满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We are ________ the coming final-term ex...

We are ________ the coming final-term examination.

A.prepare for           B.preparing for

C.prepare to            D.preparing to


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们正在为即将到来的期末考试做准备。prepare for sth为某事做准备; prepare to do sth准备做某事。此处的宾语用名词短语the coming final-term examination,根据谓语are可知此处用现在进行时,故用preparing for。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语。  

Mr.Green is looking forward ________ a big house for his family.

A.to buying             B.to buy

C.buy                    D.buying



Tom has problems ________ English.

A.learning              B.to learn

C.learn                  D.learned




On August 4, while a young man in Hangzhou was caught because of killing another young man with his car, a 17-year-old girl died because of the same reason in the same city. It's reported that the driver was badly drunk.

Cars are more and more popular for more Chinese these days. And the numbers of car accidents are increasing. From 1994 to 2008, deaths because of drunk-driving increased 7.3%. In 2009, a total of 18, 371 people were killed in car accidents because of drunk driving.

In the middle of August, there were some new rules to deal with the drunk drivers:

1. If a driver's alcohol content(酒精含量) is 20mg per 100ml of blood, he is regarded as a drunk driver.

2. If a driver's alcohol content is 80mg per 100ml or more, he will be held (拘留 ) for 15 days and have their license revoked ( 吊销执照)for six months, and are given a fine (罚款) of 2000 yuan.

The first weekend, 3,167 drivers were held because of high levels of alcohol in their blood.

So many people are calling for the law to deal with drunk drivers in order to make drivers understand that drunk driving can make serious problems.

1.The girl in Hangzhou died because the driver_________________.

A. was not careful enough         B. wanted to kill her

C. drank too much                 D. was too old to see clearly

2.The numbers of car accidents these years are ______________ before.

A. bigger than                    B. smaller than

C. the same as                    D. not the same as

3. If a driver with a blood alcohol content of 80rag per l00ml or more,

he will____________________.

A. be held for 15 days

B. have his license revoked for six months

C. be given a fine of 2,000 yuan

D. A, B and C

4.You may find this article________________.

A. in the school magazine           B. in a newspaper

C. in an advertisement              D. in a science book

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. In 1998, 18,371 people were killed in car accidents because of drunk driving.

B. A driver's alcohol content should be less than 50rag per 100ml of blood.

C. Until now, 3,167 drivers have been held because of high levels of alcohol.

D. So many people are calling for the law to deal with drunk drivers.



完形填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C。D三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

About 10 years ago, I started a job as a trainer . In one of my first classes, the head trainer told a very ______ story that I would like to share with you.

He began by drawing a ______ standing in the middle of a circle. To make it more interesting, he drew things like a house, a car, and a few friends inside the circle.

He asked the question, "Can anyone tell me what this is?" In a long silence, one guy decided to ______ his idea, "the world?" The trainer said, "That's close and this is your Comfort Zone. Inside your circle you have all the things that are ______ to you. Your home, your family, your friends and your job. People feel that inside this circle they are safe from any ______ or conflict. "

"Can anyone tell me what happens when you step ______ this circle?" A strong silence came over the room. The same eager guy announced, "You are afraid. " ______ guy said, "You make mistakes. " The silence continued and the trainer smiled and said, "When you make mistakes, ______ can the result be?" The first guy shouted, "You ______ something. "

"Exactly, you are learning. " The trainer turned to the board and drew an arrow ______ from the man directly to the outside of the circle. He continued to say,  "When you leave your Comfort  Zone you put ______ out there, in front of the world to be in situations that you are not ______ with. The end result is that you have learned ______ that you did not know and you expand your knowledge to become a better person. "  He turned again to the board and drew a ______ circle around the original circle, and added a few new things like more friends, a bigger house, etc.

"The moral of the story is that if you stay inside your Comfort Zone, you will ______ be able to expand your horizons and learn. When you step out of your Comfort Zone you will finally make your circle bigger and your mind grow stronger, and all in all a better person. "

1.A. moving       B. educational     C. interesting     D. surprising

2.A. man         B. lamp            C. horse           D. tree

3.A. take       B. argue         C. write          D. show

4.A. important    B. strange       C. friendly       D. useless

5.A. noise       B. disagreement    C. danger         D. argument

6.A. forward     B. back           C. out of        D. into

7.A. Another     B. Other          C. Others          D. The other

8.A. how          B. which          C. where           D. what

9.A. lose        B. learn           C. want            D. miss

10.A. leaving     B. flying          C. pointing        D. connecting

11.A. yourself    B. himself         C. themselves     D. ourselves

12.A. busy      B. strict          C. popular        D. comfortable

13.A. nothing     B. everything      C. anything       D. something

14.A. small       B. smaller       C. big            D. bigger

15.A. often       B. never         C. sometimes      D. always



-Do you have any plans for tonight?

-Yes ,I _____ at the new Italian restaurant in town.

A. eat                  B. have eaten

C. ate                 D. am going to eat



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