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Life is filled with challenges. As we ge...

Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we   26  realize that those challenges are the very things that __27___  us and make us who we are .It is the same with challenges that come with __28____.

When we are faced with a challenge ,we usually have two __29___ .We can  try to beat it off , or we can decide that the thing___30___ the challenge isn’t worth the__31___ and call it quits , Although there are certainly ___32___ when calling it quits is the right thing to do, in most __33___all that is needed is___34___ and communication. 

When we are committed to something , it means that no matter how__35____ or how uncomfortable something is , we will always choose to__36___ it and work it through instead of running away from it . Communication is making __37____for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong .And__38___ you can say to a friend , “I got my feeling hurt.”    __39____“You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to solve the problem much faster .

In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you , try to see them for__40___ they are: small hurdles you need to jump or__41____ on your  way through life .Nothing is so big that it is __42___ to get over , and hurt only__43__   to make us stronger .It is all part of growing up ,it__44____  to everyone ,and someday you will__45____ all of this and say ,”Hard as it was ,it made me who I am today .And that is a good thing .”

1.A seem to      B come to       C hope to       D try to

2.A design       B promote       C direct         D shape

3.A confidence    B pressure      C friendship     D difficulty

4.opportunities   B expectations   C choices       D aspects

5.A demanding     B deserving     C predicting    D presenting

6.A comment      B loss          C trouble       D expense

7.A spans         B times         C dates         D ages

8.A cases         B fields         C parts         D occasions

9.A assessment   B commitment    C encouragement  D adjustment

10.A doubtful      B shameful      C harmful       D painful

11.A keep         B control       C face          D catch

12.A space        B plan          C topic         D room

13.A if           B as            C while         D unless

14.A other than    B rather than    C or rather      D or else

15.A what         B who           C where         D which

16.A pass by      B come across    C get through    D run over

17.A easy          B necessary      C impossible     D comfortable

18.A serves         B means         C aims           D attempts

19.A opens         B appeals        C goes          D happens 

20.A look down on B look back on    C look forward to D look up to


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D  11.C 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】文章大意:生活中充满挑战,正是这些挑战塑造了我们。当我们面对挑战时,我们会做出两种选择:我们或勇敢地战胜它或选择逃避。但更多的时候,我们需要的是承诺与沟通。伴随着友谊出现的种种挑战,只是生活中的一个个小难关,战胜它的同时,会使我们更加成熟、强大。面对挑战,克服困难,将来有一天你回首往事时你会发现尽管挑战艰苦,但它造就了你。挑战帮助我们成长。 1.B文章开头已经点明了主题。as引导的时间状语从句点明了主句谓语即空格后的realize一词动作发生的时间背景和情况。因as在此意为“随着”,所以后面的“意识到”就应该是个“渐进的过程”,因而选come to。 2.D本句中的the very things意为:正是这种事;恰恰是这东西。基后是定语从句,跳过空格所给的信息很明确:即正是这种东西使我们成为我们(the very things that make us who we are),因此,由and这一并列连词可以看出,前面要填的一个词应与其后的“使我们成为我们(make us who we are)意义上一致或相关,因而选定答案D。 3.C句中it is the same with …意为……也是如此(一样)。那么什么样的挑战与生活中的挑战一样呢?这个空有难度。需要最后一段才能找到暗示。 4.C后文中的“or”一词暗对“choices”。一定要完整地读完全句,不要匆忙做答。 5.D 根据这里句子的结构可知 “…the challenge”作前面 “the thing”的定语。那么到底是“要求”、“预测”、“值得”还是“代表、呈现”挑战事情呢?B项可容易排除,因为后面有worth一词;我们也不能要求挑战,故排除A项;C项也不能切合文意;present在此可引申为“使发生(cause sth to happen)”即“表示或呈现或带来挑战”的事情。 6.C根据后面的call it quits可知前面是不值这种努力即不值得“麻烦”,故选C,只有这样才能和面对挑战的两种选择契合。部分同学对句子结构及call it quits 不能理解,造成理解的困难。 7.B句型There is a time when…或There are tiems when…是较常见的。一个有一定语感的考生是不难做出选择的。 8.A in most cases 是一个短语,意思是“在大多数情况下”;occasions与介词on搭配。 9.B纵观前面的论述,可知对待友谊中的挑战,所需要的是“…和交流”;根据下段中的第一句话可知就选B项,因为段与段之间是有一定的逻辑关系的,也就是说,下文中的are committed to something实际上就是在暗示44题的答案,聪明人总能找到关联。但你仍然要知道commit一词及be committed to的意思。 10.D 与后面的uncomfortable并列的词肯定令人感到“痛苦的”。 11.C后面的instead of running away from it只能对应前面的“面对”。 12.A按搭配的话A、B都是常见的。根据句子剩余信息,显然“交流”不是为“讨论”做“计划”的,而是为其留出空间;D项语法错误。 13.A根据后半句“你将能够更快地解决问题”可选最佳答案为if。 14.B根据这两句的区别,可以选定空格处意义应是“而不是”。 15.A该空在介词for后面应为宾语从句。从本句话来看,them与they都指句中的challenges;而从后面的冒号后的内容可知说的是前面的……they are的内容,而不是“谁”、“哪里”、“哪一个”。实际上,see sb./sth. for what they are/ it is意为to realize that sb./ sth. is not as good, pleasnat as they / it seem. 意为“看清某人或某物的真实状况”。 16.C根据or这一连词的作用,可知后面的内容与前面need to jump 有相似的地方:跳过去或者克服它们,这样才能构成or连接的并列关系。四个选项中只有get through能符合作者要表达的意义 17.C从so… that …这种结果状语从句的逻辑关系不难选定答案。此题较易。双重否定表示肯定。 18.A从供选的四个选项来看句中的hurt是名词,要选一动词作谓语。根据本句剩余信息知道,此句意为“伤害只能……使我们更坚强”。根据四个选项意义,只能是A:serve to表示“产生……的效果;有助于……;充当”。 19.D根据前一句It is all part of growing up可知它是人成长的部分,故可知它“发生在每个人身上”,故选D。 20.C根据句中的some day you will及空后的this可以知道“将有一天你会…… 这”,因而只能选B。

Practising Chinese kung fu can not only________one’s strength,but also develop one’s character.

A.bring up       

B.take up

C.build up

D.pull up



As we all know,practicing Yoga________our health;that is to say,our health can________it.

A.benefits to;benefit

B.benefits;benefit from

C.benefits from;benefit

D.benefits;are benefited from



He is having a family party in ________of his 84th birthday .







 It is important to know about the cultural differences that________cause problems.







 When Premier Zhou Enlai was alive,he________work from morning until night every day,dealing with numerous affairs.







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