满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— model train is this? —I think it’s Mik...

    model train is this?

—I think it’s Mike’s. Look, his name is on it.

A. Who              B. Whose

C. Whom           D. Where


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查疑问词用法。根据答语中“it’s Mike’s”可知问句应为“这是谁的火车模型? ”, 故选B。  

The storybook can    for just one week.

A. keep               B. be kept

C. borrow           D. be borrowed



Hurry up! Once the concert starts, nobody    to enter the concert hall.

A. allows                   B. allowed

C. is allowed              D. is allowing



—Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of    .

—So she is. Because she takes a lot of exercise every day.

A. knowledge              B. courage

C. change                 D. energy



She is greatly interested in this song. The lyrics of it    her thoughts and feelings.

A. express            B. discuss

C. expect               D. imagine




Soccer is the world’s favorite sport. It has around 3 billion fans—nearly half the world’s population! And about 300 million people play this game. That’s nearly 4 percent of the world’s population!

It’s hard to say where soccer’s birthplace is. Many people in old days played early forms(形式)of this modern game. Cuju(蹴鞠), a ball-kicking game in China, was reported as early as 2, 500 B. C. . Around the same time in Greece, people were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands. But modern soccer didn’t become official(官方的)until 1863. An Englishman called Cobb Morley introduced the idea of a soccer association(联盟). He also wrote the sport’s official rules. From then on, other associations in the countries were set up. They came together to make up the FIFA, which organizes the World Cup.

It’s not easy to tell what makes soccer so popular.  But one reason is how simple the sport is. Soccer needs only two feet and a ball. This makes it a sport that developing countries can easily play. Some of the sport’s best players come from these poor nations.

Soccer performances are pleasing to the eyes. The sport’s no-hands rule makes beautiful dance-like movements on the field. What’s more, this sport excites the heart. Teams might score only a few times each match, so matches can turn around suddenly.

No one knows who will win at the next World Cup. But one thing is certain: The world will be watching.

1.How many players does soccer have?

A. Around 3 billion.

B. Half the world’s population.

C. About 300 million.

D. 40 percent of the world’s population!

2.Which country didn’t play early forms of this modern soccer?

A. China.                B. Greece.

C. China and Greece.     D. America.

3.When did modern soccer become official?

A. In 2, 500 B. C. .       B. In 1863.

C. In old days.            D. Around the same time.

4.Who organizes the Soccer World Cup?

A. An Englishman.         B. Cobb Morley.

C. A soccer association.  D. The FIFA.

5.Which is not the reason to make soccer so popular?

A. How simple soccer is.

B. Soccer performances are pleasing to the eyes.

C. Matches can never turn around suddenly.

D. This sport excites the heart.



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