满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据课文内容完成下面句子,一空一词。(每个空格0.5分,满分10分) 1.当溜狗...



_________ ___________ the dog, you were careless and it got loose.


I stayed awake ______ _________ until half past eleven_________ _______ _________have a good look at the moon by myself.


It seems ________ ______ the world was_________ _________ ___________.


The army organized teams to ______ ______ those who ______ _______ and to ____ the dead.


A great person is someone who___________ his life _________ ________ others.


1.While walking 2.on purpose in order to 3.as if at an end 4.dig out were trapped  bury 5.devotes   to  helping 【解析】 1.While walking   状语从句的省略,当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致的时候,把状语从句的主语和be动词一起省略,本题在while后面省略了you were. 2.on purpose   in order to   固定词组:故意on purpose; 为了in order to 3.as if    at an end 固定词组:似乎as if; 结束:at an end 4.dig out  were trapped  bury  固定词组:挖出dig out; who were trapped修饰those;动词埋:bury. 5.devotes   to  helping 固定词组:devote some time to致力于… 考点:考查上下文语境中语法的运用能力

There was an American writer who often told such a story to his friends and readers:

It was an exhibition of the artists’ works organized by the Red Cross. I was invited as a special guest to take part in the exhibition. During this period, two cute girls of 16 or 17 years old came to me and asked for my signature(签名).

“I haven’t brought my pen. Is the pencil okay?” I asked. In fact I knew they wouldn’t refuse. I just wanted to show a well-known writer’s good manners to the common readers.

“Certainly,” the young girls readily agreed. I could see they were very excited. Of course, their excitement also made me more pleased with myself. One of the girls handed her notebook to me. I took out my pencil, wrote a few words of encouragement, and signed my name. The girl read my signature, frowned(皱眉), looked at me carefully and asked, “Aren’t you Robert Charboss?”

“NO,”I told her proudly, “I’m the author of Alice Adams, the winner of two Pulitzer Prizes.”

The young girl turned to another one, and said, “Mary, lend your eraser to me.”

At the moment, all my pride turned into a bubble (泡沫) immediately. Since then, I always warn(告诫)myself:Don’t think too highly of yourself even though you are so outstanding(杰出的).

1.The writer went to the exhibition because he      .

A.would put out his new book

B.got a special invitation

C.wanted to meet his fans

D.wanted show off (炫耀) that he was an outstanding writer

2.We can infer that the two girls were the fans of   .        

A.the writer

B.Alice Adams

C.Robert Charboss

D.the Red Cross

3.The underlined sentence “all my pride turned into a bubble immediately” means that the writer     .

A.had realized that he was too proud of himself

B.felt very angry when he heard the girl’s words

C.was so polite to the girls and helped them a lot

D.was regret to sign his name for the girl

4.This story teaches us to be a(an)    person.







There are many TV programs on Chinese cuisines(烹饪、美食),but few are like A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国). It tries to bring something new by introducing more cultural features related to dishes, such as eating habits and wonderful stories about food.

It’s said that more than 100 million Chinese people are watching the program. Most Chinese people see this program as more than just the regular food shows. They see it as an amazing documentary providing a special view of Chinese as well as the relations between people and food and between people and society.

On the other hand, the documentary also stimulates(刺激) Chinese people’s consumption(消费). Taobao, one of China’s biggest online shopping sites, reports that the search(搜索) on food items that were introduced by the documentary has increased to 4 million times within one week, and sales have increased to 5.82 million, or 20%.

To get enough good stories, the production team spent three months doing research and interviews in about 60 cities before they started making the documentary last July. Filming lasted about nine months.

Liu Wen, the director, says “As CCTV-9 serves as a window, allowing the world to better understand China, the documentary aims to help the world not only appreciate the beauty of Chinese cuisines, but also learn Chinese customs.”

1.A Bite of China is a     .




D.TV program

2.This program is quite different from other food shows because it has more features of     .





