满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据所给的句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.David is new here a...


1.David is new here and he has few friends.So he sometimes feels l______.

2.There are four w______  in a car.

3.Please don't t_______ waste paper everywhere. It is not a good habit.

4.You should c_____________ with your parents if you have time.

5.My a_______ doesn't work. It didn't go off this morning.

6.We need to visit the s______ kids in the hospital.

7.My maths teacher is patient. He often e_________ the problem to us again and again.

8.It's wrong to c______other’s homework, you should do it by yourself.

9.We use m________ to make a fire.

10.—What’s the _________today?

—It’s April 29th, 2016.


1.lonely 2.windows 3.throw 4.communicate 5.alarm 6.sick 7.explains 8.copy 9.matches 10.date 【解析】 试题分析: 1.lonely 句意:大卫新来这儿,他几乎没有朋友。因此他有时感到孤独。没朋友会孤独,故填:lonely。 2.windows/wheels句意:小车有四扇窗户/四个车轮。Four后用复数形式,故填:windows/wheels。 3.throw句意:不要把废纸到处扔,不是一个好习惯。由“不是好习惯”可以推测出是到处乱扔,故填:throw 4.communicate句意:如果你有时间,你应该和你的父母交流。和某人交流:communicate。故填:communicate。 5.alarm句意:我的闹钟不工作了。今天早上没有响铃。由go off可以推测出“闹钟”,故填:alarm。 6.sick句意:我们需要去医院看望生病的孩子们。由in the hospital可以推测出“生病的”,故填:sick。 7.explains句意:我的数学老师很有耐心,他经常给我们反复解释问题。主语是三人称单数,动词+s/es。故填:explains。 8.copy句意:抄别人的作业是错误的。你应该自己做。由后句“你应该自己做”可以推测出“抄作业”。故填:copy。 9.matches句意:我们用火柴生火。由make a fire可以联想到match,可数名词,用复数形式表示种类。 10.句意:-今天几号?-2016年4月29号。根据回答可知本句问日期。故填:date。 考点:考查单词拼写





3.每年有很多游客到芜湖来参观, 并且玩得很开心;

4.在这里你可以吃到各种美味的中西餐,还能欣赏精彩的芜湖梨簧戏(Lihuang Opera);








1.Most of us want to be _______(工程师) when we grow up in the future.

2.We don’t have enough _______(长椅) for so many people to sit on.

3.---Why are you late again, Millie?

---Because there is too much t _______ in the street.

4.You need to answer all the questions right before you open the _______(宝藏) box, Jane.

5.We want to plant some trees in the _______(南部) of our school.



When we talk about red packets, the most important question is “What are you going to do with it?” One thing you could do is to put your money in the bank.

Maybe you don’t know, some students in Hubei began to use the Xiaogui Dangjia bank card this year. This is a card for children. It is from China Minsheng Bank in Wuhan.

Wang Ming is a junior student in Wuhan. He said “All my pocket money has a place to go now. I can pay my own school fees(学费).”

Zhu Yu, a manager(经理) of Minsheng Bank, said that they knew lots of students who didn’t know how to use their money. So they wanted them to know how to use it carefully. Parents worry that children don’t know how to take care of the money by themselves. Shen qiangqiang’s mother like the card very much. Shen was asking his mother for a computer for a long time, but his mother didn’t buy it for him. She said, “We want him to use his card to save money for the computer. If we buy everything he asks for, he will think money comes too easily, and he won’t work hard for it.”

Today, there are many different kinds of bank cards. They are from different banks. People put their money in them. Then they can use their money at any time. People can do many things with bank cards. They can wash cars, go shopping, eat delicious food and travel to other places with the money in their bank cards.

The most important thing is not “How much did you get?” It is necessary for everyone to learn how to save your money and use your money correctly.

1.In Wuhan, Xiaogui Dangjia bank card is for _______.

A. some teachers

B. some parents

C. some students

D. some managers

2.Why does Shen qiangqiang’s mother like the bank card?

A. Because she can put lots of money in the card.

B. Because she wanted her son to work hard for study.

C. Because she wanted her son to buy things easily.

D. Because she wanted her son to save money for the computer.

3.What can’t people do with different bank cards?

A. Get more money

B. Travel to other places

C. Buy many things

D. Eat tasty food

4.Which of the following is Not right?

A. Not all the students use money correctly.

B. People use bank cards to do lots of things.

C. Students can put their money in banks.

D. All the children know how to look after money.

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A. Money from different banks

B. How do people use bank cards

C. Learning how to save money

D. Learning how to spend money



Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.

First, eat different foods, especially(尤其) fruit and vegetables. You may have a favourite food, but you'd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质) your body needs.

Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No.l choice(选择). Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙) your body needs to grow strong bones(骨头).

Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach(胃) feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.

Fourth, limit(限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.

Fifth, be active. One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.

Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.

1.You have to eat different kinds of foods especially _______

A. meat

B. hamburgers

C. sweets

D. fruit and vegetables

2.Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?

A. Juice

B. Milk

C. Cold water

D. Tea

3.According to(根据) the passage, you should follow _______ rules if you want to be healthy.

A. five

B. nine

C. fifteen

D. thirteen

4.Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. How to make yourself important

B. How to be a healthy kid

C. How to be a popular kid

D. How to make your parents healthy



The weekend is usually a time of rest. But today’s Chinese teenagers can’t rest during the weekends. According to a survey(调查), 24% of the Junior students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 40% of the Junior 3 students have less than eight hours of sleep each night.

Ji Ping, a Junior student in Guangzhou, has to get up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. Then she has a whole day of classes. On Sunday she gets to extra(额外的) classes for Maths and English. But she doesn’t complain(抱怨). She says that all her classmates work hard on Sunday.

Liu Yang is from Dalian. As a Junior 2 student, his weekends are less busy. But he always spends Saturday in school. On Sunday, after finishing homework, he plays basketball. He feels happy because he still has time to do the things he likes.

A few students are lucky. Yang Qing, a Junior 3 student from Zibo, Shangdong, is one of them. At weekends, she usually gets up at 8:00. Then she spends some time doing homework. After that she is free to do what she likes. “Don’t push(逼迫) yourself too much. Learning well at school is easy,” she said. And she is a top student in her class.

1.How many hours do 40% of the Junior 3 students in Beijing sleep each night?

A. Less than 6 hours.

B. Less than 7 hours.

C. Less than 8 hours.

D. More than 8 hours.

2.Why does Ji Ping get up early on Saturdays?

A. Because she doesn't sleep well.

B. Because she has a whole day of classes.

C. Because she has to play computer games.

D. Because her parents ask her to do so.

3.What does Liu Yang do after finishing homework on Sunday?

A. He plays basketball.

B. He plays football.

C. He reads books.

D. He does housework.

4.Which of the following in NOT true?

A. 24% of the Junior students Beijing have classes at weekends.

B. Ji Ping gets up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturdays.

C. Liu Yang feels sorry about his busy weekend.

D. Yang Qing has enough time for her hobbies at weekends.



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