满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–Did you have _____ good time yesterday?...

Did you have _____ good time yesterday?

--Yeah, I really had ____ fun at the party!

A. a; /                 B. a; the              C. /; the


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你昨天过得开心吗?-是啊,在晚会上我们过得开心。前空表示“度过一段愉快的时光”,表示“一……”,用不定冠词a/an,good的第一个音[g]是辅音,前加a;后句中fun是不可数名词,用原形表示种类,前不加修饰词。故选A。 考点:考查冠词用法辨析。  


在你的成长过程中,父亲一定做了许多令你感动或印象深刻的事情。父亲节就要到了,Teen Times杂志正在组织感恩父亲征文活动,请以“Father and me"为题写一篇英语短文,参加本次活动。






1. 80-100词;





Every year, more than nine million people all over the world come to visit London. They go to the museums and theatres; they look at interesting old buildings or have a drink in a park.

A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to take an underground train. The London underground is one of the best and most widely used transport networks(网状组织)in the world. The trains run all day and most of the night. (1)You'd better not take the underground between eight o'clock and ten o'clock in the morning, or four o'clock and six o'clock in the afternoon.(2) The trains are so crowded that you can hardly move or find a place to sit.

London's famous red buses form a big part of getting around in London. Although the London underground is the fastest and the simplest way of getting around London, the buses play their part and are an experience you should try at least once. By sitting on the top deck (层) of the bus, you can get a great sightseeing (观光的)  experience of London as well.

Some special visitors' buses take you to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey.  It takes about one and a half hours, but you can cancel your journey and get off (and on again) at the different places you want to visit.

London taxis are called "black cabs”. Most of them are black, but some are not. You can stop one if it has a "For Hire (供租用的)n sign on it. The drivers are friendly and helpful.

In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with Lots to see and to do. Welcome to London.


1. How many kinds of transportation can visitors use to get around in London? List



2.If you go to visit London, which two kinds of transportation are you going to choose? Why?











Some time ago, a fire broke out(爆发) in a building late at night. Nearly all the families were s1. inside the house. After the firemen came, they rushed into the burning building and saved the people to the safe p2..

The crowds thought a3. the people were safe. But it was not so. Two little orphan (孤儿) girls were still asleep alone at the very top of the building, in a small room. N4. . thought of them. Luckily, they lived with a dog.

The dog tried to wake them up, but f5.. He ran to the window and barked(吠叫) loudly for help. B6. no one noticed him. Then he climbed down the ladder (梯子) and tried to pull a fireman to the ladder. The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. Then the dog ran to a7. fireman, jumped on him, ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back as if he was asking the fireman to follow him.

This fireman realized there must be someone in the little room, as the dog was acting so strangely. So he followed the dog u8.the ladder, there he saw the two girls and saved them.

Where was the d9.? A brave fireman rushed into the room to look for him and found him lying near the window, choked (窒息) with smoke. He brought him down with care, but he was already d10.. He had given his life for his friends. What a faithful friend!




Bullying (欺凌) is doing things to hurt other people. It is a serious problem at school.

Miah-now a 22-year-old girl, still 1. (remember) how she was bullied in junior high school. "They kicked me, put sticks in my hair and took money from me. Even worse, I 2.(make) to eat rubbish. I 3. never _____ (forget) those moments. "

Miah is not the only case. I saw another bullying situation when I was a student. Some students bullied a handicapped (智力低下的)  girl every day hitting, pushing, and kicking her. They just enjoyed 4.(do) it. The girl didn't realize that people 5.(hurt) her. She couldn't even tell the teacher. The situation lasted for a long time.

Bullying at school is getting worse, so, many people 6.(try) to start anti-bullying(反欺凌) programs. Students in many schools have already taken actions. They 7.(create) anti-bullying clubs. Many students have joined the clubs. They work with teachers to show students how to stop bullying. Some other programs have proved to be successful , too.

In Wales, two girls came up with an idea to stop bullying on the school bus. They created a bus pass (乘车证) and made four rules for students: no bullying, no swearing(骂脏话), no smoking and no shouting. Whenever a student broke a rule, he would get a mark on his pass. When a student had four marks, he wouldn't be allowed to take the bus anymore. The bus pass idea worked. It 8.(stop) bullying on the bus.

In Michigan, some students tried to stop bullying with friendship. They made DVDs. They gave the DVDs to students in their school 9. ( teach) them how to be good friends. This idea worked, too. After that, there was less bullying at their school.

School programs like these 10.(help) bullies learn to behave properly and they can also help prevent school bullying. I think it will come to a stop if everyone does something.




We have heard about people who have special memories. Recently there has been a report about a woman from Australia who can remember almost every detail (细节) of all the events in her daily life.

Rebecca Sharrock, 25, is one of just 80 people worldwide who have been identified(确定) as having Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory ( HSAM,超级自传体记忆症). It means she can remember every small event-which most people would forget with in (......以内)  days-as if it had happened just minutes ago.

"I remember my mum putting me in the driver's seat of a car and taking a picture of me when I was 12 days old, she said. "That's my earliest memory. I remember every day since then. I can't tell all the dates exactly because I was too young to understand calendars, but I remember what I did that every day, what the weather was like and so on.”

Rebecca can also re-experience taste. If she's eating something that she doesn't like, she thinks about Black Forest cake, her favorite food, and the memory will be so strong that she can nearly "taste” it.

However,  sometimes her memories prove (证明) to be painful. Because they're not just events that she remembers. "When I relive (再体验) memories, the feelings return, too,” Rebecca said. "For example, I remember falling over when I was three at my grandparents' house and hurting my left knee. Talking about it now, I feel painful in my left knee. "

"At night, I have to sleep with the radio/recorder and a soft light on, she added. "1f it's too dark or quiet, my mind would be filled with all these memories and I can't sleep. "

1. Which is NOT TRUE about Rebecca?

A. She has special memories.

B. She is from Australia.

C. She is 25 years old.

D. She can remember every detail of all the events.

2.What happened to Rebecca on the day when she was 3 years old?

A. She was identified as having HSAM.

B. Her mother put her in a car and took a picture of her.

C. She started to understand calendars.

D. She hurt her left knee at her grandparents'.

3.Whenever she is reliving her memories,__________

A. she is happy

B. she experiences the feelings again

C. she feels pain in her knees

D. she can taste her favorite food

4.What is the result of having HSAM?

A. She can remember every event in her daily life.

B. She can re-experience taste.

C. She can relive feelings.

D. All the above.

5.From the passage, we can infer (推断) that________

A. HSAM can do her good, but it also brings her pain

B. she feels painful if she recalls her experiences

C. she can fall asleep while she is re-experiencing memories

D. HSAM can greatly improve her living conditions



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