满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Hello, Peter. It’s so noisy on the phon...

—Hello Peter. It’s so noisy on the phone.

Oh Simon and I      are enjoying   lunch in a restaurant.

A. enjoy             B. enjoyed

C. are enjoying      D. were enjoying


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你好,彼得。在电话里乱哄哄的。----哦,西蒙和我在一家餐馆享受午餐。根据上文Hello, Peter. It’s so noisy on the phone.可知时间是现在,用现在进行时;故选C。 考点:考查动词时态。  

—Mike your bedroom is in a mess.

Sorry mum. I’ll         my things at once.

A. put away         B. put up

C. put out          D. put on



—Could you tell me         at the meeting?

—Sorry I don’t know. I almost fell asleep during it.

A. what he says         B. what he said

C. what does he say      D. what did he say



You can’t spread some news on the Internet freely         you are sure about it.

A. since            B. before

C. when            D. unless



—What do you think of your English teacher Tim?

—I love her. She is really         . She always has a smile on her face.

A. humorous         B. funny

C. friendly         D. serious



Do you know that umbrellas are provided for free at the underground station?

Yes. But we         return it in a week or we’ll pay for it.

A. can            B. would

C. might          D. must



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