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Can dolphins (海豚) talk? Maybe they can n...

Can dolphins (海豚) talk? Maybe they can not talk with words,but they can talk with sounds.

They show their feelings with sounds.Dolphins travel in a group.We call a group of fish a“school”.They do not study,but they travel together.Dolphins are mammals (哺乳动物),not fish,but they swim together like fish in a schoo1.Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the schoo1.They give information to the others.They talk when they are happy,sad or afraid.They say“welcome”when a dolphin comes back to the schoo1.They talk when they play.

They make some sounds above water.They make many more sounds under water.People cannot hear these sounds because they are very,very high.Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium (水族宫).People can watch dolphins in a show.Dolphins do not like to be away from their school in an aquarium.They are sad and lonely.There are many stories about dolphins.They help people.Sometimes they save somebody' s life.Dolphins' meat is good,but people do not like to kill them.They say that dolphins bring good luck.Many people believe this.

1.The word“school”in this passage means      

A.a place for students to study

B. a group of fish traveling together

C.a special kind of animals

D.a place for training dolphins

2.A dolphin makes a sound to      

A.show other dolphins they are happy

B.tell other dolphins they are sa

C.1et people know they are afraid

D.give information to the other dolphins

3.The best title (题目) for this passage is      

A.Dolphin's talk               B.Schools of dolphins

C.The dolphin                   D.Man's friend


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文重点介绍了海豚的生活习性及他们不同于其它动物的特点。它们一般集体活动,是哺乳动物,他们通过声音彼此交谈,也具有人类的情感,并且被人们认为是会带来幸运的动物。 1.B细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“We call a group of fish a“school”.They do not study,but they travel together.可知,答案为B。 2.D细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“They give information to the others.They talk when they are happy,sad or afraid.”可知,海豚通过发出声音来传递信息,表达它们的情感。答案为D。 3.C标题归纳题。这篇短文重点介绍了海豚的生活习性及他们不同于其它动物的特点。故答案C最合理。 考点:考查科普环保类短文阅读。

Many teenagers (青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They believe that their family members don' t know them as well as their friends do.In large families,it' s quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends.Even when they are not with their friends,they usually spend a lot of time talking among them on the phone.The talk between friends is very important in children's growing up because friends can discuss (讨论) something.These things are difficult to say to their family members. However (然而),parents often try to choose their children' s friends for them.Some parents even stop their children from meeting their good friends.Do you think of the following questions? Who chooses your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents don't like? Your answers are welcome

1.When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents,   they usually      

A.stay alone at home

B.fight with their parents

C.discuss it with their friends

D.go to their brothers and sisters for help

2.The sentence” Your answers are welcome.”means“       ”.

A.You are welcome to discuss the questions with us

B.We've got no idea,so your answers are welcome

C.Your answers are always right

D.You can give us all the fight answers

3.Which of the following is the writer' s attitude (态度)?

A.Parents should choose friends for their children.

B.Children should choose everything they like.

C.Parents should understand their children better.

D.Teenagers should go to their friends for help.



What do you usually do in your free time? Play sports? Watch TV? How about reading books? You must know the Chinese saying: "Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles" .Books are important in our life. Reading books is good for us. It can help us know and understand the world better. It can help us get a lot of knowledge(知识). It brings us a new and different world that we have never been before. Almost all the great men like reading like Chairman Mao and Madame Curie.

In a word books are treasure(财宝) and we must love them. But before you read remember to choose a good one. Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read. Be sure you are interested in them. There are many different kinds of books. I like biography(传记) because I can learn something from the characters(人物).

What about you? Young friends. Please love books and read them. They are very helpful to you.

1.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Madame Curie doesn't like reading at all.

B. We shouldn't ask teachers about what books to read.

C. Reading books can give us little knowledge.

D. We have to choose a good book before we start to read.

2.What does the underlined part "Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles." mean in Chi

A.读书百遍,其义自见    B. 读万卷书,行万里路

C.滚石不生苔            D.读数千本书就能行数千里路

3.Reading books can help people_________.

A. to get more sleep B. to know little about themselves

C. to get money from others  D. to understand the world better

4.What kind of books does the writer like?

A. Story-books. B. Comic books.

C. Biography.   D. Novels

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Only reading books can make people succeed.

B. Chairman Mao likes reading very much.

C. Books are helpful to human.

D. Young people should read more books.




Long ago a young man often said that he was very ____________ and owned nothing. One day an old man walked ___________. He heard the young man’s words and said “Hello young man! What are you ___________ about? You have nothing? That’s not true! You have the most expensive things in the world _________ you are a rich person.” The young man was very surprised and asked “__________ do you say that? You can see I have nothing. What are these expensive things?” Then _________ old man said “If you sell your eyes to a rich blind man you’ll ________ a lot of money and can have everything you want. Would you like to sell them?” The young man didn’t want to be blind so he said “NO.” The old man asked again “Then what about _________ your hands for some gold?” The young man shook(摇) his ___________ for the second time. Finally the old man said “Now you understand. You have the most expensive things in the world.” So the old man taught both the young man and us a lesson--- __________ is the most important for us.

1.A. poor       B. rich           C. healthy      D. strong

2.A. across      B. past           C. through      D. away

3.A. talking    B. drawing        C. singing      D. telling

4.A. but         B. and          C. so          D. however

5.A. What        B. When          C. Why         D. How

6.A. the        B. a              C. an           D. /

7.A. save       B. buy            C. get         D. collect

8.A. putting up  B. washing       C. turning     D. selling

9.A. eye         B. leg            C. hand       D. head

10.A. gold       B. time          C. health      D. money



--- Don’t leave the stove on when you are away.

--- _______ .

A. Yes I won’t.   B. Of course I will.

C. Sorry I won’t. D. No I will.



I hope _______ the stationery with those children from poor areas.

A. to you share    B. you to share

C. you sharing     D. you can share



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