满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It _____ me almost two hours to finish m...

It _____ me almost two hours to finish my homework.

A. took   B. cost   C. spent   D. needs


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:完成作业差不多花了我两个小时。做某事花某人多长时间:It takes sb. some time to do sth;买某物花某人多少钱:sth cost sb. some money; 某人花多长时间/多少钱做某事:Sb., spend some time/money on/doing sth. 本句后跟的不定式。故选A。 考点:考查动词辨析。  

She has never been there,       she?

A. has     B. is     C. does    D. was



This kite is made ______ paper and bamboo.

A. in   B. from    C. of   D. by



书面表达。字数60词以上。 可以适当发挥。

假如你是Grace,请给你的好朋友Linda 介绍一下你的一天。

1. 我每天早上6:00起床,穿衣,6:20刷牙,6:30 吃早饭。然后6:40去上学。我每天上午有5节课,下午两节。

2. 我家离学校10公里,因此每天我都得坐公交车去学校,大约花费20分钟。

3. 现在是下午4:30,操场上有很多学生在做运动。 一些在打篮球, 一些在唱歌跳舞,别的在跑步。我在做什么?我在游泳池里游泳呢。

4. 我的一天很忙但却很开心。

(在操场上 on the playground)

My day

Dear Linda:

How’s it going? DO you want to know about my day?





Do you like animals? Yes, I like animals very much.  There is a dog in my family. 1. _______ name is Bobby. I t  2. ________ from America. It is three years old.  It has two big eyes, Its two ears(耳朵) are very big , its 3. _______ legs are very strong. It can walk 4. _______ two legs. It is really cute. It likes eating meat and bread. It’s5. _______  to people, too. When my guests客人) come to my home , it always shakes(摇) its tail and kisses their feet. My dog can also do many interesting6. _______ for me. For example, I say,“7. _______basketball. Then he catches a ball and puts it into a basket. If I say ,“  Dance for us. It can dance to the music. Look! It is8. _______ happily.




1.Two students are sweeping the floor.(否定句)

Two students__________   _____________the floor.

2.Tom doesn’t like lions because they are lazy. (对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________Tom like lions?

3.She usually walks to school. (同义句)

She usually goes to school ____________  __________________.


They are ______________ _______________.


Our English teacher is__________ _________us.



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