满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Is your uncle in his______? ---Yes. ...

--- Is your uncle in his______?

---Yes. His forty-first birthday is coming next month.

A. fortieth           B. forty

C. fourties           D. forties


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你的叔叔四十多岁吗?—是的,下个月就是他四十一岁生日。in one’s forties在某人四十几岁的时候;几岁生日前应该用序数词。故答案为B。 考点:考查数词。  

Do you think ________ story I told you yesterday ________ interesting one?

A. a; the               B. the; an

C. a; an                D. the; a




要点:1. 我校一年一次举办艺术节,通常为期一周,并对全体学生和家长开放。

2. 今年,同学们正在准备各类比赛:Daniel 已决定拉小提琴,因为他擅长此项。


3. 我小时候对….感兴趣,我将….

4. 我相信艺术节一定会大家带来欢乐,家长们会给予高度评价。

注意:1. 短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;2. 第3要点内容须用2~3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;3. 词数90个左右。










1.Tom used to chat with his grandmother. (变为一般疑问句)

____________ Tom ____________ to chat with his grandmother?

2.The old man can make a living by selling newspapers. (对划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ the old man make a living?





What do you do when you begin to read an English newspaper?

You’d better know what sections are there.Usually, there is international news, business, science and technology, entertainment or lifestyle, sports and cartoons.You can choose your favorite section to read carefully.Then, you come to the article itself.If you don’t have time to read the whole article, the headline and the photo give you a general idea of the story.

A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it.It usually puts the most important information at the very beginning.If you don’t have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph.A feature article is an in-depth report on an event or person.It usually has an interesting opening.You get to know the idea of the article as you read.Another kind of article is an opinion article.Usually, some famous people give their own opinions about an important issue in a fun way.Opinion is different from news stories that are all facts.

1.Where is the most important information in a news article?(No More Than 6 words)


2.What does a news article include?


3.How many kinds of articles does the writer talk about in the passage?(No More Than 2 words)


4.What is the passage mainly about?





Every January we celebrate the life of a great man, Martin Luther King who fought for civil rights. He believed that all Americans should be treated fairly, no matter what their skin colors were.

Dr. King was born in 1929 in Atlanta. Because he was black, he could not go to the same schools as white children. Black Americans also had to use separate restrooms, restaurants, theaters and swimming pools in some states.

Dr. King thought this was wrong. He was a Christian minister(牧师) who worked for equal rights for black people. He helped organize protests to change those unfair laws.

It was a hard fight. Dr. King was attracted and arrested(逮捕) many times. But more and more Americans grew to understand that it was wrong to treat black people differently from white people.

In 1963, Dr. King led many people in a march to Washington, D. C. where there he gave his famous speech I Have a Dream. He said people should be judged by their hearts, not by their skin colors. His efforts helped bring about new laws to create equal rights for all Americans.

The third Monday of January is a holiday to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King. We should respect his courage in working to improve the lives of so many people.

1. Martin Luther King said people should be judged by      .

A. their skin colors           B. their hearts

C. unfair laws                 D. different rights

2. The passage is mainly about      .

A. the fight for civil right

B. the introduction of Martin Luther King

C. a holiday to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King

D.the differences between black people and white people



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