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根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 My daughter is a me...


My daughter is a mentally disabled child. One day she didn’t want to go to the kindergarten(幼儿园) because there was a game which was d 1. for her to finish. But I encouraged her to f 2. it bravely and promised that I would go with her.

Everything went well u 3. it was time for the sack(麻袋) race. Now each child had to climb i 4. a sack from a standing position hop to a goal line return and climb out of the sack.

I watched Kristi standing near the end of her line of players looking very nervous. But as it was Kristi’s t 5. to begin the race a change took place in her team. The tallest boy in the line stood behind Kristi and put h6. hands on her waist(腰). Two other boys stood a little ahead of her. The moment the player in front of Kristi walked out of the sack those two boys took the sack at once and held it o7. while the tall boy lifted Kristi and dropped her into it. A girl in front of Kristi took her hand and supported her for a short time until Kristi a 8.a balance. Then she hopped off smiling and proud.

Among the cheers of teachers c 9. and parents I walked out of the crowds quietly eyes full of tears. I thanked the warm understanding people in life as w10. as her little friends. They made it possible for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings.


1.difficult 2.face 3.until 4.into 5.turn 6.his 7.open 8.achieved 9.classmates/children 10.well 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲述作者的女儿是一名智障儿童,有一天,她不想去幼儿园,因为有一个游戏对于她来说完成是很困难的。那天作者陪同他的女儿去幼儿园做游戏。在做游戏中,作者的女儿受到了幼儿园的小朋友帮助,胜利完成任务,他的女儿充满了自豪和微笑。 1.difficult考查语境理解题。句意:有一天,她不想去幼儿园,因为有一个游戏对于她来说完成是很困难的。根据第一句My daughter is a mentally disabled child.(我的女儿是一个智障的孩子。),结合句意和首字母提示可知填difficult。 2.face考查语境理解题。句意:但我鼓励她勇敢地面对它,并承诺我将陪她一起去。结合句意和汉语提示填face。 3.until考查语境理解题。句意:在到麻袋竞赛的时候之前,一切都很顺利。 4.into考查语境理解题。句意:现在每个孩子不得不从站的地方爬进一麻袋,跳到目标线,返回来并从麻袋里爬出来。结合句意和首字母可知填into。 5.turn考查语境理解题。句意:但当轮到克丽丝蒂开始比赛, 在她的团队一种改变发生了。It is one’s turn to do sth.:到该做某事的时候了;结合句意可知填turn。 6.his考查语境理解题。句意:最高的男孩站在克丽丝蒂身后,并把手放在她的腰上。根据主语The tallest boy可知和首字母填his。 7.open考查语境理解题。句意:克里斯蒂前面的选手一走出麻袋,那两个男孩立刻拿了那个麻袋,当这两男孩抬起克里斯蒂并把她放进麻袋时候一直使麻袋保持敞着口。结合句意和首字母提示可知填open。 8.achieved考查语境理解题。句意:在克丽丝蒂达到一个平衡之前,克丽丝蒂前面的一个女孩伸出了她的手, 支撑着她一会儿。达到一个平衡:achieve a balance.主句是过去式,结合句意和首字母提示可知填achieved。 9.classmates/children 考查语境理解题。句意:在老师,同学和父母欢呼中,我静静地走出了人群,眼睛满是泪水。根据第一段第二句One day, she didn’t want to go to the kindergarten(幼儿园) because there was a game which was d 10. for her to finish.和句意,结合首字母提示可知填classmates/children。 11.,善解人意的人们,以及她的小的朋友。As well as:包括,以及,也;结合句意和首字母提示可知填well。 考点:考查首字母填空。


Blues a type of music developed during the late 19th century in the United States. It was started by African American performers. We can say blues music started around 1890 though we don’t have many records about the early history of blues.

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The first publication(发行) of blues sheet music was Hart Wand’s “Dallas Blues” in 1912. Then W.C.Handy’s “The Memphis Blues” followed in the same year. The first recording by an African American singer was Mamie Smith’s “Crazy Blues” in 1920.

World WarⅡmarked the changing from acoustic(原声的) to electric blues and great opening of blues music to many people especially some white listeners.

During the 1930s the blacks travelled north towards Chicago. They brought with them blues music and soon the sound of it filled night clubs in the city. Chicago became the center of blues music. A new type of blues was made—Chicago blues and it was more powerful than all types before.

