满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Neither my sister nor I been to America ...

Neither my sister nor I   been to America before.

A. have ever            B. have never  

C. has ever             D. has never


A 【解析】 试题解析:考查主谓一致。neither. . . nor遵循就近一致原则。句意: 以前我姐姐没有去过美国, 我也没去过”故选A。  

   children there are in a family,    their life will be.

A. The less; the better        B. The fewer; the better

C. Fewer; richer               D. More; poorer




Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a guest in Ghana(加纳), this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules(规则)about time. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food. When you go to a home, the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dining room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else. But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder(粉末)of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw(锯子)because it is very hard. You must chew(咀嚼)fufu well, or you may get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

1. From the passage we know that in Ghana   .

A. the rules for dinner time are not strict

B. dinner is always at six in the evening

C. a family offers food only at four in the afternoon

D. people usually invite their guests to dinner late in the evening

2. If you are a dinner guest in Ghana, the host(主人)always takes you to   .

A. the dining room first            B. the living room first

C. the kitchen first               D. the garden first

3. People in Ghana usually eat   .

A. from one side of a dish to the other

B. from the other side of the dish

C. with their fingers

D. with their spoons

4. In fact, most meals in Ghana   .

A. are cooked with the powder of some plants

B. have fufu in them

C. are too hard to eat

D. are not very hard

5. When you eat fufu, you’d better   .

A. cut it with a saw           B. use your right hand only

C. chew it well                 D. all of the above




My name is Martin. Years ago, I went to Michigan in the United States __________ an exchange student. I wanted to improve my English and learn about the culture there. __________ , I learned something else: When you are in trouble, you should believe love is here and there.

On the 26th of August, my host family __________ me up at the airport in a big American car. In the car, I did not talk much __________ my English was poor. And I tried to answer their questions fast and go to bed early.

The first week at my new home was OK. The following weeks, I __________ that the family was really strict and cold.

One day, the son of the family __________ a baby parrot as a gift. Later on, the bird was really sick. But the child told his mom it was because every night, when __________ was sleeping, I poured some dirty water straight at the bird. My host mom __________ the lie(谎言)of her son and my sad life there started. Then one day the parrot was __________ . I had to leave the home. The family all thought I killed it.

10 , I made more friends in the school and I could move to live with them. They gave me love when I was in trouble. Now, I visit them once or twice a year.

1.A. as           B. for          C. with           D. past

2.A. So             B. Besides      C. However       D. Though

3.A. looked         B. turned         C. put           D. picked

4.A. when           B. because        C. unless         D. if

5.A. wondered      B. described      C. wished         D. found

6.A. received       B. refused      C. gave           D. offered

7.A. somebody      B. everybody      C. anybody      D. nobody

8.A. told         B. gave         C. believed     D. broke

9.A. dead          B. ill            C. missing       D. well

10.A. Sadly        B. Surprisingly   C. Unluckily     D. Luckily



—Why did you get mad   Tom?

—Because he stole things from the supermarket.

A. at              B. to

C. about             D. for



Jane is one of the students in the class   have ever been to China.

A. who               B. whose

C. which              D. whom



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