3.The main idea of the 3rd paragraph is that the program brings a new opportunity on      .

A.Internet communication

B.film making

C.food business

D.story writing

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?

A.Most people watch the program because they want to learn how to cook.

B.Taobao is China’s biggest online shopping site.

C.You can buy some food that’s more delicious and cheaper through the program.

D.There’re many wonderful stories about Chinese cuisines in “A Bite of China”.



A School Report

Name: Edward Scott         School: Kelvin Grove Stale High School

Grade: 7                  Term ends: 6,May

Subjects & Performances


He is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.


He is the best in the class. Keep it up.


He can work out many difficulties.


His reading is very good, he can remember many words.


He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.


He is familiar(熟悉) with the names of many places in the world.


He doesn't like pop songs, though sings very well.

Remarks(评语): Edward is able to do a lot better. More work is needed next term.

Class teacher: Ivy

Headmaster: M. L. Martin

School reopens: 11, September

1.This is a_________.

A.studying plan of Edward Scott

B.teaching plan of Ivy

C.school report of Edward Scott

D.working plan of M. L. Martin

2.Which subject is NOT mentioned(提到) in the form?





3.Edward's best subject is_________.





4.Edward is not so good at_________.

A.science and geography

B.history and French

C.music and English

D.maths and history



In the last few years, some researchers have decided to study why kids lie(撒谎),So they made up a special team of 12 students, all under the age of 21.

Each student was given 36 cards, and each card listed a topic that teens sometimes lie about to their parents, The researchers worked through the cards with the teens, learning what things the kid was lying to his parents about, and why.

By the end of the interviews, the kids saw for the first time how much they were lying and how many of family’s rules they had broken. It was reported that 98% of the teens had lied to their parents.

Out of the 36 topics, the average(平均) teen was lying to his parents about 12 of them. The teens lied about what movie they went to, and whom they went with .They lied about how they spent their afternoons while their parents were at work, and something like that.

Most parents hear their child lie and think he’s too young to understand what lies are or that lying is wrong. They believe their child will stop when he gets older. Many books also advise parents to just let lies go — they’ll grow out of it. But the truth is that kids grow into it. In studies where children are observed(观察) in their natural environment, a 4-year-old child will lie once every two hours, while a 6-year-old child will lie about once every hour and a half.

1.The researchers started the project by     .

A.playing cards

B.free talking

C.doing a survey


2.The topics on 36 cards are mostly between kids and      .





3.From this passage, the teens lied on about      of the 36 topics as an average.





4.On this topic, the advice from many books for the parents is that they     .

A.needn’t worry about it too much

B.should take it serious enough

C.had better do something to stop it

D.should regard it as a great problem



“You'll have to take care of the baby today,” a woman told her husband. "I'm not feeling well."

"Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear" her husband said. "I'll be pleased to look after our baby." "By the way, shall I do the shopping for you as well?” her husband asked.

The woman was very glad and said, "That will help me very much. I'll give you a list of things to buy"

She wrote out the list and gave it to him.

The man took the baby to the supermarket and put him in the shopping cart. Then he pushed the shopping cart along the rows of things and looked for those that were on his list.

At first everything was OK, but then the baby began to cry.

Then he started to scream.

And scream!


“Keep calm, George,” the man said. “Don’t get excited. Don’t shout, George. Don’t lose your temper, George.”

A woman in the supermarket heard him saying so. She walked up to him.

“I think you are wonderful,” she said. “You are so patient with your little George.”

“Madam,” the man said, “I’m George. He’s Edward.”

1.The man took care of the baby instead because his wife was      .


B.busy doing housework


D.going to buy things

2.The baby cried so hard       .

A.at home

B.in the supermarket

C.in the street

D.in the car

3.When the baby was crying, the father kept taking to      for relaxing.

A.his baby

B.the woman



4.The underlined sentence “Don’t lose your temper.” in this passage means“   ”.

A.become angry

B.shut up

C.walk on

D.calm down



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