满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



The Piano Lesson

Jenny wasn’t interested in playing the piano. She liked writing stories and acting them out with her friends. But Mrs. Windsor gave her piano lessons for free, so she felt she should have a try. Every Sunday she had her piano lessons in Mrs. Windsor’s house.

One Sunday morning, Jenny walked into Mrs. Windsor’s music room and sat down on the piano bench(长凳) as usual.

“Hello,” Jenny heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw a young girl.

“What’s your name?” The girl asked.

Before Jenny could answer, Mrs. Windsor walked in and said, “Jenny, this is my niece(侄女), Pasha. Pasha, this is Jenny. I need to go to hospital, so Pasha will give you your lesson today.”

Pasha sat beside Jenny on the piano bench and asked, “What piece do you like best?”

“I don’t know.” Jenny said. “They’re all the same to me.”

“You mean you don’t have a favorite?” Pasha was surprised.

“No, not really.” Jenny said.

Pasha opened Jenny’s music book and asked Jenny to play.

After about a page or two, Pasha gently(轻轻地) put her hand on top of Jenny’s. Jenny stopped. Then Pasha said, “Jenny, what are you hearing in the music?” Jenny looked at Pasha strangely.

“I don’t know.” Jenny said.

“Let me try and you listen,” Pasha said. “All you have to do is learn to hear the stories in the music.”

“I’ve never thought of it that way.” Jenny said.

“Let’s try together, shall we?” Pasha smiled. Together they played that afternoon and tried to find the story in the music. That day Jenny found playing the piano was not that difficult.

1.Where did Jenny have her piano lessons?

A.In her school.

B.In Mrs. Windsor’s house.

C.In a music club.

D.In Pasha’s house.

2.Pasha is Mrs. Windsor’s _______.

A.daughter           B.student

C.niece              D.granddaughter

3.Pasha told Jenny all she had to do is _______.

A.listen to Mrs. Windsor carefully

B.write her favourite piece of music

C.play the piano gently and slowly

D.learn to hear the stories in the music

4.With Pasha’s help, Jenny would probably _______.

A.write more stories

B.like playing the piano better

C.make more friends

D.know Mrs. Windsor better


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的是珍妮和温莎夫人免费学钢琴,但珍妮不太喜欢,但是在帕夏—温莎的侄女的带动下,喜欢上了钢琴。 1.根据这句话Every Sunday she had her piano lessons in Mrs. Windsor’s house. 知答案。故选B. 2.根据这句话Mrs. Windsor walked in and said, “Jenny, this is my niece(侄女),知答案。故选C。 3.根据这句话Pasha said. “All you have to do is learn to hear the stories in the music.” 知答案。故选D。 4.根据这句话That day Jenny found playing the piano was not that difficult.可推测。B较适合。故选B。 考点:日常生活类阅读


Have you collected anything since you were young? These people have!

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1.Who collects pens?

A.Angelika.           B.Tony.

C.Ron.                D.Zhu Yue.

2.What does Tony collect?

A.Pens.               B.Dolls.

C.Key rings.          D.Erasers.

3.How long has Ron been a world record holder?

A.10 years.           B.13 years.

C.15 years.           D.20 years.

4.How many erasers has Zhu Yue collected?

A.290,000.            B.1,125.

C.24,000.             D.100,000.




A Box of Memories

Anton felt unable to smile. The school year would be over soon, and he had to move to a new city. Anton looked out of the window at his backyard. He could recall(回想起) all the summers he spent playing there with his _______. He worried about whether he would make new friends at his new school. He found it _______to imagine being away from this town.

Anton and his father had packed(打包) for many days. Two days before Anton left, his best friend Hector came to help. Hector was _______ cheerful(欢快的). Anton felt better whenever he was with him.

When they were in the garage(车库), Anton _______ an old box. “What is it? It looks strange.” Hector helped him take it into the yard.

“What are you looking at, boys?” asked Anton’s father as he came into the _______ . “Oh, you found my old things,” Anton’s father said. “We kept moving when I was a kid. I _______ my old friends. So I kept things to help me remember them. Even when I was in a new home, I had those old things.”

Hector realized that Anton was _______ just as his father did. He was already thinking of a good way to help Anton.

The evening before Anton left, Hector asked their friends to meet at his home. Hector had _______everything.

“Let’s fill a box with tokens(象征) of friendship for Anton,” began Hector. “Our gifts can bring back memories of our years playing together.”

Sarah put a book into the box. “Anton likes this book a lot,” She said. David dropped a piece of paper in. “This joke made Anton laugh for days,” He said. “He can read it again and think of me.” As more gifts were put into the box, Hector felt _______ of their thoughtful actions. He asked Anton’s father to hide the box on the truck.

Three weeks later, Anton called Hector in his new house. “I like it here. I hope you can visit me and I’ll introduce you to my new friends.” Anton said. “It was a big surprise when I found the _______ on the truck. It really helps me.”

Whenever Anton looked in the box, he felt better. The gifts were part of his past. And now they are part of his present.

1.A.mother          B.friends         C.father          D.pets

2.A.hard            B.funny           C.exciting       D.strange

3.A.never           B.always          C.seldom          D.sometimes

4.A.cleaned         B.prepared       C.repaired       D.found

5.A.garden          B.room            C.yard          D.kitchen

6.A.trusted         B.missed          C.understood     D.helped

7.A.talking         B.acting          C.feeling         D.playing

8.A.known           B.got             C.done            D.planned

9.A.afraid          B.shy            C.proud           D.tired

10.A.book          B.paper           C.card           D.box



— Can you tell me       in Beijing?

— Yes. At 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.

A.when they will arrive       B.when will they arrive

C.when they arrived           D.when did they arrive



Many tall buildings       near my home last year.

A.are built           B.were built

C.build               D.built



Stephon Marbury is a basketball player. He       in China since 2010.

A.will stay            B.has stayed

C.stays                D.stayed



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