满分5 > 高中英语试题 >













【参考词汇】对……态度:attitude to/ toward 分析: analyze

We middle school students have had many tests and exams.________________________                                 


We middle school students have had many tests and exams. We have both achieved success and suffered from failure. Different students take different attitudes to failure. Some fall in low spirits when they don’t do well in the exams. They usually lose heart and no longer study as before. But most students take an active attitude toward failure. They encourage themselves to be self-confident. They try to find out and analyze the causes so that they will no longer make similar mistakes. They often turn to their teachers, classmates or friends for advice. I agree with those with active attitudes. As we all know, failure is the mother of success. Even great men have failed many times before they succeeded. So we must deal with our failure correctly. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达为对比型议论文。文章结构为:?引入句→②正方观点阐述→?反方观点阐述→④自己的观点,本文章要求论述两种态度并给出自己的看法。 常用结构 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is heir favorite. They hold their view for the reason of②-------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover,④------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥-------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦--------------(理由三)    From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that⑨ 考点:考查辩论对比型议论文写作。


For years children in the industrial areas of Europe and America seldom left their smoky cities to see the beauties of the countryside. Not that the woods and fields were always far away, but they were too far from the city to permit people to make a round trip between morning and nightfall. What's more, factory workers did not have enough money to send their children on country holidays away from home.

In 1907 a young German schoolmaster had an idea which changed this state of affairs. He decided to turn his little schoolhouse into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small amount of money. The idea was a success. A few years later the schoolhouse was far too small to hold so many young people who wanted to stay there. So, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby. This was the first Youth Hostel.

Today young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostels and get to know each other. Some spend a week or more in the same hostel, seeing the surrounding sights and meeting the people of the area. Other youths go on foot or by bicycle from place to place, spending a night or two in one hostel, then going to the next.

Sometimes an informal program will be organized after the meal, with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period. One can _____________________________ about other places, just by meeting people who come from these places. For this reason, a few weeks spent "hostelling" can be just as useful a part of one's education as classes in school.

76. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us? (Please answer within10 words.)


77. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Some youths stay in a hostel for several days, during which period they go sightseeing and visit the local people.


78. Fill in the blank in the 4th paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 7 words)


79. List 3 of the advantages of hostelling according to the text. (Please answer within 15 words.)


80. Translate the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 into Chinese.




Ammie was only 18 months old when she had an accident that scarred her for life. While her mother was away for a moment , the curious baby reached up to a hot kettle in the kitchen and poured boiling water all over her body.

An ambulance was called and rushed the baby to a nearby hospital. About 20 percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all of her burns were third degree. The doctors could tell immediately that Ammie’s best chance of survival was specialized burns unit some miles away at Glasgow Royal hospital.

There , using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie’s body, surgeons performed complex skin grafts(植皮手术)to close her wounds and control her injuries , an operation that took about six hours. Over the next 16 years, Ammie underwent(经历)12 more operations to repair her body.

When she started school at the age of 4, other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn’t play with her . “I was the only burned child in the street, the class and the school,” she recalls, “Some children refused to become friends with me because of that.”

Today, age 17, Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars ; pain is a permanent part of her life, she is still awaiting two further operations. Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burnt victims.

Ammie’s parents have been a great support to her. “They told me people had a problem with my burns, the problem with my burns, the problem was theirs not mine,” says Ammie. “They taught me to cope with other people’s reactions and constantly reminded me I was valued and loved.” Ammie’s positive attitude to life means she is often contacted by burns charities(慈善机构), helping younger patients build their self-respect to live with permanent scars.

Now she is a member the Scottish Burned Children’s Club. “Ammie provides so much encouragement for the younger ones. She is optimistic and outgoing and a perfect role model for them , ” say Donald Todd, chairman of the club.

This month, Ammie will join some younger children on a summer camp. “I’ll show them how to shrug off  unkind stares from others , ” she says. Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops(无袖上衣), and she plans to show the children at the summer camp that they can too. “I don’t go to great lengths to hide my scars,” she says. “I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago.”

1.Ammie was taken to Glasgow Royal hospital because      .71—75 DDABD

A.it was the nearest hospital to her home

B.it was the only hospital curing her burns

C.surgeons there were skilled at performing skin grafts

D.it was a local hospital excellent at treating burns

2.How many operations will Ammie have to receive altogether?





3.The underlined phrase “shrug off” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to      .





4.Which of the following best describes Ammie?

A.Shy, pessimistic and discouraged.

B.Strong-minded, optimistic and helpful.

C.Fashionable, sensitive and easygoing.

D.Careful, confident and intelligent.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Ammie had an accident and had to do many operations.

B.Ammie was a brave girl after the accident.

C.Ammie helped many younger patients.

D.Ammie has a positive life through many operations.



The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning on my life. I was waving goodbye to my son, the last one of my fledglings (刚会飞的鸟)to leave home and go to new woods, "University actually" . I felt so lighthearted after spending many years looking after my four children—cooking, washing, ironing, teaching them how to look after themselves and manage their finances—that I actually thought “At long last, freedom".

But, as I watched my last one leave, although it was a joyous occasion, I realized I had not really prepared for this day, I was too tied up with bringing up these adults of the future to realize that they would all leave the nest and lives independently.

