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书面表达 Peter是一名初三的学生。运动让他的生活发生了巨大的变化。 请根据所...


Peter是一名初三的学生。运动让他的生活发生了巨大的变化。 请根据所给图画,展开适当的联想,完成下面的短文。






Sport makes a difference

Peter is a Grade 9 student.


Peter is a Grade 9 student. He used to be very weak and had to take a lot of medicine. He wanted to be as healthy as his classmates, so he decided to do sport. He joined Xuanwu Football Club and practised hard there. Because of football, his life has changed a lot. he finds himself much healthier than before. Now, he has grown into a tall strong guy. What’s more, he is very good at playing football. Last month, he took part in School Football Match and won the Best Player Award. Peter needn’t take a lot of medicine any more. Sport makes a great difference to his life. 【解析】 试题解析: 试题分析:本题给出的材料较为详细,动笔前要先认真阅读要点,然后围绕要点展开写作。根据所给材料内容,可知本文主要用第三人称和一般现在时态、一般过去时态和现在完成时态进行叙述。注意时态、人称,要将题目要求的要点列举出来,注意固定词组搭配。 亮点说明:本文用了一些短语和句式,如:used to, decided to do, be good at, took part in, What’s more等使得文章句子的结构不再单一,增加了文章的亮点;并且还使用了同级比较句与比较状语从句。如: He wanted to be as healthy as his classmates. He finds himself much healthier than before.增加了文章的色彩。 考点:话题作文。  


Are you a fan of traveling? Well, in 20 years, there may be a new place for you to spend your v   1.   - the moon. Last month, the European Space Agency (ESA) published ideas for b   2.   an international moon village by 2030. The village aims to open the door for deeper space exploration, and it will a  3.  be a tourist center.

In 1969 after US astronaut Neil Armstrong first arrived on the moon, he said the famous w   4.   “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. A   5.   to the head of the ESA, Johann, the moon village could be “the next giant leap for mankind”, because the technology for this is about 20 years away from coming true. One of the biggest challenges is getting the building materials into space w   6.  costing too much, said Matthias from the German Aerospace Center. Scientists s   7.  using the ice water and rocks on the moon to print 3-D building materials, so people don’t have to carry e   8.   from the Earth. When asked why the ESA chose the moon rather than Mars as the next goal, Johann said it’s b  9.  the moon is about 144 times closer to the earth than Mars. The ESA i  10. the US, Russia, China, India, Japan and some other countries to join in its moon plan. It hopes that “in the future, the moon can become a place where the nations of the world work together”.





Women make up 50 percent of world’s population and yet they are not treated equally. They hold less than one-fifth of the all parliamentary (议会) seats around the world occupy less than 19 percent of board (董事会) seats in Fortune 500 companies and earn 17 percent less than men for similar skills and positions. As a group they are passed over and looked down on.

On March 8 every year millions of women around the world celebrate International Women’s Day. It is possible that you may not have heard about the International Women’s Day in the United States. Yet Women's Day had its origin in the United States.

Women’s Day was first celebrated in February 1909 in the US to mark the one-year anniversary of the New York Garment Worker’s Strike of 1908. Women used the chance to fight against warring and fight for women’s vote rights.

Did you know that it was a Women’s Day protest in St. Petersburg in 1917 which led to the revolution (革命) for bringing down the Russian empire? After the Russian revolution Women’s Day came to be celebrated as a communist (共产主义的) or socialist (社会主义的) holiday. As a result the United States government didn’t accept it as a holiday.

Today Women’s Day is celebrated in places such as China and Russia as a sort of state-approved Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. The tradition in these countries is to give flowers and gifts to the important women in one's life.

In 1975 the United Nations officially announced March 8 as International Women’s Day. Since then it has been a practice to suggest an annual theme for each year. The theme for 2016 is "Pledge For Parity." It calls on women and men to challenge the present state and inspire positive change in their communities and workplaces.

There is a lot that needs to be done. As a society we need to offer women and girls chances to make their dreams come true have equal chances for leadership respect and value differences and develop a better work environment. This day challenges and reminds that everyone can be a leader in their own small way and can take positive steps to bring about gender equality.

Our world can truly be balanced when we use the potential that women have to offer. As we prepare children for the future it is important that girls and women not be left behind.

Women’s present situation

Women make up     1.    of the world’s population.

Women get    2.    chances and less money while working.

3.   of Women’s Day

It was first celebrated in the US in 1909.

The Women’s Day protest in 1917   4.  the revolution in Russia.

It was not    5.   as a holiday in the United States.

The United Nations   6.  March 8th as International Women’s Day in 1975.

Ways of celebrating Women’s Day

Being   7. as a sort of state-approved Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day.

Flowers and gifts are   8.  to the important women in one’s life.

9. of Women’s Day

To help   10. women and girls’ dreams.

To help women get chances for leadership equally.

To develop a better work environment for women.




What about   badly   more  look after   allowed


The students in Class 4 are talking about what kind of animal to get as a classroom pet.

Pia      I think we should get a rabbit. They’re cute and easy to   1.  .

Adrian   Lots of classrooms already have rabbits. Let’s get something 2.  exciting.

Pia      Like what?

Adrian   I don’t know. Like a lizard (蜥蜴).

Mr Finch I’m afraid we can’t. I don’t think we are   3.  to keep a lizard or any native animal

in classrooms.

Nadim     4.  a parrot? We could teach it to talk.

Tom     My dad says it’s not right to keep birds in cages.

Nadim   We’d feed it and play with it. We wouldn’t treat it   5.  .

Pia      He means it’s cruel (残酷) when birds aren’t free and can’t fly around.

Adrian   Maybe he is right. We can look after it during the day but it will get lonely at night.

Mr Finch We’ll talk about this again tomorrow. Tonight I’d like you to tell your parents what

we’ve talked about.




1.________ (luck) we missed the last bus and had to walk the whole way back to the town center.

2.      (far) information is necessary for you to work out the problem.

3.Youyou Tu became the first Chinese that ________ (win) a Nobel Prize for medicine on October 5th 2015.

4.People who are in their ________ (thirty) care more about their career than their own life.

5.Xuanwu District will set up a new primary school        (satisfy) the nearby students’ needs.




1.Simon don’t worry too much. We all think you can make it by       (自己).

2.Chang’e 4 will send wonderful pictures back to us when it       (到达)the moon in the year 2018.

3.Each of us felt      (口渴的) when seeing the watermelons on the table.

4.American        (发明家)Thomas Edison began making short action pictures at the beginning of the 20th century.

5.You cannot       (想象) how much difficulty I had communicating with such a person.



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