满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The entire hall burst into a great chee...

 The entire hall burst into a great cheer and applause ______ the Nobel Prize winner appeared on the stage accompanied by the chairman.

   A. until               B. while          C. by the time       D. the moment


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查连词。A直到…才;B当…时;C到…为止;D一…就…;句意:在主席的陪同下,那位诺贝尔奖的获得者一出现整个大厅爆发出巨大的欢呼声和掌声。The moment一…就…;故D正确。 考点:考查连词辨析

— I see you got a “D” in biology. _______ ?

—Well. I found that subject hard. I think I’ll drop it for history.

A. How about that      B. What for       C. How come       D. What’s your next plan



Having an outdoor meal is always fun, but it can also be damaging to the planet if ______.

   A. planned not carefully             B. not planning carefully

   C. not planned carefully             D. not to be planned carefully



—Every now and then I get hungry for Chinese food. Let’s dine out tonight.

—Forget it. My money_______.

A. has run short                   B. is running short 

C. runs short                      D. was running short



So interested in the ancient town _______ that they decided to stay there for another few days.

A. did the visitors get                     B. got the visitors

C. did get the visitors                     D. the visitors got



—Nice to see you again after all these years. What _____?

—Well, I’ve tried many things since we left school. I’m now working for a large oil company.

A. have you done                        B. were you doing 

C. did you do                           D. have you been doing



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