满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Why haven’t you bought a car, Mr Lin? Y...

—Why haven’t you bought a car, Mr Lin? You can   one.

—Well, I have money for it, but I want to go green.

A. offer            B. afford

C. avoid          D. allow


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词辨析。offer提供; afford买得起; avoid避免; allow允许。句意为“你能买得起”。故选B。  

—When you keep goldfish, it is a good idea to put some stones at the   of the tank(鱼缸).

—So the fish can hide behind them.

A. middle            B. top

C. front           D. bottom



—How much is the ticket to Central Park?

—A one-way ticket   $40, and you can   another $20 for a round-trip.

A. costs; pay         B. cost; spend

C. pay; spend         D. spends; pay



Please   the water when you brush your teeth.

A. take down          B. turn up

C. take away        D. turn off



Many young people took part in   trees on Tree Planting Day.

A. planting          B. plants

C. to plant         D. plant



—This is really   ugly bird.

—But it is   useful bird. It can help fishermen catch fish.

A. an; a            B. an; an

C. a; a               D. a; an



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