At first I didn't know what "I" wanted to do. I tried a part time job, which ended in me running out in tears. I started a business making soft furnishings, but that didn't work either.  I grew my own veggies and fruit, which lasted 3 years, until I was advised by my doctor that my feet couldn't take any more "tools” driven through them.

I began wondering if I had a future of my own. I cried for the life I was used to, and hadn't known or wanted anything different.

Then one day I saw an ad. for foster parents, I discussed it with my husband who was always behind everything I tried and with great disturbance , I rang up the number.

I now laugh and sing with my 14-year-old foster daughter, even when my cooker is a mess and my bathroom is a disaster area. I now know, 8 years later, what “I” was meant to be doing with all the spare hours, days, and weeks I had on my hands when my last fledgling flew the nest. The sun shines once again in my home.

1.How did the mother first feel when her last child went off to university?





2.The underlined phrase “was tied up with” in the second paragraph means “        ”.

A.was occupied in

B.was associated with

C.was tired of

D.was addicted to

3.In the third paragraph, the poor mother did all the things just to         .

A.live a greener and healthier life

B.earn more money for her kids’ education

C.shift her attention and ease her anxiety

D.start her own decorating business

4.What did the empty-nested mother think of her husband?





5.Thanks to the foster daughter, the author         .

A.got rid of her busy work

B.forgot her other children

C.found a suitable job

D.knew what she really wanted





[1] Ashley Power’s mother bought a computer for her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet regularly, but she couldn’t find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. And one day she thought, “If I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”

[2]So, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her own website, called Goosehead. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.

[3] After a few years, the website closed down. Then Ashley, who lives in Los Angeles, was asked to write a book called The Goosehead Guide to Life. The book is about how to design a website and start a business. It begins with a section called “All About Ashley,” where Ashley tells readers what it is like to be the boss of a company when you are only sixteen. “ I was so happy. But it was crazy in a lot of ways. I got very stressed. I mean, I was only sixteen — I didn’t even have a car! If you were sixteen and you had your own company, you’d be stressed, too! 

[4] In an interview Ashley gave advice to teenagers who wanted to start their own business, “Just be strong and have your dreams and work hard at them. And don’t listen when _______, because I heard ‘no’ a lot. Just keep going until you hear ‘yes’!”

1.For what purpose did Ashley create GooseHead?(no more than 10 words)


2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? (no more than 6 words)


3. According to paragraph 3, what did Ashley do after GooseHead closed down?(no more than 10 words)


4.How did Ashley feel as a young boss of a company?(no more than 5 words)


5. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.




In the more and more competitive service industry , it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction. Today , customer “delight” is what companies are trying to achieve in  order to keep and increase market share.

It is accepted in the marketing industry , and confirmed by a number of researches, that customers receiving good service will promote business by telling up to 12 other people : those treated badly will tell their tales of woe to up to 20 people, 80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal

New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain  goods and services through  telephone call centers and the Internet. For example , many companies now have to invest(投资)a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the “phone rage”—caused by delays in answering calls ,being cut off in mid-conversation or left waiting for long periods.

“Many people do not like talking to machines ,”says Dr . Storey Senior Lecturer in Marketing at City University Business School. “Banks, for example, encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them .The aim is to make the customer feel they know you and that you can trust— the sort of comfortable feelings people have during face-to-face chats with their local branch manager.”

Recommended ways of creating customer delight include: under-promising and over-delivering  (saying that a repair will be carried out within five hours ,but getting it done within two );replacing a faulty product immediately : throwing in a gift voucher(购物礼卷)as an unexpected “thank you” to regular customers ;and always returning calls ,even when they are complaints.

Aiming for customer delight is all very well , but if services do not reach the high level promised , disappointment or worse will be the result . This can be eased by offering an apology and an explanation of why the service did not meet usual standards with empathy (for example, “I know how you must feel”) , and possible solutions (replacement , compensation or whatever fairness suggests best meets the case).

Airlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care . Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool, while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather , unclaimed luggage and technical problems .

For British Airways staff , a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times. They are trained to answer quickly , with their name , job title and a “we are here to help” attitude. The company has invested heavily in information technology to make sure that information is available instantly on screen.

British Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff  are taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service.

Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as "we do as we please”. On the other hand , the more customers are promised, the greater the risk of  disappointment.

1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that       .

A.complaining customers are hard to satisfy

B.unsatisfied customers receive better service

C.Satisfied customers catch more attention

D.well-treated customers promote business

2.The writer mentions “phone rage”(Paragraph 3) to show that       .

A.customers often use phones to express their anger

B.people still prefer to buy goods online

C.customer care becomes more demanding.

D.customers rely on their phones to obtain services

3.If a manager should show his empathy (Paragraph6), what would he probably say?

A.“I know how upset you must be.”

B.“I appreciate your understanding.”

C.“I’m sorry for the delay.”

D.“I know it’s our fault.”

4. Customer delight is important for airlines because      .

A.their telephone style remains unchanged

B.they are more likely to meet with complaints

C.the services cost them a lot of money

D.the policies can be applied to their staff

5.Which of the following is conveyed in this article?

A.Face-to-face service creates comfortable feelings among customers.

B.Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers.

C.A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market.

D.Customer delight is more important for airlines than for banks.



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