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选词填空 根据短文内容,选出适当的单词填空,使语意通顺完整. A. play B...



A. play   B. ivory     C. with   D. good luck   AB.. in great danger    AC. symbols  AD. save    BC. forgets    BD. made   CD. well


The elephant is one of Thailand’s   1.  . The first flag in the country had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of   2.   . Elephants are smart animals. They can    3.soccer or music. They can also draw very   4.   . People say that “an elephant never5.  .” Elephants never get lost and they can remember places    6.    water and food. This helps them to live.
But elephants are   7.   . People cut down many trees and kill elephants for thei8.   .Today there are only about 3000 elephants. We must   9.   the trees and not buy things    10.   of ivory. Remember that March 13th is the Thai Elephant Day.


1.AC 2.D 3.A 4.CD 5.BC 6.C 7.AB 8.B 9.AD 10.BD 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了大象。它们是好运的象征,它们很聪明以及它们现在面临的处境。 1.AC考查语境理解题。句意:大象是泰国的象征之一。根据第一段第三句. This is a symbol of结合句意和选项可知选AC。 2.D考查语境理解题。句意:这是好运的象征。根据上文The first flag in the country had a white elephant on it.结合句意和选项可知选D。 3.A考查语境理解题。句意:它们会踢足球或演奏音乐。Play soccer:踢足球;结合句意可知选A。 4.CD考查语境理解题。句意:它们也能画很好的画。Well好地,副词;根据句意可知选CD。 5.BC考查语境理解题。句意:人们说“大象从来不会忘事”。根据语境和句意可知选BC。 6.C考查语境理解题。句意:大象从不迷路,他们能记住食物和水的地方。With带有,拥有,介词。places with water and food:拥有食物和水的地方。 7.AB 考查语境理解题。句意:但大象处在巨大的危险中。根据下文People cut down many trees and kill elephants for their ____.(人们砍伐许多树木,并且人也杀死大象去取象牙。)可知大象处在巨大的危险中。故选AB。 8.B考查语境理解题。句意:人们砍伐许多树木(大象失去他们的家园),并且人也杀死大象去取象牙。Ivory象牙,结合句意和语境可知选B。 9.AD考查语境理解题。句意:我们必须拯救树木和不买象牙做的东西。save 拯救,挽救;根据上文People cut down many trees结合句意可知选AD。 10.:由……制作的,过去分词作后置定语;根据上文kill elephants for their 可知选BD。 考点:考查科普类阅读。


1.Can your mother ____________ (play) the violin?

2.Peter ____________ (go) to school at half past seven every morning.

3.My grandpa is good at _____________ (tell) interesting stories.

4.Don’t ____________ (fight) with your classmates at school.

5.The girls want _____________ (go) to the movies.

6.Let’s _____________ (take) the bus to the zoo.

7.Listen! Kate _____________ (talk) with his friend on the phone.




1.Little Tony brushes his ___________ (tooth) every morning.

2.Nie Er is a famous Chinese ____________ (music).

3.That’s a ____________ (fun) time for breakfast!

4.I don’t have too much time for breakfast so I eat very ___________ (quick).

5.This is Jim’s ____________ (one) day in our school. He is new.

6.That’s a good name for ___________ (he).

7.—Don’t be ________ (noise) Tom. Your sister is doing her homework.

—I’m sorry Dad.

8.Look! They are drinking tea in the ___________ (live) room.



Amy works in a library. The library is far from her home. It is about 20 kilometers from her home. So she can’t go to work on foot. She usually goes there by bus with her friend Lisa. She likes taking the bus because she can talk with Lisa on the bus. But sometimes she goes there by bike. It takes her forty minutes to get there by bus or one hour by bike. Today it is sunny. She wants to ride her bike to the library. Now she is having breakfast. She leaves home at ten to seven and goes to work by bike. Her work finishes at five twenty in the afternoon. Then she rides her bike to get home again.

1.How far is it from Amy’s home to the library?


2.What can she do on the bus?


3.How long does it take her to go to the library by bus?


4.Does she leave home at 650 today?


5.What time does she get home from the library today?




Mr. Green is about fifty. He comes from London. Now he is working in a big school in China.

Mr. Green likes working in China. He can speak some Chinese but not much. He often talks with other people in Chinese.     1.   . He works very hard all day.   2.   . And he goes home late in the afternoon. All his students love him very much.    3.

Mr. Green has two children a son and a daughter.   4.  . On Sunday Mr. Green often goes fishing in a river near his school. He often says      5.    “I love China. Let’s be good friends.” He often writes to their children and his wife and tells them about China.

根据短文内容 选出五个句子填入文中空缺处 使短文内容完整正确。

A. Because he is very friendly to his students.

B. Chinese people are very friendly and the food is very great.

C. He comes to school early in the morning.

D. But he wants his students to talk with him in English.

AB. He takes a bus to work every day.

CD. The children are in England with their mother.



John is an American boy. His family is in China now. John likes chocolate(巧克力)very much. But his mother doesn’t give him. Chocolate is not good for him she thinks. But John has a very nice uncle. The old man loves him very much and sometimes he buys John some chocolate.  Then his mother lets him eat them. Because she wants to make the old man happy. One Sunday evening John says in his room Please God (上帝) makes them give me a big box of chocolate tomorrow(明天), it’s my eighth birthday!” His mother says to him “God can’t hear(听到) you my boy.” “I know but my uncle is in the next(隔壁) room and he can hear.” John says to his mother.

1.John is          .

A. American boy    B. Chinese       C. American    D. China

2.John’s family is in         now.

A. America         B. UK           C. Paris        D. China

3.What day is John’s birthday according to the passage(根据文章)?

A. Sunday         B. Monday       C. Tuesday     D. Saturday

4.Does John’s uncle love him?

A. Yes he is.      B. No.

C. Yes he does.   D. No he isn’t.

5.Where is John’s uncle on that Sunday evening?

A. In his school.    B. In a park.

C. In the next room.  D. In John’s room.



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