Blues music became even more popular in the late 1950s. In 1958 the Kingston Trio recorded the number 1 hit Tom Dooley which was ranked(排名) first at American folk songs ranking list. For eight years from 1958 to 1966 the Newport Fork Festival introduced folk and blues music to the white American people. Finally it became popular among the whites.

After this time blues was fast merged(融合) with rock music to form the rock blues bands of the 1960s and 70s. The Rollings Stones John Mayall Led Zeppelin and others were all famous for their blues music. Blues also directly or indirectly influenced most of popular music during the 20th century such as jazz rock and R&B.

Topic The 1. of Blues Music


African American performers 2. blues around 1890 and it  developed during the 3. 19th century in the United States.


“Dallas Blues” is the first blues sheet music published and “Crazy Blues” was the first 5..

Blues has 6.from acoustic to electric since World WarⅡand many people especially some white listeners got to know about it.

During the 1930s Chicago blues was made as a new type of blues which was the 7. powerful in the area.

Blues became popular among the whites after being 8. by the Newport Fork Festival in the late 1950s .


The rock blues bands of the 1960s and 70s are 9. for their blues music and they merged blues with rock music.

Most of popular music10.jazz rock and R&B was also influenced by blues.




at least  clearly  take care of   get used to  new

Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you laugh you will open your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier your teeth are the happier you feel. Your teeth are important in many ways. If you 1. them they’ll help to look after you. Strong healthy teeth help you grow. They also help you speak 2..

Brushing keeps your teeth healthy. Brush your teeth twice a day after getting up and before bedtime. Take your time while brushing. Spend 3. three minutes when you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Get a 4. toothbrush every three months. You can clean between your teeth with dental floss(牙线). It feels strange when you do it at first but soon you’ll 5. doing it. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks.




1.Andrew kept     (try) to put in the light but he didn’t make it.

2.How     (care) you are! You’ve knocked the cup off the table again!

3.As a great       (invent) the smart phone is widely used in many ways.

4.Helen got a full mark because she spelt all the words     (correct).

5.Lots of     (visit) go to Wuhan University to enjoy sakura(樱花) every spring.




1. Kate’s new sweater is the same colour as     (我的).

2.Playing table tennis at the weekend is one of David’s     (爱好).

3.Lucy likes travelling and she     (很少) stays at home during holidays.

4.We went on a trip to a village in Anhui and tasted lots of    (当地的) food.

5.Peter     (忘记) to take his camera this morning although he was reminded.




From a large elephant to a small mouse animals live happily together in Disney’s new movie Zootopia. Judy Hopps the main character becomes the first rabbit police officer in the city. While solving a mystery she meets the smart fox Nick who helps her with her case and some other animals like the lion mayor(市长) and a sloth called Flash. Here is something more about the movie.

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There are 64 kinds of animals in the movie. Each kind is special. Elephants have trunks(big noses) pigs have snouts some animals have feet some have paws some animals have three fingers while some have two. Judy’s character is a bit different from real rabbits. Real rabbits actually have a split lip(裂唇) but the film makers decided to keep Judy’s lip all together to look nice.

Film makers learned that not all fur of animals is the same. In the movie some of polar bear fur is clear. It appears white because the light reflects(反射) off of it. Part of fox fur is dark at the root(根部) getting lighter till its red top. They did so to make sure that the animals in Zootopia were believable.

Moreover a film maker Nathan Warner with his partners also took a trip to Africa for researching animals. There they had a close watching of different animals. Based on their discovery these artists added leaves and sticks to animals’ coats like the big sheep. They also make animals’ tears run from the inside corners of eyes down to the outside of the mouth.

1.From the passage we know that Zootopia may be the name of a(an)         .

A. animal               B. zoo

C. city               D. mayor

2. You may see the following characters in the movie EXCEPT         .

A. Flash               B. Nick

C. Judy Hopps          D. Nathan Warner

3.We can infer(推断) from the passage that         .

A. Nick is a fox police officer and helps Judy solve a case

B. leaves and sticks on animals’ coats make them look real

C. Judy Hopps also has a split lip as well as the real rabbits

D. part of fox fur is dark at the root and gets lighter till its red top

4.This passage is mainly about         .

A. the main clues of Zootopia

B. some fun facts about Zootopia

C. different kinds of animals roles

D. the steps of the movie designing



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