feeds the animals. The phones start to ring, and people make

appointments. This is a very busy time of day!

At 9 am, pet owners start to arrive with their sick pets. Appointments take up the whole morning.

_3. I don’t examine any new sick animals. I use these two hours to have lunch and do all

my paperwork.

At 2 pm, I start to see sick animals again. At 5pm, three students from a local school who love

animals arrive to help out. 4. I am always happy to see their smiling faces!

From 5 pm to 7 pm, I continue to see sick animals. Then, at 7 pm we close our doors and the

clean-up begins! We tidy the clinic and feed and clean the animals Of course, we also stroke (轻抚)them and give them hugs !Then, we turn off the lights and go home. 5.

I’m very happy being a vet, though unexpected things sometimes happen!

A. I like it because although it is hard work

B. At midday, I stop for two hours.

C. My day at my clinic begins at 7 am.

D. This is the type of the day I want to have.

E. They are very kind and warm-hearted.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 项中,选出最佳选项。

People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and theykiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth.”

For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest and say “Do notbad mouth me.” Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they laterregret because it hurts that person’s feelings. Or they tell the person something they were notsupposed to tell. The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” If thisshould happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth. In other words, he might feel sad forsaying the wrong thing.

Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something. The otherperson might protest: “I did not say that. Do not put words in my mouth.”

Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is anexpressionfor this, too. You might say such a person, “was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.”

This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth. This person is very

poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.

Parents might sometimes withhold sweet food from a child as a form of punishment forsaying bad things. For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she mightbe described as a mouthy child. The parents might even tell the child to stop mouthing off.But enough of all this talk. I have been running my mouth long enough.

1.In what kind of situation will a person say “Do not bad mouth me.”?

A. When he feels down.

B. When he feels sad.

C. When he is said bad things to.

D. When he feels disappointed.

2.If a person feels sorry for what he has said, he might say “__________”.

A. Do not bat mouth me

B. I really put my foot in my mouth this time.

C. Do not put words in my mouth.

D. Stop mouthing off.

3. If a person lives from hand to mouth, he is __________.

A. poor  B. rich  C. lazy  D. hard-working

4.What does the last underlined sentence mean?

A. I have run a long way.

B. I have stopped talking.

C. I have learned a lot

D. I have talked too much

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. People use their mouths for many things.

B. There are many different mouths in English.

C. There are many expressions about “mouth” in English.

D. People make good use of “mouth”.



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