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Compulsive(强迫的)shoppers may have a new p...

Compulsive(强迫的)shoppers may have a new psychological excuse to blame for their wild shopping. Psychologists at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand are studying the “shop-till-you-drop” habit as a behavioral disorder similar to compulsive eating. Compulsive shoppers frequently buy more than they can afford or more than they need, and it causes them distress(苦恼).

“It becomes a problem when you are out of control,” psychology lecturer Neville Blampied said. “When you are feeling bad and blue, what do you do? Some people eat chocolate cake and ice cream. Some people take the credit card and go out to the shop.” Bank managers understand the problem because they have to deal with people who have to be persuaded to stop using their cards drawing money.

Compulsive shopping was first discovered in 1915, although it was then known as monomania. Few studies have been done on the problem.

An advertisement in a Christchurch paper, calling for people to take part in an experimental treatment program designed by Mr. Wilson, attracted 10 replies. But the problem, said Mr. Wilson, is “clearly not rare”. He thinks that compulsive shopping should be treated with drugs. “As psychologists we are interested in non-drug treatments for behavioral difficulties,” Mr. Wilson said.

Compulsive eaters or shoppers get a kick from their habit. “Both activities provide an immediate kind of kick and you feel a bit better,” he said. “You have long-term problems, but human beings are extremely good at not seeing long-term problems and are very sensitive to short-term benefits,” he said.

The aim of the treatment was to help people find better ways of managing their emotions. The program, consisting of 10 one-hour weekly lessons and two follow-up treatments, is loosely based on teaching stress management.

“You often have to start to get people to correctly recognize their emotions. Not being able to know what you really feel weakens your ability to solve the problems connected with what’s making you feel that way,” Mr. Wilson said.

1.The compulsive shoppers will go shopping when ______.

A.they have lots of money

B.they are taking drugs

C.they are feeling sad

D.they win a prize

2.The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph most probably refers to __________.

A.compulsive eating

B.a new psychological excuse

C.the study done by Blampied

D.the behavior of wild shopping

3.Which of the following is considered important in treating compulsive shoppers?

A.Teaching them to manage their money better.

B.Teaching them to understand their emotions.

C.Persuading them not to draw money from the bank.

D.Treating them with right drugs.

4.When the writer says that compulsive shoppers get a kick from their habit, he means that they __________.

A.feel distressed after their wild shopping

B.feel better after treatment from psychologists

C.are better able to deal with stress problems

D.have a feeling of excitement after shopping


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 【解析】文章介绍了一些人在压力之下会强迫购物,买一些本不需要的东西。文章讨论这种病,并提出了治疗方案。 1.C 细节题。根据第二段2,3行When you are feeling bad and blue, what do you do? Some people eat chocolate cake and ice cream. Some people take the credit card and go out to the shop.说明很多人是在情绪不好的时候去购物的。故C正确。 2.D 推理题。根据第一段Compulsive shoppers frequently buy more than they can afford or more than they need, and it causes them distress说明it即他们疯狂购物的这种行为,这种行为让他们很担忧因为他们买的东西超过了他们能承受的。故D正确。 3.B 推理题。根据倒数第二段第一句The aim of the treatment was to help people find better ways of managing their emotions.说明控制情绪是最重要的,B正确。 4.D 推理题。根据下一句Both activities provide an immediate kind of kick and you feel a bit better可知是指在某一种行为以后所的很好的感觉,那么人们在疯狂购物以后也会有这样兴奋的感觉,故D正确。

— Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind?

— Sorry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still ____.







You are working too hard. You'd better keep a ________ between work and relaxation.







It is by no means clear      the president can do to end the strike.







When deeply absorbed in work, ________ he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.







When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or __________.







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