满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。 通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中...


通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

“I look so fat in the mirror.”

“She’s so pretty, why can’t I look like her?”

If you feel bad about ______, you need to read Nobody’s Perfect by American author Kimberly Kirberger.

Kim uses stories from real teens to ______ girls to learn to love themselves.

She says that bad thoughts about yourself come _______ habits.

Her own story ____ this. Kim had three brothers who ________ say bad things to her like “nobody likes you”.

Of course, her brothers did not really mean ______ they said. But things people______ to you can become part of your thinking. To stop this, Kim tells us to pay attention to our thoughts and the______ we speak to ourselves.

It’s very easy ______ these bad thoughts to good ones.

Whenever you have a few minutes ______ , think of some nice things people have said to you recently.

Then think about what you like____ yourself. Slowly you will feel better about yourself and you will feel ______ .

But there will still be times when you think of _______ . Try to bring your mind back to good thoughts.

Changing thoughts from bad to good ______ time. But as you practice saying kind things to yourself, you will understand that no one is perfect and you will like______ much more.

1.A. you              B. yourself       C. her           D. herself

2.A. teach            B. read            C. help           D. show

3.A. from             B. to               C. until           D. with

4.A. teaches          B. tells          C. shows         D. learns

5.A. like             B. would like     C. were used to   D. used to

6.A. what              B. that            C. who            D. which

7.A. speak             B. talk           C. say           D. tell

8.A. mean             B. way             C. idea            D. interest

9.A. changing          B. change          C. to changing     D. to change

10.A. lonely          B. alone            C. to alone        D. to lonely

11.A. to               B. with             C. about         D. as

12.A. happy           B. happier          C. happiest        D. the happiest

13.A. something bad    B. bad something    C. nothing bad     D. bad nothing

14.A. takes           B. take           C. taking          D. to take

15.A. people          B. others           C. them          D. yourself


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:Kim用真实青少年的故事教给女孩爱自己,她说关于你自己不好的想法来自习惯。Kim告诉我们注意我们的想法和我们对我们自己说话的方式。无论何时你有几分钟一个人时,想下最近人们对你说过的好事,你会更加喜欢自己。 1. you你;B. yourself你自己;C. her她;D. herself她自己。根据“I look so fat in the mirror.” “She’s so pretty, why can’t I look like her?”可知,该句句意应为:如果你对你自己感觉糟糕。故该题正确答案为B. 2. teach教;B. read读;C. help帮助;D. show展示。根据If you feel bad about , you need to read Nobody’s Perfect by American author Kimberly Kirberger.和上下文可知,该处语意应为:Kim用真实青少年的故事教给女孩爱自己。故该题正确答案为A. 3. from来自于,根据上下文和语境可知该句句意应为:她说关于你自己不好的想法来自习惯。故该题正确答案为A. 4. teaches教;B. tells告诉;C. shows表明;D. learns学会。据She says that bad thoughts about yourself come habits.和上下文可知,该句句意:她自己的故事表明了这点。故正确答案为C. 5. like喜欢;B. would like想要;C. were used to习惯于;D. used to do过去常常做。据此事是Kim的回忆可知,该句句意应为:Kim有三个哥哥,他们过去说坏话给她。故该题正确答案为D. 6. what所……的;B. that那,那个;C. who谁;D. which哪一个,根据Kim had three brothers who say bad things to her like “nobody likes you”.可知,该句句意应为:她的哥哥们真实意思不是他们所说的话。故该题正确答案为A. 7. speak说话;B. talk交谈;C. say说;D. tell告诉。people say to you是things的定语从句,say …to…对……说……,先行词在定语从句中是say的逻辑宾语,据Kim had three brothers who say bad things to her like “nobody likes you”.,所以此句的句意是:但人们对你说的东西能成为你想法的部分。故该题正确答案为C. 8. mean意味着;B. way方法;C. idea想法;D. interest兴趣。根据She wouldn’t like to be with a blind husband for the rest of her life. 可知,句意是:Kim告诉我们注意我们的想法和我们对我们自己说话的方式。故该题正确答案为B. 9. change做真正主语,据Whenever you have a few minutes , think of some nice things people have said to you recently.可知,此句句意是:把坏的想法变成好的很容易。 故该处应选D. 10. lonely孤单的,是形容词;B. alone一个人,是副词。据上下文可知,该句句意应为:无论何时你有几分钟一个人时,想下最近人们对你说过的好事。故该题正确答案为B. 11. to到;B. with和;C. about关于;D. as作为,根据Slowly you will feel better about yourself and you will feel .可知,该句句意应为:然后想下关于你自己你所喜欢的东西。故该题正确答案为C. 12. you will feel better可知,该处语意应为:慢慢地你会对你自己感觉更好,你会感觉更快乐。故该题正确答案为B. 13. something bad某些坏事;C. nothing bad没什么坏事。根据Try to bring your mind back to good thoughts.和上下文可知该句句意应为:但仍然有时候你会想不好的事情。故该题正确答案为A. 14. thoughts from bad to good故谓语动词用第三人称单数可知,该句句意:把坏想法变成好的花费时间。故正确答案为A. 15. people人们;B. others其他;C. them他们; D. yourself你自己,根据But as you practice saying kind things to yourself, you will understand that no one is perfect和上下文可知,该句句意应为:你会更加喜欢自己。故该题正确答案为D. 考点:教育类短文。

--Hi, Jack.  Is this your new bike?

---No, _________is over there. It’s a present from my uncle.

A. Mine           B. Yours

C. Hers            D. His



---Look! Some people are running the red lights.

---We should wait      others are breaking the rule.

A. although               B. if

C. unless                 D. because.



—What’s the matter with Tom? He has been absent for two days.

—Oh! He        be ill. Let’s go and ask Ms Brown.

A. can                B. need

C. may                D. would



She says that she’ll have to close the shop _______ business improves.

A. if              B. or

C. unless         D. because



The Browns had a party with their neighbors yesterday. _______ all enjoyed themselves.

A. We                 B. You

C. Them               D. They



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