满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We got up early________ we were in time ...

We got up early________ we were in time for the first bus to Shijiazhuang.

A. so that          B. in order that         C. now that        D. even if


A 【解析】连词辨析。A以至于;B为了;C既然;D即使。句意:我们很早就起来以至于能能赶上去石家庄的第一班公交车。故A正确。

John _______ for London this afternoon and his flight _______ off at 18:20.

   A. is about to leave; will take       B. is leaving; takes

   C. is going to leave; is taking       D. is to leave; is about to take



It is Ms Chen’s serious attitude________ her work and her interesting methods of teaching that

make us like her very much.

A. with                               B. on 

C. towards                            D. about



The_______ moment we had been looking forward to_______ last week.

A. exciting;coming                   B. exciting;came

C. excited;coming                    D. excited;came



The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people_______ to eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. persuade                          B. will persuade

C. be persuaded                      D. are persuaded



In the beginning,the man refused to say anything about the lost car,but he had to admit ________ it because of the solid proofs.

A. stolen                            B. stealing

C. to steal                          D. to have stolen



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