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句型转换 根据括号内的要求改写句子,答案必须填写在答题卷相应的横线上,每格限填一...

句型转换  根据括号内的要求改写句子,答案必须填写在答题卷相应的横线上,每格限填一词

1.There are some apples in the basket. (改为单数句)

There _______ _______ apple in the basket.

2.The girl in the car is my sister. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ is your sister?

3.Tommy often flies kites with his friends at school. (一般疑问句)

_______ Tommy often _______ kites with his friends at school?

4.Sandy visits her grandma at half past ten at weekends. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ does Sandy visit her grandma at weekends?

5.David is a good swimmer. (同义句转换)

David _______ _______ _______ _______ .

6.6.I like taking photos in the park. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you like _______ in the park?

7.Jimmy is in our school football team. (同义句转换)

Jimmy is _______ _______ _______ our school football team.

8.Mr. Green goes to work by bike every day. (同义句转换)

Mr. Green _______ a bike _______ work every day.


1.is, an 2.Which girl 3.Does, fly 4.What time 5.is good at swimming 6.What do, doing 7.a member of 8.rides, to 【解析】 试题分析: 1. apple。 2. the car是一个介词短语,在车里,做定语修饰前面的名词The girl,故我们应问哪一个女孩是你的姐姐,疑问词应该是Which。 3.Tommy经常和他的朋友们一起在学校里放风筝。本题要求我们变为一般疑问句,此时我应先看看原句中有无be动词或情态动词,如果有,则将他们直接提前;如果没有,我们应加助动词do或does。这里因为主语是第三人称单数形式,故我们应加助动词does,然后再将原来的谓语动词flies变为原形fly。 4.Sandy在周末10点半的时候看望她的奶奶。本题要求我们对划线的部分进行提问,原句中划线部分是at half past ten,表达的是一个具体的时刻,故疑问词应该是What time。 5.David是一个很棒的游泳运动员。本题要求我们变为同义句,根据原句的意思可知,David游泳非常好,我们可以使用短语be good at,擅长某事,后跟名词或动名词形式,故填is good at swimming。 6.我喜欢在公园里拍照。本题要求我们对划线的部分进行提问,原句中划线的部分是taking photos,表示的是具体的某个活动,故疑问词应该是What,问你喜欢做什么,加助动词do;like doing sth.喜欢做某事,是固定句型。 7.Jimmy在我们学校的足球队里。本题要求我们变为同义句,根据原句的意思可知,Jimmy是学校足球队的一员,故可用短语a member of。 8.句意:Green先生每天骑自行车去上班。本题要求我们变为同义句,根据原句的意思可知,goes to work by bike意为:骑自行车上班,我们可以用动词ride to work表达同样的意思。注意使用第三人称单数形式。 考点:句型转换。

You look very cool today, Simon.


A. Really? Thank you          B. Oh, I don’t think so

C. The same to you             D. No. I am not cool at all



The supermarket usually ________ at 9 a.m. But it is ________ today.

A. is open; close           B. is open; closing

C. opens; closing          D. opens; closed



We often take ________ and do morning ________ every day.

A. exercise; exercises           B. exercises; exercises

C. exercises; exercise            D. exercise; exercise



When is Thanksgiving Day? Is it ________ autumn?

Yes. It’s ________ November 26 this year.

A. in; in         B. on; in

C. in; on          D. on; on



Dick has ________ friends and he ________ plays with them after school.

A. lots of; never         B. a little; seldom

C. few; usually           D. a few; often



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