满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The boy _______ that he would return to ...

The boy _______ that he would return to the hometown after graduation from university.






C 【解析】考查单词意思,supposed意思“料想”, told意思“告诉”, swore意思“郑重承诺”,trusted意思“信任”,根据意思,“这个南海镇中承诺,大学毕业后回到自己的故乡”,所以选C

During the conversation, Mr. Li ______ that he planned to open a company of his own.







 — Why won’t you go to the lecture?

— Well, it’s long and boring. I’ve been _______ with it already.

A.tired out

B.sick and tired

C.fed up

D.put up






Animals are being killed by hunters in America in a cruel way, says an animal protection organization. There are about 1,000 hunting farms across America whose owners offer hunters an opportunity to kill animals that are kept in fenced areas.

Russian boar, zebra, deer, antelope and many other species are raised just to be killed. Farm owners charge hunters thousands of dollars for animals that they kill, many of which are close to extinction (灭绝).

The Humane Society of the United States says this type of hunting should be stopped because it is not fair to the animals. Many owners raise their animals. Others buy from animal dealers or from zoos and circuses that no longer want them. This means that the animals are not afraid of humans and they are easy to be shot by hunters.

Owners of small ranches (牧场) keep their animals in fenced areas so that the hunters can get close to the animals before shooting at them. On large farms hunters are taken to areas where the animals are fed sometime of the day. This also makes it easy to kill the animals.

The hunters want to keep the heads and chests of the animals they kill to hang as trophies (战利品) on their walls. This means that the animals are usually  shot in parts of the body. That means they will suffer a slow and painful death.

The hunting is allowed across most of America but some parts of the country have stopped or restricted it. The Humane Society of the United States hopes that it won’t be too long before the rest parts of the country also give up this cruel sport.

1.What can be the best title for the passage?

A.Fenced Animals Are in Danger

B.Animals Are Easy to Kill

C.Hunters Pay to Kill Fenced Animals

D.Animal Hunting Should Be Banned

2.One of the main reasons why these animals are easy to be shot is that _______.

A.they don’t run very fast

B.they are not afraid of humans

C.they don’t know how to escape

D.the hunters are good at shooting

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Many animals can run away when hunters want to shoot them.

B.It is very cruel to kill the animals in the way mentioned in the passage.

C.The Humane Society of the United States considers this kind of hunting as a good sport.

D.The animals are usually hung on the walls after being shot.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A.no measures have been taken to prevent this kind of hunting

B.the animals usually get really hungry before dying

C.in most parts of America this kind of hunting has been stopped

D.people who do this kind of hunting are probably very rich



Almost every girl wants to be healthy and beautiful. They try every means to make themselves look smarter. “What are the best ways?” Many girls may have this question in mind.

Here is some advice that is very important for girls to follow.

Keep fit. Check with your doctor for your proper weight range and work to get and stay within it. Exercise, eat properly, and drink plenty of water to achieve that weight and be as healthy as you can be. As long as you’re in your healthy range, you’ll look great.

Mind your style, from top to bottom. There are two things that can make or break your look: your hair and your shoes. Look through hair magazines and talk with your hairstylist about what will look good with your face structure. Always keep your hair clean and styled. Wear clean, feminine shoes. That doesn’t mean you always have to wear high heels. Make sure you can walk comfortably in them.

Be fashionable. Learn about your body type, height, skin and preferences. Discover yourself, and fashion will come to you. You don’t have to wear designer clothes, especially if you can’t afford them. You can look through fashion magazines, pick your favourites and then find the similar ones that you can afford.

Smile, and do it like you mean it. Smile, be merry and people will notice that. It will help you in many ways.

Be nice to others. Looking pretty doesn’t give you the right to look down on others or treat them badly. Only having good appearance doesn’t mean you are beautiful.

However, in order to get slim and beautiful, some girls can easily be absorbed in losing weight, resulting in eating disorders. Keep in mind that being healthy is more important than being thin. So try to eat healthy food, take regular exercise and keep a good mood.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.How to choose clothes and shoes.

B.What is the real beauty for girls.

C.What are the ways to keep fit for girls.

D.How to be a healthy and beautiful girl.

2.The passage suggests  that girls _______ to be fashionable.

A.wear designer clothes that can make them more modern

B.wear clothes according to their body shape and preferences

C.wear the clothes that other beautiful girls like to wear

D.wear the clothes that are recommended in the fashion magazines

3.Which way is NOT recommended in the passage for the girls?

A.Eating little to get slim.

B.Making efforts to stay fit.

C.Paying attention to the style.

D.Being happy and warm-hearted.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Girls should follow hairstylists’ advice to change their hairstyles every day.

B.Girls should wear high heels though they might be uncomfortable.

C.Trying to be healthy is more important than trying to be thin.

D.Having a good hairstyle is more important than wearing fashionable shoes.



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