满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Dick had a toothache. His mother __...


Dick had a toothache. His mother _____him to the dentist. Before they saw the dentist, they _____ wait.“Please come in!”said a nurse in a_____ dress.

Dick looked afraid _____ he came into the dentist’s room.“Now tell me .What’s wrong_____?”the dentist asked.“I feel terrible. I think I’ve a_____toothache,”said the boy.

“Well, let me have a _____,”said the dentist kindly. Dick _____ his mouth_____the dentist began to examine(检查) his _____ .

1.A.took     B.wanted      C.brought        D.saw

2.A.will       B.may       C.must           D.can

3.A.while    B.black       C.red            D.green

4.A.when      B.if         C.then         D.so

5.A.to        B.about       C.with           D.in

6.A.big      B.good        C.bad            D.nice

7.A.see      B.look at    C.rest           D.look

8.A.closed   B.opened      C.saw            D.held

9.A.as         B.or         C.but            D.and

10.A.teeth   B.arm        C.foot           D.nose


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文介绍了迪克的母亲带迪克去看牙医一事。 1.他的母亲带他去看牙医。took带走,拿走;wanted 想;.brought 带来,拿来;saw看见。迪克牙疼,应该是带去看牙医,将某人带走应用动词take,过去式为took,所以 选A。 2.C考查情态动词及语境理解。句意:在他们看牙医之前,他们必须等着。will 愿意;may可以;must必须;can能。看病应排队等待,这是人的要求和命令,所以用must,因此选C. 3.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:穿着白衣的护士说。white 白的;black 黑的;red 红的;green绿的。医生通常穿着白色的衣服,所以选A。 4.A考查连词及语境理解。句意:迪克走到牙医跟前的时候,感到害怕。When当……的时候;if 如果;then那时;so所以。表示时间用when,所以选A。 5.C考查介词及语境理解。句意:现在告诉我,你怎么啦?to到;about关于;with 和;in在……里。表示某人在某方面怎么了,习惯用介词with,所以选C。 6.C考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我认为我有一个牙痛得厉害。big 到的;good 好的;bad 坏的;nice好看的。根据前句terrible(难受)可知牙疼应该厉害,所以选C。 7.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:“好吧,让我看一看,”牙医亲切地说。see 看见;look at 看;rest 休息;look看。医生给病人检查,应该是看一看,用固定短语 have a look,所以选D. 8.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:迪克张开他的嘴巴,牙医开始检查他的牙齿。closed关闭;opened 开;saw看见;held握住。牙医检查牙应该让病人张开嘴,所以选B。 9.D考查连词及语境理解。句意:迪克张开他的嘴巴,牙医开始检查他的牙齿。as 当……的时候;or或者;but 但是;and和。张开嘴后医生检查,这是表示先后的逻辑顺序关系,用and来表示,所以选D。 10.A考查名词及语境理解。句意:迪克张开他的嘴巴,牙医开始检查他的牙齿。teeth牙齿;arm胳膊;foot 脚;nose鼻子。根据语境可知牙医检查牙齿,所以选A。 考点:故事类短文。

Don’t _____your  children_____other children .

A.comparing; to B.compare;with

C.compare;to    D.comparing;with



Our team_____their team by 5:4 yesterday.We____the match.

A.beat;won    B.wins;beats    C. beats;wins   D.won;beat



If you can’t find the place, I’ll show you____.

A.what it is B.what is it

C.where it is  D.where is it



My father_____TV in the sitting room when I got home.

A.is watching  B.watches     C.was watching   D.watched



Today I____to bing my homework to school, I____it at home.

A.left;forgot  B.forgot;left

C.leave;foget   D.forget;leave



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