满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My 4-year-old son now enjoys posting let...

My 4-year-old son now enjoys posting letters. He has formed the   36   of drawing pictures, writing his name on them, and then    37   the artwork in an envelope. He then insists on   38   his handwork to the neighbors, and a mail box he   39   belongs to the elderly couple who live next door. To be   40   , I didn’t think much of it, but I had   41   to warn my neighbors of the drawings   42   appearing in their letterboxes—I just didn’t have the   43   to do so, because I was a little busy recently.

  On Tuesday of last week, I was walking down to school to collect my son when I   44   Mary, my elderly neighbor,   45   at her mail box. She said, “Jodie, is it your little son that has been posting items in my letterbox to me?” I was at once   46  , “Oh yes, Mary, it is. I’m sorry. I meant to tell you…” She cut me off, “Jodie, I just love his mail. I’ve   47   every item he has sent. You don’t know how much   48   the letters has made my day. I just love them.” While I was walking down to school after our   49  , many thoughts came to me. Mary doesn’t have a lot to fill her days,   50   she was a mother to a number of children herself who receives fairly regular visitors. The small   51   of getting some mail—pictures drawn by the hand of a young child—has brought   52   to her days, just as my visit to my grandparents does.

  I have decided that my son should   53   this practice. He should also start sending some items to his grandparents in Perth as well. It will most   54   make their day.

  It’s doing the little, simple things that can often make a big   55   in someone’s life.

1.A. habit          B. attitude         C. style            D. form

2.A. hiding         B. writing          C. drawing      D. putting

3.A. handing        B. holding          C. posting      D. writing

4.A. opened         B. set              C. chose            D. saw

5.A. kind           B. surprised        C. careful      D. honest

6.A. meant          B. asked        C. hated    D. refused

7.A. actually           B. suddenly         C. hardly           D. partly

8.A. intelligence       B. strength         C. money            D. time

9.A. met        B. visited              C. dated            D. called

10.A. crying        B. lying                C. laughing     D. standing

11.A. humorous      B. embarrassed      C. confused     D. amused

12.A. copied        B. bought               C. kept         D. examined

13.A. receiving     B. writing          C. painting     D. exchanging

14.A. report        B. expression           C. talk         D. discussion

15.A. unless        B. but              C. so           D. although

16.A. charge        B. offer                C. act          D. help

17.A. worth         B. happiness            C. value            D. future

18.A. add           B. method           C. continue     D. judge

19.A. certainly     B. unfortunately        C. accidentally     D. confidently

20.A. point         B. difference           C. sense            D. living


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】本文主要记叙了“我”的儿子把自己画的画寄给了邻居,给她带去了快乐。通过此事,“我“认识到,简单的小事也能对一个人的一生有很大的作用 1.A 词义辨析。A习惯B态度C风格D形式     这里指“他养成了画画的习惯”。Form the habit of 养成。。。的习惯   故选A 2.D 词义和上下文辨析。 A藏起来B写C画D放  这里指“他把自己画的艺术品放入信封中” 故选D 3.C 词义辨析。A传递,交给;搀扶;支持B拿住,握住;保留,保存;扣留,拘押;容纳C邮寄D写    这里指“儿子坚持要把信寄给邻居” 故选C 4.C 词义辨析。A打开B设置C选择D看见  这里指“他选择了隔壁老夫妻的信箱” 故选C 5.D 词义和上下文辨析。A善良的B惊讶的C仔细的D诚实的  根据上下文,这里应指“老实说,我没有多想它” 故选D 6.A 固定短语和上下文辨析。A mean to do 打算做。。。B ask to do要求做。。。C hate to do 讨厌做。。。 D refuse to do 拒绝做。。。 这里指“我本打算去提醒我的邻居关于信箱里突然出现的画”故选A 7.B 词义和上下文辨析。A事实上地B突然地C几乎不D部分地 根据上下文 这里应指“突然出现在信箱里画”故选B 8.D 词义和上下文辨析。A智力B力量C钱D时间  根据下文I was a little busy recently.可知,这里应指“我没有时间去做” 故选D 9.A 动词词义辨析。A遇见B拜访C与人约会,相约D叫 这里指“我去接儿子的时候遇见了mary” 故选A 10.D 动词词义和上下文辨析。A哭B躺C大笑D站立  这里指“她站在信箱旁边”故选D 11.B 形容词词义辨析。A幽默的B尴尬的C困惑的D愉快的 根据上下文可知,我此时是感觉很尴尬的。故选B 12.C 动词词义和上下文辨析。A抄写B买C保留D检查  根据上下文,这里指“mary把我儿子寄的都保留了下来’故选C 13.A 动词词义辨析。A收到B写C画画D交换  这里指“mary告诉我她收到我儿子的很多信”故选A 14.C 词义和上下文辨析。A报告B表情C谈话D讨论  根据上下文,这时候“我”已经结束与mary的谈话正要去接儿子。故此题选C 15.D 连词词义和上下文辨析A如果不B但是C因此D尽管 上文说“她没有很多来填补空余时间”“她有很多孩子”表条件转折。此处应指“尽管她有许多孩子”故选D 16.C词义辨析。A控诉B提供C行动D帮助  这里指“我儿子给她寄信这一行动”故选C 17.B 词义辨析。A价值B快乐C价值D将来  根据上下文,这里这“我儿子的行动给她带去了快乐”故选B 18.C 动词词义辨析。A增加B方法C继续D判断  这里指“我决定让我的儿子把画画寄信给mary的惯例继续下去”故选C 19.A 副词词义辨析。A当然地B不幸地C故意地D自信地 这里指“儿子的祖父肯定会很高兴”故选A 20.B 固定短语辨析。A make a big point特别重视某一事项B make a big different 对。。有很大的作用C make a big sense 有很大的意义D make a living 谋生   这里指“对某人的生活会有很大的作用”。故选B

-David has made up his mind to continue with his studies.

-_______ and _______.

A. So he has; so have I                  B. So has he; so have I

C. So he has; so I have                  D. So has he; so I have



This book is said to be a very special one, because it _______ many events not found in other history books.

   A. covers                B. writes       C. prints           D. reads



-Have you finished _______ your composition? It is time to hand it in.

-Not yet, I _______ it the whole morning, but it is so hard that I only finished half of it.

A. writing; had written                  B. write; wrote

C. written; was written                  D. writing; have been writing



 -What I told you just now is very important, _______?

-Yes, it is clear.

A. Do you agree                      B. What about you

C. Have you got that                     D. Do you hear



For quite a few students, their teacher’s advice is more important than _______ of their parents’.

A. one                               B. that           

C. it                                D. any



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