满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

At times, parents find it difficult ____...

At times, parents find it difficult _______with their teenage children.

A. talk               B. talked

C. talking            D. to talk


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:有的时候,父母发现和他们青少年的孩子谈心是困难的。find it +形容词+ to do sth,发现做某事是……。结合句意,故选D。 考点:考查非谓语动词的用法。  



要求:1. 包括上述内容要点,可参考下图所给提示词,也可适当发挥。

2. 字数60词左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称,否则不予评分。

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Dear Mum and Dad,

I am writing this letter to you from the center of Australia. At the moment, we are staying near Ayers Rock (艾尔斯巨石). On the first day, we took a plane 1. over the rock, and I was surprised at how 2. it was: 3.6 kilometers long and 348 meters high! During different periods of the day, the colors of the rock turn dark blue, 3. , yellow and red. Ayers Rock is a centre of local Aboriginal (土著的) culture. The Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times. Their ancient stories 4. the spirits that created the world. The Australians have a close relationship with the British. Many have British 5. , and they are like us in many ways. The foods 6.Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits. They love all sports, but the game that they like most is Australian football. Because most Australians live near the coast, they also love going to the beach 7. swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun. Although it is December, it is 8. over here. The sun is very bright, and near the coast the countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, 9. the middle of the country has no trees or grass, just rocks and sand And kangaroos!

On the second day, we went horse riding. The horse that I rode was lazy, so I was left far10.the others. But I enjoyed the slow and relaxing ride. Later this evening, we are taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home. It has been a wonderful trip.

Love, Tony




English was once spoken only by people in a part of Britain. But during the twentieth century, it 1. (become) a world language. It is used by speakers of many different languages to communicate with each other.

Although it 2. (call) a “world language”, most of the people on the earth do not speak English as either their first or second language. However, hundreds of millions of people use it, and hundreds of millions are learning it. Because so many people learn and use English, it may be hard 3.(imagine) that one day English may not be the world’s leading (最重要的) language.

There were other important languages in the past that 4. (lose) their importance. In Europe, Latin (拉丁语) was used as a common language for many centuries before people stopped 5.(use) it. French was once a language known by all well-educated people, and was more popular than English. But since the nineteenth century, English 6. (take) the place of French and has become more popular.

Today, many people who want to learn a new language 7. (learn) Chinese, Spanish or Arabic (阿拉伯语). It may be that one day another language will be used across the world instead of English.




1.Simon, I’ve left my dictionary at home. May I use ___________________ (you)?

2.We can see many ___________________ (potato) in the supermarket.

3.I live near the station. It’s only about five ___________ (minute) walk.

4.Eating vegetables every day makes us _________________ (healthy) than before.

5.The sun shines _________________ (bright) sometimes these days.

6.If at first you don’t ____________ (success), try, try again.

7.They turned around but could not see anything _________________ (usual).

8.Sometimes it requires courage to tell the _________________ (true).




Dear head teacher, teachers, parents and fellow students. I’m very proud that you have chosen me to speak to you today.

I have three roses here: a red one, a yellw one and a white one. These roses are to thank three groups of people for the three most important things that I have learnt. These three things are friendship, effort and trust.

I give the red rose to my friends. When I started school here, my Chinese was not good, and some of my mistakes were very funny. I once tried to say “xiexie”, but I said “xiaxia” instead. Of course some people laughed, and I felt quite silly. But they were not laughing at me. They not only taught me to say many things in Chinese but also told me many interesting customs in China. Today, thanks to their kindness, my Chinese is much better, and I have been used to the life in China. So, let me say “xiexie” again to all of you for your help.

I give the white rose to my teachers. When I started running in the 800 metres, I always finished last and I just wanted to give up. But the PE teacher, Ms Huang, helped me. She ran along with me, and she said, “You only really lose if you give up! ” I still can’t run fast enogh, but I’ve learnt to try my best not only with running but with whatever else I do.

I give the yellow rose to my parents for teaching me that love is about trust. When I wanted to learn the violin, my father told me that I should work harder at maths. I was disappointed. Then, on the morning of my birthday, I woke up to find a beautiful violin at my bedside. There was a note from my father: “I’m sure you will be good at music. I know that you will be better at maths. ”

I’m sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years, and the people whom you want to thank for it, so let’s all stand up and say: “Thank you, friends, teachers and parents! We love you! ”

1.What are the three things that the speaker has learnt?

2.Who does the speaker want to thank?

3.Is the speaker a Chinese?

4.What has the speaker learnt from her PE teacher?

5.What do you think the speaker would write to reply (回复) her father’s note?



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