满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Yesterday, after having___breakfast, I h...

Yesterday, after having___breakfast, I had____toothache, so I went to see____most popular dentist.

A.a;a;the   B./;a;the    C.the;a;the    D.a;the;/


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:昨天,吃过早饭后,我牙痛,所以我去看了最受欢迎的牙医。冠词作为一种虚词,只能和名词一起使用。英语中的冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。不定冠词有两个,a 和 an。a用在辅音开头的单词前面;an用于以元音开头的单词前。不定冠词用在单数可数名词前面,表示这个人或事物是泛指的不确定的一个,相当于中文的“一个”。定冠词和名词连用,表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。在三餐饭名词前通常不加冠词。在形容词的最高级前通常要加定冠词。所以选B。 考点:考查冠词的用法。  


假设你是韩梅刚搬进新家,你向同学们介绍新家并邀请他们去你家玩。根据提示写一篇题为Welcome to My New Flat 的短文,词数90左右。



2.新公寓在五楼,有自己的卧室 在第三层,可以在自己的卧室里做。。。。。。



5.从学校出发沿长安路(Chang’an Road)一直往前走,在第三个路口向右拐,然后你就会看到一家书店,我将在书店前面等你们。


Welcome to My New Flat

Hello! I am Hanmei. _______________________________________________________________









短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺

Three men came to London for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and lived in a r_1.__ on the fortieth floor. In the evening the three men went to the cinema and came back to the h__2.__ very late. I’m sorry said the waiter. “But our lifts(电梯) do not work tonight.” One of the three men said to the o__3._ two we’ll have to walk up to the f__4.__ floor. Let’s m__5.__ it easier. On our w_6.__ to the room I shall tell you a joke. And you John will sing us some songs. Then you Peter will tell us an i__7._ story.” So they began to climb up to their room. Tom told a joke John sang a song. At last they came to the thirty-ninth floor. They were tired and decided to h__8._ a rest. “Well said Tom Peter will you tell us a long and interesting s___9.__ with a sad ending?” All right. I shall tell you a sad story said Peter. It’s not long but it is s__10._ enough. We left our key on the first floor. What are we going to do?”




1.Mary lives on the               (twelve) floor in this building.

2.Lily is very happy to see her mother and runs _____________ (quick) to her.

3.Alice felt very ______________(amaze) when she saw the amazing rabbit.

4.I called youbut nobody answered.Where            (be) you?

5.Five days _____________ (late) he came to my home again and took away that computer.

6.My father seldom buys new clothes for _____________ (he) but he buys me clothes often..

7.When the teacher came in the students __________ (stop) talking and began to listen to the teacher.

8.To keep healthy I decide                (exercise) half an hour every day.

9.Yesterday I _______________ (buy) a new dress at the Macy’s for my mum.

10.When sleeping Simon always keeps the window           (open).




1.I can’t get into this house because the door is             (锁上的).

2.Lots of ______________(参观者)come to see the monkeys. They’re jumping around.

3.As ____________ (通常的) Andy goes swimming in the afternoon with his good friend David.

4.________________ (千) of people lost their lives in Sichuan because of the earthquake(地震).

5.Liaoning is ________________ (东北) of Jiangsu.



阅读表达 阅读下面短文,回答问题

Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pocket money. But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and it’s not easy for them so he always tries his best to save(节约) money. He has some good ways to do it.

Frank likes reading best. He has lots of books. He tells me he often buys books online because they’re cheaper. He goes to bookstores or libraries to do some reading in his free time.

Frank has a bike. He usually goes to school by bike. Sometimes when it rains or snows he walks. These two ways help Frank keep healthy and save some money.

Frank brings a bottle of water to school every day. When other students drink juice he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but the best drink.

Some students think Frank is mean(吝啬的). But I don’t think so. I think he is right. What do you think of him?


1.What is Frank’s family like?

2.What’s Frank’s hobby?

3.When does Frank do reading in bookshops or libraries?

4.How does Frank go to school when it snows?

5.How often does Frank bring water to school?



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