满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Can you imagine in the future? A. what w...

Can you imagine       in the future?

A. what will our city like

B. what our city will look like

C. how will our city look like

D. how our city will like


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你可以想像一下,未来我们的城市看起来是什么样吗?A. what will our city like我们城市将像什么样子。宾语从句用陈述句语序,错;B. what our city will look like我们城市将像什么样子;C. how will our city look like我们城市将看起来怎样。作介词like的宾语,不能用疑问副词how;错。D. how our city will like我们城市将看起来怎样。作介词like的宾语,不能用疑问副词how;错。故选B。 考点:考查宾语从句。  

I won't go to Linda's party unless       .

A. I will be invited

B. I am invited

C. I will not be invited

D. I am not invited



Three years has       since we last       each other.

A. passed; have met                    B. past; have met

C. passed; met                         D. past; met



Three letters       to her, but there is still no reply.

A. have sent        B. sent

C. have been sent   D. will be sent



一What did you save your money for?

        a new mobile phone.

A. To buy           B. Buy             C. Buying          D. Bought



The plan we       seems to be a big success.

A. carried away      B. gave out

C. carried out       D. gave in



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