满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He te...

Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good care of it.

It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. king likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends' help he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. There were lots of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)a back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldn't grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy hardly fell onto the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. King's beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out “Let go off(松开)my beard boy!”

“Are you going to get off sir?” asked the boy.

1.Mr. King is a ________.

A. player       B. runner     C. teacher     D. driver

2.Mr. King was going to watch the match because ___.

A. he teaches P.E. in a middle school

B. he likes football very much

C. he had already got a ticket

D. he didn't go to work yesterday

3.It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because ___.

A. he had drunk too much

B. the bus was too small

C. he got on the bus too late

D. it was very crowded in the bus

4.The boy gripped Mr. King's beard because ___.

A.he was afraid to fall again

B. he wanted to make the man angry

C. he hoped the man to find a seat for him

D. he hoped the man to get off soon

5.Mr. King was afraid ___ so he shouted at him.

A. the boy would pull him down

B. the boy would hurt his beard

C. the boy could be hurt again

D. the boy would borrow his ticket


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了金先生是一个体育老师,有一副好胡子,他照顾的胡子非常好。一次乘坐公共汽车,人太多了,一个小个子男孩为了不摔倒一把抓住了他的胡子。 1.C细节理解题。根据短文第一段He teaches P.E. in a middle school.可知他是一位老师,故选C。 2.B细节理解题。根据文中There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. king likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it可知,他非常的喜欢足球,故选B。 3.D细节理解题。根据第二段There were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet.可知公共汽车上人太多了,人们都没有立足之地了,故选D。 4.A细节理解题。根据Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy hardly fell to the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. King's beard and grip it.当公共汽车停时,男孩差点摔倒,男孩看到了金先生的胡子,抓住了它。可知他抓住胡子是为了不摔倒,故选A。 5.B推理判断题。根据The man found it at once and called out, "Let go of(松开)my beard, boy!"及选项的对比,故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读。


On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out we found an old woman appeared at the door. She said "Hi my name is Susan I'm seventy years old." While we were _______ what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age she said with a smile "I/m here to meet a rich husband get_______  have two children and travel together. "Hearing this all of us laughed. "In fact" she went on " I always   _______of having a college education and now I'm getting one!"

After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good_______  . I often listened to this "time machine" as she shared her study with me.

At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a _______ . When she was stepped up to the front suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated (沮丧的) and said "I'm sorry. I'm so nervous that I can't get my ready talk back so I have to tell you    _______ I know. "In her speech she told us "We don't stop playing as we are old we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying _______  being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something _______  every day. I think there is a great _______  between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I lie in bed for one full year and never do anything I'll become seventy - one. Since anybody can grow older my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can't be avoided  growing up can be_______  It's never too late to be all you can be possible. "

During the four years' study it was so easy for Susan to make friends wherever she went. In the end the wonderful woman got a college degree.

1.A.finding     B.getting     C.wanting   D.wondering

2.A.married   B.worried     C.excited   D.relaxed

3.A.liked       B.made       C.knew       D.dreamed

4.A.teachers   B.friends     C.students    D.neighbours

5.A.lesson     B.present     C.talk        D.story

6.A.which      B.how         C.what      D.why

7.A.old      B.young      C.clear     D.awake

8.A.natural     B.difficult C.interesting D.possible

9.A.difference  B.chance    C.pleasure    D.confidence

10.A.noticed    B.chosen     C.thought     D.mentioned



Emma finds _______ hard to plan things for herself.

A. this            B. that           C. it           D. one



All the students were sleeping _______they heard a man _______“help”.

A. when; shouting  B. while; to shout

C. when; to shout D. while; shouted



My _______ sister is 2 years _______than me .

A. elder; older     B. elder; elder

C. older; older     D. older; elder



Jim with his brother ________ in the garden when the rainstorm came.

A. is playing      B. are playing

C. were playing    D. was playing



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