满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

David __________ with Cathy for two year...

David __________ with Cathy for two years before they got married.

A. has fallen in love              B. has been in love    C. had fallen in love      D. had been in love


D 【解析】考查时态。由于相爱两年发生在结婚之前,故用过去完成时。但fall in love是短暂性动作,不能与two years连用。

The child asked his mother _________ go out to play tennis.

A. that he could                    B. if he could                    C. if could he                       D. that could he



 He said that his car __________ stolen and he ________ have to telephone the police.

A. was; would                       B. has been; will             C. had been; would           D. had been; will



China Daily is _________ a newspaper; it helps us improve our English.

A. more than                         B. no more than             C. not more than             D. no less than



Jane requested that Mr. Smith _________ her another chance.

A. gave                                    B. give                               C. gives                                D. would give



I asked my boss for a month’s holiday and, _________, she agreed.

A. what’s more                     B. that is to say              C. in other words              D. believe it or not



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