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Celebrities(名人) are everywhere nowadays:...

Celebrities(名人) are everywhere nowadays: on TV, in magazines, online. People think and talk about them a lot. Is this harmless fun or is it bad for us? How many people are truly crazy about modern idols(偶像)? And on the other side of the coin, is being famous harmful to the celebrities?

Studies suggest that most of the teenagers do not really idolize celebrities. Researchers have found three kinds of fans.

About 15% of young people have a social interest. They love chatting about their favorite celebrities with friends and this does not appear to do any harm.

Another 5% feel that they have a strong-personal relationship with a celebrity. Sometimes they see them as their soul-mates(心灵伴侣) and find that they are often thinking about them, even when they don't want to. These people are easy to feel depressed. If girls in this group idolize a woman star with a body they consider to be perfect, they are more likely to be unhappy with their own bodies.

That leaves 2% of young people with an unreasonable interest. They might spend several thousand pounds on a paper plate the celebrity had used, or they would do something lawbreaking. These people are in most danger of being seriously upset.

What about the celebrities themselves? Some researchers in the USA did a study to find out the effect of being famous on these people. The study showed celebrities showed off too much and they were very narcissistic(自恋的). The researchers looked at 200 celebrities, 200 young adults with MBAs (Masters in Business Administration), who were a group known for being narcissistic, and some general population. As the researchers expected, the celebrities were much more narcissistic than the MBAs and both of these two groups were a lot more narcissistic than the general population.

Four kinds of celebrities were included in the study. The most narcissistic were the ones who had become famous through reality TV shows. Next came comedians(喜剧演员) and then actors.

The least narcissistic were musicians. One interesting result was that there was no connection between narcissism and the length of time the celebrity had been famous.

So, what can we learn from this? Most people who are very successful or famous are usually self-centered and are likely to act only for their own benefits. As we can see from celebrity magazines, they also often feel lonely and even hopeless. They make harmful role models.

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1.The underlined word "depressed" in Paragraph 3 probably means                 .

A. sad B. afraid C. pleased D. hopeful

2. According to Paragraph 5, who are the most narcissistic?

A. Celebrities.

B. The general population.

C. Young adults with MBAs.

D. Teenagers who admire celebrities.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Most fans of celebrities want to become famous.

B. Talking about celebrities does harm to teenagers.

C. Narcissism increases with the length of time of being famous.

D. Only a very small group of teenagers are crazy about celebrities.

4.What's the purpose of this passage?

A. To make us understand celebrities better.

B. To direct teenagers to become celebrities.

C. To compare different people with celebrities.

D. To discourage teenagers from taking celebrities as idols.


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:名人如今无处不在。研究表明,大多数的青少年并不真正崇拜明星。大多数非常成功的或著名的人通常以自我为中心。从名人杂志我们可以看到,他们也常常感到孤独,甚至绝望。 1.A 词义猜测题。根据下一句If girls in this group idolize a woman star with a body they consider to be perfect, they are more likely to be unhappy with their own bodies.(如果在这群女孩崇拜的女明星的身体他们认为是完美的,他们更有可能对自己的身体感到不满。)的描述可推知划线词的意思是“悲伤,不愉快”,所以选A。 2.A 细节理解题。根据文中The most narcissistic were the ones who had become famous through reality TV shows.可知最自恋的人是那些通过电视真人秀已经著名的。所以选A。 3.D 细节理解题。根据文中Studies suggest that most of the teenagers do not really idolize celebrities.和That leaves 2% of young people with an unreasonable interest. They might spend several thousand pounds on a paper plate the celebrity had used, or they would do something lawbreaking. These people are in most danger of being seriously upset.的描述可知大多数的青少年并不真正崇拜明星,只有很少的一伙青少年对名人疯狂痴迷,所以选D。 4.主旨大意题。仔细读短文可知作者旨在告诉青少年不要把名人当作偶像。所以选D。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。

Did you know that about 55% of communication is unspoken, so in fact, our bodies are actually saying more than our words. I find that the key to a successful conversation in any language is to speak to people not only in their spoken language but also with the body language they know best.

