满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Have you ever played the Go game(围棋...


Have you ever played the Go game(围棋)before? If yes, you may know how challenging it can be. The Go game is usually played _________  two people. But on March 9, Google's computer program AlphaGo challenged world human Go champion Lee Sedol(李世石)of South Korea. And AlphaGo _________ Lee 4-1.

A1phaGo, an artificial intelligence (AI, 人工智能)program made _________ Google's DeepMind , has studied 30 million moves from games played by human experts. It has also played against itself to remember those moves _________ , AlphaGo is able to find out what the board will likely look like several moves ahead of time. So then it can make the best _________ .

AI is when computer or computer software are able to have intelligent behavior, such as thinking or _________ like a human. In our daily life, we already use AI in some ways - Apple's Siri and _________ engines like Baidu and Google.

British computer scientist Alan Mathison Turing is considered the father of AI. He _________the Turing Test(图灵测试)to find out _________ machines could actually think. The Turing Test goes like this: A computer can be called intelligent if it could fool a human into believing that it was human, Turing wrote in 1950.

Some people may worry whether computers are now smart enough to do everything. But experts say that is not the _________  . Real life problems can be more complicated(复杂的)than the Go game.

1.A. between          B. in                C. among        D. of

2.A. hit             B. win               C lose          D. beat

3.A. in              B. by               C. of            D. from

4.A. In this way      B. After all         C. As usual      D. In public

5.A. designs         B. mistakes         C. choices        D. possibilities

6.A. smiling          B. walking           C. acting       D. looking

7.A. Internet        B. website           C. search        D. computer

8.A. created         B. invented          C. discovered     D. found

9.A. when           B. whether           C. what           D. why

10.A. way           B. end               C. reason        D. case


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了阿尔法狗战胜李石世的故事,同时介绍了人工智能及其发展。 1.A考查介词及语境理解。句意:围棋通常在两人之间进行。A. between在两者之间;B. in在……里面;C. among在三者及三者以上的人或物之间;D. of……的。围棋是两人比赛,在两者之间进行。故选A。 2.2】D考查动词及语境理解。句意:而且阿尔法狗以4:1战胜李石世。A. hit打,击,撞;B. win赢,获胜,其宾语是sth;C lose失去,失败,丢失;D. beat战胜,其宾语是人。4:1,阿尔法狗获胜,宾语是人,用beat。故选D。 3.3】B考查介词及语境理解。句意:阿尔法狗由谷歌的DeepMind做的一个人工智能程序。A. in在……里;B. by被,由,以……方式;C. of……的;D. from来自。由……人做成:be made by。故选B。 4.4】A考查短语及语境理解。句意:它也和自己下棋来记住这些步数。。A. In this way以这种方式; B. After all毕竟,终究;C. As usual像平常一样;D. In public当众,公众。通过自己和自己对弈的方式记住棋的步数。以这种方式:in this way。故选A。 5.5】C考查名词及语境理解。句意:因此,然后他可以做出最好的选择。A. designs设计;B. mistakes错误;C. choices选择;D. possibilities可能。根据上文,可以多看几步的变化,从而作出最好的选择。故选C。 6.6】C考查动词及语境理解。句意:人工智能是电脑或电脑软件能够有智能的行为,比如说思考和行动。A. smiling微笑;B. walking步行;C. acting行动;D. looking看。微笑和看是高级的智力活动,人工智能不具备,步行是简单的机械运动,不是人工智能。故选C。 7.7】C考查名词及语境理解。句意:像百度和谷歌等搜索引擎。A. Internet互联网;B. website网站;C. search搜索;D. computer电脑。百度和谷歌是搜索引擎。故选C。 8.8】A考查动词及语境理解。句意:他创造了图灵测试来发现机器是否能实实在在地思考。A. created创造;B. invented发明;C. discovered发现;D. found找到,发现。人工智能之父创造了图灵测试方式。故选A。 9.9】B考查连词及语境理解。句意:他创造了图灵测试来发现机器是否能实实在在地思考。A. when当……时候,指时间; B. whether是否,表示疑问;C. what什么,指事物;D. why为什么,指原因。用图灵测试方式看机器是否能思考,故选B。 10.0】D考查名词及语境理解。句意:但是专家们说事实并不如此。A. way方式,道路;B. end结局,结尾;C. reason原因,理由;D. case情况,事实。事实并不如此:That is not the case。故选D。 考点:考查科普类短文。

一I've made little progress in English during this term.

一Don't worry.       .

A. It's never too old to learn

B. Well begun is half done

C. The early bird catches the worm

D. Rome wasn't built in a day



Can you imagine       in the future?

A. what will our city like

B. what our city will look like

C. how will our city look like

D. how our city will like



I won't go to Linda's party unless       .

A. I will be invited

B. I am invited

C. I will not be invited

D. I am not invited



Three years has       since we last       each other.

A. passed; have met                    B. past; have met

C. passed; met                         D. past; met



Three letters       to her, but there is still no reply.

A. have sent        B. sent

C. have been sent   D. will be sent



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