满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

----What would you like to eat? -----I’m...

----What would you like to eat?

-----Im very hungry. _______ you can get. Just get it now.

A. Anything     B. Something

C. Nothing    D. Other things


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你想要吃什么?-我很饿。你可以取到的任何东西都可以,只要马上取来。A. Anything任何事,任何东西;B. Something某事,某事;C. Nothing没有事,没有任何东西;D. Other things其它东西。饥不择食,任何东西都可以。故选A。 考点:考查不定代词辨析。  

Its ______ unusual thing for _____ eight-year-old girl to find _____ UFO.

A. a, a, a      B. an, a, an

C. a, an, an    D. an, an, a



—I’m sorry I         my homework at home, Mr. Wu.

Remember__________ it here tomorrow!

A. forgot; to take     B. left; to take

C. forgot; to bring    D. left; to bring



How much will it         to travel to the USA?

—I think 30,000 yuan is enough.

A. pay        B. cost      C. take      D. spend



            is it from the park to the hotel?

—It’s about 20 minutes by underground.

A. How often      B. How far

C. How long     D. How many minutes



__________ try some fish? It looks delicious.

It smells __________. I don’t want to eat it.

A. Why not; bad      B. Why don’t; good

C. Why not good     D. Why don’t; bad



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