满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解。 Nowadays,many people like to trave...


Nowadays,many people like to travel abroad to enjoy their holidays.We are going to introduce one of the most beautiful and hottest spots(景点)in the south of the earth—New Zealand!

So if you want a new kind of travel,please come to 100% of pure New Zealand?

1.Which is the biggest city in New Zealand?

A. Maori.          B. Auckland.

C. Rotorua.        D. Sky Tower.

2.When you go to New Zealand in summer,you should wear________.

A. T-shirts         B. thick coats

C. sweaters         D. cotton shoes

3.If you want to know the culture of the local people.you should visit________.

A. Hells Gate Geothermal Park

B. Sky Tower

C. Mitai Maori Village

D. Rotorua

4.Which picture do you think is kiwi?


5.what can you buy in New Zealand?

A. Kiwi bird and boney.

B. Kiwi bird and woolen sweater.

C. Woolen sweater and milk.

D. Nothing.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了南半球最美丽热门的景点——新西兰,包括它的位置、人口、天气和名胜景地等。 1. is the biggest city of it.可知答案,故选B。 2. is often warm in summer, the temperature is usually from 20-30°C可知,夏天气温高,推断应该穿体恤衫,故选A。 3. Maori Village is a place full of Maori culture, and you can enjoy the Maori performance and their food as well.可知这个村庄充满了当地的文化,故选C。 4. bird: It is a kind of strange bird which lives only in New Zealand. It is as big as a chicken but has no wings or tail.可知这种鸟像鸡一样大,没有翅膀和尾巴,故选D。 5.根据表格最后一行中:Honey, milk and wool products are its well-known specialties.可知蜂蜜、牛奶和羊毛制品是新西兰著名的特产,故选C。


People have talked about whether aliens are real or not for thousands of years.Some ancient drawings over 50,000 years ago are thought to be the first pictures of spacecrafts.Alien spacecrafts are often called flying saucers(飞碟).The first person to use this name was an Amerlean,Kenneth Arnold.On 24th June,1947,he was flying a small plane in Washington State in the USA when he saw something strange.“I was looking out of the window,”Arnold said,“when I saw nine saucer-like things in front of me.”

Two other Americans,Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker,said that aliens took them into a flying  saucer! They were fishing on the Mississippi River in the USA on the night of 11th October,l973.It was a dark night.The two men were sitting in their fishing boat when they saw a bright light.It was hanging in the air over the water and it looked like a flying saucer and brought Hickson and Parker into their spacecraft.In the spacecraft the aliens looked at the two men very carefully and then took them back to their boat.“The aliens were in a pale colour and had very small eyes.” Hiekson said.“But they didn't hurt us.”

In l983,Pioneer 10,an American spacecraft,went into space.On the outside of the spacecraft are 13 pictures of men and women,and a map of space.If aliens find Pioneer 10,they will know how to get to the Earth!

1.When did Kenneth Arnold see something strange as he was flying?

A. 11th June,1947

B. 24th June,1947

C. 11th October,1973

D. 11th October,1983

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Charles and Calvin?

A. They were taken into a flying saucer.

B. They went to the river to wait for an alien.

C. They drew pictures of a flying saucer.

D. They drew pictures on a flying saucer.

3.What is special about Pioneer 10?

A. It sends people to other planets.

B. It brings aliens to Earth.

C. It has a map of space on it.

D. It has found many flying saucers.

4.The first person to use the name“flying saucers” was________.

A. traveling in a spacecraft

B. going to America

C. looking out of his house window

D. an American




1.What can you know from Sign (1)?

A. We can't smoke or go boating here.

B. We can’t skate or smoke here.

C. We can't wash clothes here.

D. We can do the shopping here

2.From Sign (2) we know we can________here.

A. play computer games

B. stay overnight here

C. have something to eat

D. have a good sleep

3.Sign (3) means you can________here.

A. have breakfast at 8:00 on Saturday

B. have dinner at l0:00 P.M. on Monday

C. have dinner every day

D. have something at 10:30 P.M. on Tuesday




John wanted a bike.He asked his parents for the ________ and they said he must earn(挣)it.But   ________ ? He thought about this as he walked home.________ many people wanted to ask boys to work for them.Maybe he could clear away ________ tor the neighbors.But this was summer.He'd have to wait a long time for that.He could't cut grass tor this garden ________ he had no ________ to do the work with.

Then he ________ 0ne of his classmates.Dick,sending newspampers.“I could ________ that,”he thought“Maybe I could even get the bike right away.I could pay for ________ a little each week.”He  ran to catch up with Dick.John asked a lot of ________ about having a paper route.He learned that it was ________ to earn twenty-five dollars each week.He learned that the joh ________ about three hours each night.Dick gave him the phone number of this newspaper manager.

John ahnost flew home.After he explained his ________ ,his mother smiled“I think it's a great ________ ,”she said.“I'll ________ the newspaper.”

“Wait,Mom,”John said.“I'll call.After all(毕竟),I'm going to be a businessman now.”

1.A. money         B. chance         C. thing           D. bike

2.A. when        B. where           C. why             D. how

3.A. Few           B. A few           C. Not            D. No

4.A. snow         B. grass           C. windows         D. newspapers

5.A. so            B. because         C. but             D. or

6.A. time         B. tool            C. way            D. friends

7.A. saw          B. heard          C. learned         D. discovered

8.A. do           B. make           C. send           D. seize

9.A. one          B. it              C. him             D. them

10.A. news      B. questions      C. informtion     D. problems

11.A. possible   B. impossible     C. difficult      D. necessary

12.A. paid       B. wasted         C. spent          D. took

13.A. dictionary  B. suggestions   C. act             D. plan

14.A. mistake      B. fun             C. idea            D. dream

15.A. buy         B. sell           C. call            D. ask



—our school fooball team won the final match this morning.

—________!It'S great news.

A. My pleasure      B. Good idea

C. How exciting     D. Good luck



what do you think of the lecture of Li Yang'S Crazy English?

—I think it's________,but someone thinks it's much too________.

A. wonderful enough;bored

B. enough wonderful;boring

C. wonderful enough;boring

D. enough wonderful;bored



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