满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



One day, a farmer lost his watch in his barn(谷仓). The watch was cheap but it was very _____ to him because it was a gift from his father.

After _____ the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for _____from a group of children playing nearby. He _____ them that the person who found the watch would get a present.

Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn _____ . They searched everywhere but still could not find the _____ . Just when the farmer was going to _____ , a little boy went up to him and said he wanted to try again. The farmer looked at him and thought, “Why not? After all, this kid looks honest.”

So the farmer _____ the little boy back into the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The amazed farmer asked the boy how he succeeded(成功) where the rest had failed.

The boy answered, “I did nothing but sit quietly and listen for the _____ of the watch.”

This shows us that sometimes a peaceful(平静的) mind can think better than a(n) _____ one.

1.A. important       B. expensive        C. useless      D. interesting

2.A. finding         B. searching       C. watching      D. studying

3.A. money          B. danger           C. work          D. help

4.A. told            B. taught           C. worried       D. believed

5.A. angrily         B. slowly          C. quickly       D. hardly

6.A. rule            B. key              C. child         D. watch

7.A. put up         B. give up         C. go out       D. come back

8.A. threw           B. sent             C. gave          D. caught

9.A. light           B. color            C. sound         D. noise

10.A. exciting      B. smart           C. excited       D. amazing


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要记述了一位农民在谷仓里面丢失了自己的手表。无奈之下,请求一群孩子们帮忙。最后被一位小男孩凭借着手表发出的声音,找到了这块手表。从而告诉我们一个道理,有时候平和的心态,冷静思考更有助于我们解决问题。 1.考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:但是对他来说却非常重要,因为这是他爸爸送给他的礼物。A. important重要的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. useless无用的;D. interesting有趣的,联系下文because it was a gift from his father.描述,可知这块手表对他来说很重要,故选A。 2.考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:搜索了谷仓很长时间以后。 A.发现,找到;B. 搜索,调查;C. 观看,观察;D. 学习,研究。结合语境可知此处指的是他在搜索了很久以后。 故选B。 3.考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:他放弃了,向一群在附近玩耍的孩子们请求帮助。A. 钱;B. 危险;C. 工作;D. 帮助。结合语境可知此处指的是他去向一群在附近玩耍的孩子们请求帮助,故选D。 4.考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:他向孩子们承诺,找到手表的人将得到一份礼物。 A.承诺,许诺;B. 教育,教训;C.警告;D.相信。结合语境可知此处指的是他许诺孩子们……,故选A。 5.考查副词辨析及语境理解。句意:孩子们立刻赶进谷仓。A. 愤怒地;B. 慢慢地;C. 立即地;D.刚刚,几乎不。联系前文hurry,可知此处指的是孩子们立即匆忙赶进这个谷仓,故选C。 6.考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:但是仍然找不到那块手表。A.规则;B.钥匙;C.小孩;D.手表。联系前文a farmer who lost his watch in his barn 描述,可知此处指的是仍旧不能找到这块手表,故选D。 7.考查动词词组辨析及语境理解。句意:正当那个农民打算放弃的时候。A.举起;B.放弃;C. 出去;D. 回来。联系下文,可知此处指那个农民打算放弃。故选B。 8.考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:因此农民把这个小男孩送回谷仓。A.投掷,扔;B. 送;C.给予;D. 抓住,赶上。结合语境可知这个农民把这个小男孩送回谷仓。故选B。 9.. 考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:我什么也没有做,只是静静地坐下来聆听手表发出的声音。A.光线;B.颜色;C.声音;D.噪音。 结合语境可知,那个男孩是在听手表发出的声音。故答案为C。 10.. 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:它告诉我们有时候平静的心态比激动的心情更能让我们冷静地去思考。A.令人兴奋的;B. 聪明的,敏捷的;C.感到兴奋的;D.令人吃惊的。联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是激动的心态,故选C。 考点:故事类短文阅读

“__________” is another way of saying “garden”.

A. Lorry              B. Cookie

C. Movie             D. Yard



I read an article ________ a young writer ________ the UK last week.

A. by; from         B. from; to

C. from; by          D. by; to



___________ and be honest, Tom, or others won’t trust you.

A. Keeping a secret          B. Keep a secret

C. Keeping secrets            D. Keep secret



---How can you believe ____________? He is dishonest.  ---Oh, I see.

A. he says                B. he words

C. what he says            D. he says words



---How about the film last night? ---It was so ____ that I felt very _____.

A. bored; bored                     B. boring; boring

C. boring; bored                    D. bored; boring



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