满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空. My name is Martin. Years ago, I we...


My name is Martin. Years ago, I went to Michigan in the United States __________ an exchange student. I wanted to improve my English and learn about the culture there. __________ , I learned something else: When you are in trouble, you should believe love is here and there.

On the 26th of August, my host family __________ me up at the airport in a big American car. In the car, I did not talk much __________ my English was poor. And I tried to answer their questions fast and go to bed early.

The first week at my new home was OK. The following weeks, I __________ that the family was really strict and cold.

One day, the son of the family __________ a baby parrot as a gift. Later on, the bird was really sick. But the child told his mom it was because every night, when __________ was sleeping, I poured some dirty water straight at the bird. My host mom __________ the lie(谎言)of her son and my sad life there started. Then one day the parrot was __________ . I had to leave the home. The family all thought I killed it.

10 , I made more friends in the school and I could move to live with them. They gave me love when I was in trouble. Now, I visit them once or twice a year.

1.A. as           B. for          C. with           D. past

2.A. So             B. Besides      C. However       D. Though

3.A. looked         B. turned         C. put           D. picked

4.A. when           B. because        C. unless         D. if

5.A. wondered      B. described      C. wished         D. found

6.A. received       B. refused      C. gave           D. offered

7.A. somebody      B. everybody      C. anybody      D. nobody

8.A. told         B. gave         C. believed     D. broke

9.A. dead          B. ill            C. missing       D. well

10.A. Sadly        B. Surprisingly   C. Unluckily     D. Luckily


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1. an exchange student“作为一名交换生”。 2. 然而, 我学到了其他的东西……。前后语意表示转折, however意为“然而”。 3. ……我的寄宿家庭用一辆宽敞的美国汽车去飞机场接我。look up“查找”; turn up“开大(音量等)”; put up“张贴”; pick up“捡起; 接人”。 4. 因为我的英语很差, 所以在车上我没有讲很多话。because意为“因为”。 5. ……我发现寄宿家庭真的很严厉和冷酷。find意为“发现”。 6. a baby parrot as a gift“收到一只小鹦鹉作为礼物”。 7. 此处指“大家都在睡觉时”, everybody意为“人人; 每个人”。 8. believe意为“相信”。 9. family all thought I killed it. ”可知答案。 10. 幸运的是, 我在学校交了更多朋友……。luckily“幸运地”。

—Why did you get mad   Tom?

—Because he stole things from the supermarket.

A. at              B. to

C. about             D. for



Jane is one of the students in the class   have ever been to China.

A. who               B. whose

C. which              D. whom



In many places in China, the old over 90 are taken good care of   by their family   by the government.

A. either; or             B. not only; but also

C. neither; nor           D. not; but



—Who is the little girl in the picture?

—It’s me. The picture   10 years ago.

A. took                  B. is taken

C. has taken            D. was taken



—Who’s singing in the bathroom?

—It must be Mr Brown. Nobody sings like that   him.

A. except             B. besides

C. but                D. beside



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