Britain, along with much of Northern Europe, has a non-touch culture, so personal space is very important. In a formal(正式的) situation, we would usually greet each other with a handshake. Informally, but not so often, my British friends and I would greet with a hug. Hardly ever would we greet with a kiss on the cheek, let alone a hug and two kisses on the cheek!

Here in the south of Italy, and in many different parts of the world, both men and women greet with two kisses on the cheek, use a lot of hand signs and often touch each other. In other words, little personal space is left between people when communicating.

At university, I have learnt to successfully communicate in spoken Italian. And since I moved to live with the local people, I have also started to pick up their body language. Sometimes, I find myself not knowing what hand signs to use when expressing myself. However, what I know for sure is that I would miss the opportunity to fully put myself in the Italian culture if I keep my personal space unbroken.

Here are 5 body language tips in Italy;

Use different signs; head, arms and hands.

Use facial expressions. Always smile at people! It is said that smiling is the most powerful unspoken way to communicate friendliness.

Use eye contact , because "the eyes are the window to the soul."

Don't worry about personal space. Italians are a people who like to use the sense of touch, so moving away or keeping your distance may be considered as being unfriendly.

● Touch. When meeting and leaving, always shake hands.

1. In Britain, people usually greet each other with                 .

A. a warm hug B. a handshake

C. a kiss on the cheek D. two kisses on the cheek

2. The writer uses Britain and Italy as examples to show                 .

A. men and women greet in the same way

B. Italians are more friendly than the British people

C. keeping personal space is very important in any country

D. people in different countries use different body language

3. From Paragraph 3, we can learn that the writer                 .

A. likes to keep his personal space

B. tries to learn Italian body language

C. knows little about Italian hand signs

D. keeps using British body language in Italy

4.What is the most powerful unspoken way to show friendliness in Italy?

A. Hand signs. B. Smiling. C. Eye contact. D. Touch.



Are you the type of person who easily gets less confident by negative(消极的) advice? Follow this short lesson about self confidence.

Henry Ward Beecher was a well-known American churchman, social reformer(改革者) and speaker in the middle of the 19th century. When he was a young boy in school, he learned a lesson which he never forgot.

Once he was called up to recite(背诵) in front of the class. When he recited only a few lines, the teacher interrupted with a forceful "No!" He started over and again the teacher shouted, "No!" Ashamed, Henry sat down.

The next boy rose to recite and had just begun when the teacher shouted, "No!" This student, however, kept on reciting until he completed it. As he sat down, the teacher replied, "Very good!"

Henry was angry. "I recited just as he did," he complained to the teacher.

But the teacher replied, "It is not enough to know your lesson, you must be sure. When you allowed me to stop you, it meant that you were uncertain, if the world says, No! it is your business to say Yes! and prove it."

The world will say, "No!" in a thousand ways.

"No! You can't do that."

"No! You are wrong."

"No! You are too young."

"No! You don't have the education."

"No! You don't have the ability."

"No! You don't have the money."

"No! You can't work it out."

And each "No!" you hear has the possibility to weaken your confidence bit by bit until you give up all together.

When the world says, "No!" to you, you should be strong-minded to say, "Yes!" and prove it.

1.What did Henry do when the teacher said "No!" to him the second time?

A. He started over.

B. He gave up reciting.

C. He kept on reciting.

D. He asked the teacher Why.

2.What did the teacher think of Henry?

A. He was not so clever as the next boy.

B. He didn't recite so fast as the next boy.

C. He didn't recite so loudly as the next boy.

D. He was not so sure as the next boy when reciting.

3.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. It's useless to complain.

