满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 Joh...


John wanted a bike.He asked his parents for the ________ and they said he must earn(挣)it.But   ________ ? He thought about this as he walked home.________ many people wanted to ask boys to work for them.Maybe he could clear away ________ tor the neighbors.But this was summer.He'd have to wait a long time for that.He could't cut grass tor this garden ________ he had no ________ to do the work with.

Then he ________ 0ne of his classmates.Dick,sending newspampers.“I could ________ that,”he thought“Maybe I could even get the bike right away.I could pay for ________ a little each week.”He  ran to catch up with Dick.John asked a lot of ________ about having a paper route.He learned that it was ________ to earn twenty-five dollars each week.He learned that the joh ________ about three hours each night.Dick gave him the phone number of this newspaper manager.

John ahnost flew home.After he explained his ________ ,his mother smiled“I think it's a great ________ ,”she said.“I'll ________ the newspaper.”

“Wait,Mom,”John said.“I'll call.After all(毕竟),I'm going to be a businessman now.”

1.A. money         B. chance         C. thing           D. bike

2.A. when        B. where           C. why             D. how

3.A. Few           B. A few           C. Not            D. No

4.A. snow         B. grass           C. windows         D. newspapers

5.A. so            B. because         C. but             D. or

6.A. time         B. tool            C. way            D. friends

7.A. saw          B. heard          C. learned         D. discovered

8.A. do           B. make           C. send           D. seize

9.A. one          B. it              C. him             D. them

10.A. news      B. questions      C. informtion     D. problems

11.A. possible   B. impossible     C. difficult      D. necessary

12.A. paid       B. wasted         C. spent          D. took

13.A. dictionary  B. suggestions   C. act             D. plan

14.A. mistake      B. fun             C. idea            D. dream

15.A. buy         B. sell           C. call            D. ask


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.C 【解析】 试题分析: 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了John想要一辆自行车,但父母让他自己去挣钱,他想了许多挣钱的方法,但都不切合实际,最后他从同学那里得知了一个适合他的工作——送报纸。 1. said he must earn it.可知,他向父母要的是钱,故选A。 2. 3. few一些, 修饰可数名词;Not不,副词;No不,没有;根据语境可知许多人不想让小孩给自己打工,根据语法可知这里是对动词wanted的否定,要用副词,故选C。 4. this was summer.这句应说的是冬天,为邻居清扫雪,故选A。 5. 6. the work with表示用……做这个工作,故选B。 7. 8. 9.one一个,相当于a+名词;it它;him他;them他们;根据语境可知约翰认为他有了这个工作,就能立刻买自行车,他可以为自行车分期付款,这里应用it指代自行车,故选B。 10. a lot of questions about sth.表示问了许多关于某事的问题,固定短语,故选B。 11. 12. 13. 14.mistake错误;fun乐趣;idea主意,想法;dream梦。梦想;母亲认为这是个好的主意,故选C。 15. call.可知此处是母亲说她打电话,故选C。

—our school fooball team won the final match this morning.

—________!It'S great news.

A. My pleasure      B. Good idea

C. How exciting     D. Good luck



what do you think of the lecture of Li Yang'S Crazy English?

—I think it's________,but someone thinks it's much too________.

A. wonderful enough;bored

B. enough wonderful;boring

C. wonderful enough;boring

D. enough wonderful;bored



The manager asked me________I was interested in working tor her.

A. whether         B. what

C. who               D. that



Rather than________to school on a bus,I preferred________a bike.

A. to go;to ride       B. go;riding

C. going:to ride       D. go;to ride



It's a little cold,especially at night,________it's in May now.

A. and                B. so

C. though             D. or



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