满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇运用 With language understand use if mak...


With     language   understand      use   if      make    kind   help  another      in        they   unless

There are a lot of   1.     in the world. But the most widely spoken language is English. Many people u__2.___ and use it all over the world. Indeed, English is a very important and 3.       language. ___4.___ we know English, we can hardly travel anywhere and we will have difficulty     5.    ourselves understood. English is greatly used in study of all 6.     of subjects. Several books are written    7.    English every day to teach people many useful things. Therefore, the English language has   8.   to spread(传播) knowledge to all parts of the world.

English has also served to bring together the different peoples of the world by helping    9.    to talk with one   10. .


1.languages 2.understand 3.useful 4.unless 5.making 6.kinds 7.in 8.helped 9.them 10.another 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是英语的重要性。这是世界上使用最广泛的语言,不懂英语,旅行很困难;在各科中,英语用得最广;英语是知识传播的重要工具,也是让人类关系更近的重要工具。 1.languages句意:世界上有许多语言。下句中提到“spoken language is English”可以推测出本空填“语言”,a lot of后可数名词用复数形式。故填:languages。 2.understand句意:全世界许多人理解和使用它(英语)。理解、运用。故填:understand。 3.useful句意:英语是一门重要、有用的语言。根据句型结构可知本空填形容词,与important并列,可以推测出本空填“有用的”,故填:useful。 4.unless句意:如果我们不懂英语,我们几乎不能到任何地方旅行。如果不:unless。 5.making句意:我们难以我们被理解。做某事有困难:have difficulty doing sth;使某事被做(请某人做某事):make sth done。故填:making。 6.kinds句意:在各种学科中,英语被广泛使用。各种各样的:all kinds of。故填:kinds。 7.in句意:每天有一些书用英语写的。用英语:in English。故填:in。 8.helped句意:因此,英语已经帮助把知识传播到世界各地。前有has可知句子用的现在完成时态,动词用过去分词。故填:helped。 9.them句意:英语也帮助把世界各地的人们拉得更近,帮助他们互相交谈。指代different people,复数名词,用them。 10.another句意:英语也通过帮助他们互相交谈的方式,帮助把世界各地的人们拉得更近。互相,彼此:one another。故填:another。 考点:考查文化科学类短文阅读。


AHi, Tom. You look so worried. 1.

BWe are going to have a basketball game against Class Two. But Jack fell ill. He can’t take part in it.

AI am sorry to hear that.

BDavid,   2.

ASure. What is it?

B 3.

AI’d be glad to. But I’m not good at playing basketball.

BNever mind. I’m sure you can do it well.

AI will do my best. 4.

BOf course not. 5.

AOK. Thank you very much. See you later.

BSee you.

A.Would you mind teaching me?

B.could you please do me a favor?

C.What’s wrong with you?

D.Will you join us?

E.Let’s practice it together after school.




The 2012 Olympic Games are coming. Many people will go to watch some matches. Here are some rules for the audience (观众):

〈1〉Archery (射箭)﹠shooting

Sit at the back or on either side of the field.

Keep quiet during the match.Set your mobile phone in a vibrating state or turn it off.

Don't use the flash on your camera.

When the athletes are aiming at the target (靶子), keep your voice down.

〈2〉Basketball,table tennis﹠football

You can't bring drinks in glass bottles or cans.

Keep the cheering down at important moments.Don't use the camera flash.

If you easily get nervous,bring some snacks.Keep your mouth moving to calm you down.


Audience should keep off the track (跑道).Control your pets.

Athletes might look tired and thirsty,but don't hand them water or anything else.

If an athlete falls,do not help him or her.

1.What sport is not mentioned in the passage?



2.What does the underlined word “vibrating” mean in Chinese?

A.待机的     B.震动的     C.大声的     D.户外的

3.You can't use the camera flash in ______ matches according to the passage.



4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowed (允许) in a baseball match.

B.You can shout “Come on!” loudly at important moments in a football match.

C.When a runner falls,you can't rush over to help.

D.You can't shout loudly when watching the shooting match.

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Some rules for the audience

B.How to play basketball

C.The Olympic Games

D.Some important matches



Chores weren’t popular at my house.My children didn’t like to do chores.They always saw me do chores,but they hardly ever helped me do them.