B. It's rude to interrupt others.

C. It's important to be confident.

D. It's difficult for children to recite.



Each New Year is a time for change and a fresh start, so many people like to make New Year's Resolutions(决心). A New Year's Resolution is a promise you make to yourself to do something good or to stop doing something bad in the New Year. Here are some teenagers' New Year's Resolutions for 2016.

My New Year's Resolution is to get healthy. I'll stop drinking soda, and I'll eat more fruit at least an apple every day. I'll also do more exercise, such as playing basketball for half an hour every day.



I want to get better grades in the New Year. To realize it, I will pay more attention in class, do homework on time and study hard. When I have difficulties with lessons, I'll ask others for help instead of giving it up.



I would like to be nice to the people around me, and not get angry for every little thing that others say or do to me. When I do feel angry, I'll take a break and find good ways to deal with it like exercising, reading, writing, or talking with a friend or parent.



I'll  try to be more helpful to others. I will start with small things, like helping my parents clean the house and wash dishes after meals. I'd also like to volunteer in some places in my community. 




1.What's Brandon's New Year's Resolution?

A. To get healthy.

B. To get better grades.

C. To be nice to others.

D. To be helpful to others.

2.Who will pay more attention to study?

A. Brandon. B. Laura. C. Jack. D. Erica.

3.Jack will try not to be                 .

A. lazy B. dirty C. rude D. angry

4.Erica would like to help her parents                 .

A. do shopping    B. cook meals

C. clean the house D. wash the car




The students of seventh grade walked into the hall with laughter and voices. We were told to listen to a speech by Mrs. Marks about bullying(欺负) and peer pressure (同伴压力). During the whole year, our grade had listened to speeches on these topics over and over again. My friends and I sat back, preparing to sit through another _________ speech.

But as soon as Mrs. Marks started talking, she caught my attention. She talked in the way as if she knew how to reach into our minds and make us _________ . And for once, I actually began to think about what she was talking about.

One boy, especially, came to my mind. Every day, this boy came to school late. The students in the class would always make fun of him. They said, "Hey, man! Where have you been?" And then another added a more unfriendly joke. Their jokes would continue until the teacher   _________ them to stop. But it was always too late. The boy would put his head down on his desk in _________ .

I felt really sorry for this _________  boy. Then I turned my attention back to the speaker and listened carefully till the end.

"Now, before I leave today, I would like to give everyone here an opportunity to say something on the subjects of bullying or peer pressure. You may apologize(道歉) to or thank someone. And I can promise that no one will _________  at you this time.

The silence in the room made me believe her. Slowly I saw a few hands rise. One girl wanted to apologize to a friend, and another thanked a boy for his kindness. It was then that my moment of _________ happened. The speaker called on me, and I began to talk.

"What you said today _________ makes sense. I know that it's true, because I see it every day in class. There is one person who is always made fun of." My voice shook, I think that everyone here has made fun of him. I know I have. And now I really_________ it. To us, it may just be a game, but to him, it must hurt. And I think well, I think we need to stop."

There was a silence for several seconds, but then, clapping quickly spread through the crowd.

Later that day, the boy thanked me. And from then on, the other students began to   _________ him better. They stopped playing jokes on him and greeted him with a friendly "Hi". I was pleased I had voiced something that everyone was feeling.

1.A. important B. long     C. boring   D. diflerent

2.A. speak     B. think    C. relax    D. imagine

3.A. forced    B. allowed C. advised D. encouraged

4.A. peace     B. surprise C. doubt    D. shame

5.A. lazy      B. poor     C. shy      D. naughty

6.A. laugh     B. look     C. point    D. shout

7.A. pride     B. interest C. courage D. pity

8.A. nearly    B. really   C. hardly   D. hopefully

9.A. forget    B. refuse   C. regret   D. mind

10.A. help    B. know     C. teach    D. treat



--- Do you know                 the Winter Olympic Games?

--- In 2022.

A. when China held    B. when China will hold

C. when did China hold D. when will China hold



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