A year ago,I made a game called“The Endless Chore Game”.It’s really great.Here’s how the game works.

I make a card with forty squares(方框),and I write a different chore on each square.These chores can be easy and interesting like making dessert.Then my family roll the dice(骰子)to decide what chores we have to do.The card also has a few squares with fun things,like watching TV and singing.If you’re lucky,you can watch TV when the others are doing the chores.

My son likes the game very much.He goes to the kitchen happily every morning to do the game.It’s really a good way to make my children do chores.You can have a try if you have the same problem as me.

1.The writer’s family began to do the game________ago.

A.one year     B.one month

C.two years      D.two months

2.What do you need to do“The Endless Chore Game”?

A.A card.

B.A dice.

C.A card and a dice.

D.A card and forty dice.

3.When do the writer’s family do the game?

A.In the morning.    B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.    D.The other day.

4.We can learn from the passage that________.

A.the writer only has one child

B.everyone in the writer’s family likes playing the game

C.the writer wrote this passage to the parents

D.everyone in the writer’s family has to do the chores every day

5.The writer made this game to________.

A.do less chores

B.tell us an interesting game

C.make her children happy

D. make her children do chores



If you want to protect (保护) yourself,please remember the following ways of information. These ways will make you safe.

Don't use earphones (耳机) when you are running in the school yard or in the street. You will keep yourself from the outside world and can easily get into trouble.

If a stranger is following you,please don't go home directly. You may be safer in the street than you are in your home or in a lift. If necessary,please go and get help from others.

When you take a bus,don't sit alone. You should sit behind the driver or with friends. Don't sleep. Your school bag should be carried towards the front of your body. Don't put it on your back.

Don't play with matches (火柴) or candles (蜡烛), because it may cause fire. If it causes fire,please call 119.

1.We can't use ______ when we are running in the street.

A.radios      B.watches

C.earphones    D.mobile phones

2.If a stranger follows you,you can't ______.

A.get help from others     B.walk in the street

C.go home directly        D.call your friends

3.We should carry our school bags ______ on the bus.

A.in front of our bodies

B.on the floor

C.on our backs

D.on the heads

4.We can sit______ on the bus.

A.alone                     B.behind the driver

C.in front of the driver     D.with strangers

5.If it causes fire,______.

A.please call 999      B.please call 110

C.please call 120      D.please call 119




In North America people are always in a hurry. Children have   ______ lessons or sports activities after school. Parents often work late and don’t get home  ______ 7 or 8 o’clock at night. More than 50% of the women work at full –time jobs, and many people do part-time work.. It isn’t a ______ that the North American families don’t have time to eat many meals together.

When a family takes the time to eat a meal ______ , often there isn’t enough time to ______ the food. That is _______ “fast food” is so popular in North America. People spend about 40% of their food dollars ______  fast food.

Fast food is food such as pizza, sandwiches, or fried chicken. People usually    ______ _the food from a restaurant chain (连锁店) such as Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food ______ work and time, ______ it is not very healthy.

Fast food is ______ in many countries . American fast-food companies now have restaurants all over the world. But not everyone is happy about the ______ of North American fast food. A group of people in Italy want to ______ against the spread of American fast food. They do not want any more fast –food chains to open restaurants in______ country. Their group is ______ the Slow Food Movement. They plan to fight against the spread of fast food everywhere in the world.

1.A. special     B. double     C. normal       D. modern

2.A.as           B. after       C. until       D. unless

3.A. shock      B.surprise     C.pity          D.decision

4.A. alone      B.once        C.together     D.again

5.A. cover     B. serve       C. create      D.prepare

6.A.how          B.what        C.when         D.why

7.A.about       B.on          C.in          D.at

8.A. share     B. fetch       C. buy         D.sell

9.A. gives     B.saves       C.provides     D. wastes

10.A.but         B.and         C.or          D.so

11.A.fantastic   B. different   C. natural    D. popular

12.A.spirit     B. situation  C. spread      D.price

13.A.turn        B.fight        C. press       D. hold

14.A.their      B. his         C. her        D.its

15.A. called   B. spelled      C. thought     D. know



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