满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Like many of my generation, I have a wea...

Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?

Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.

A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.

Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.

The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?

Heroes are catalysts (催化剂) for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated (隔离的) buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.

1.Although heroes may come from different cultures, they __________.

A.generally possess certain inspiring characteristics

B.probably share some weaknesses of ordinary people

C.are often influenced by previous generations

D.all unknowingly attract a large number of fans

2. According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that _______.

A.they have a vision from the mountaintop

B.they have warm feelings and emotions

C.they can serve as concrete examples of noble principles

D.they can make people feel stronger and more confident

3.Madonna and Michael Jackson are not considered heroes because __________.

A.they are popular only among certain groups of people

B.their performances do not improve their fans morally

C.their primary concern is their own financial interests

D.they are not clear about the principles they should follow

4.The author concludes that historical changes would __________.

A.be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities

B.not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrifices

C.take place if there were heroes to lead the people

D.produce leaders with attractive personalities


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章阐述了什么是英雄,什么样的人才能被称作英雄,同时也讲述了英雄的作用即英雄是改变的催化剂。 1.细节题。从 Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.可知,尽管英雄来自不同的文化,但是他们都表现出某种激励人的品质,故选A 2.细节题。从文章Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.可知,英雄所表现出的力量和情操比他们本身要大的多,英雄讲像高压变压器,将电压逐步降低供给普通人使用,故可知他们能够作为一种高尚情操的具体的例子,故选C 3.细节题。从Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?可知,他们不被视为英雄,因为他们并没有使歌迷们的道德上得以提高,只能称得上著名的人。故选B 4.细节题。最后一段,作者举了几个实例进行阐述,从而得出t may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow,没有激励别人品质的进步的领导者的话,历史性的改变将会推迟。故选A 考点:人生百味类议论文

Dear Kind-Trustee-Who-Sends-Orphans-to-College,

Here I am! I traveled yesterday for four hours in a train.It’s a funny feeling, isn’t it? I never rode in one before.

College is the biggest, most puzzling place—I get lost whenever I leave my room. I will write you a description later when I'm feeling less confused; also I will tell you about my lessons. Classes don't begin until Monday morning, and this is Saturday night. But I wanted to write a letter first just to get acquainted.

It seems strange to be writing letters to somebody you don't know. It seems strange for me to be writing letters at all—I've never written more than three or four in my life, so please overlook it if these are not a model kind.

Before leaving yesterday morning, Mrs. Lippett and I had a very serious talk. She told me how to behave all the rest of my life, and especially how to behave towards the kind gentleman who is doing so much for me. I must take care to be very respectful.

But how can one be very respectful to a person who wishes to be called John Smith? Why couldn't you have picked out a name with a little personality? I might as well write letters to Dear Flagpole or Dear Clothes-line.

I have been thinking about you a great deal this summer; having somebody take an interest in me after all these years makes me feel as though I had found a sort of family. It seems as though I belonged to somebody now, and it's a very comfortable feeling. I must say, however, that when I think about you, my imagination has very little to work upon. There are just three things that I know: I, You are tall. Ⅱ. You are rich. Ⅲ. You hate girls.

I suppose I might call you Dear Mr. Girl-Hater. Only that's rather rude to me. Or Dear Mr. Rich-Man, but that's rude to you, as though money were the only important thing about you. Besides, being rich is such a very external quality. Maybe you won't stay rich all your life; lots of very clever men get broke in Wall Street. But at least you will stay tall all your life! So I've decided to call you Dear Daddy-Long-Legs. I hope you won't mind. It's just a private pet name we won't tell Mrs. Lippett.

The ten o'clock bell is going to ring in two minutes. Our day is divided into sections by bells. We eat and sleep and study by bells. It's very lifeful. There it goes! Lights out. Good night.

Observe how precisely I obey rules--due to my training in the John Grier Home.

Yours most respectfully,

Jerusha Abbott

to Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs Smith

1.Jerusha felt “confused” because ______.

A.she had never written to the trustee before

B.she was not familiar with the college yet

C.she could never find the way to her home

D.she had never traveled on a train berore

2.Jerusha thought that she couldn’t be very respectful to “John Smith” because _______.

A.he was a total stranger to her

B.she was sure it was a false identity

C.the name was too common

D.nobody would like to be called that name

3.The fact that her day is “divided into sections by bells” makes Jerusha feel______.

A.busy             B.restricted by rules   C.pressed for time    D.full of energy

4.Jerusha decided to call the trustee Dear Daddy-Long-legs______.

A.in order to show her respect for him

B.because it was one of his inner quality

C.in older to make them feel closer to each other

D.because she had always wanted a father



Alexis was hot and tired. With rage in her voice she shouted, "Pull me up!I give up, I hate this. This is stupid!" It was at that moment when Jason, the adviser on the trip, looked at me and said, "Ed, I'm going to go down and talk with her." I then shouted down to Alexis, "Hold on! You can do this. We know you can!"

Jason grasped another rope, put his climbing harness(系带)on and began to repel down the cliff. Within moments Jason was beside Alexis. She had her cheek directly against the face of the rock with her feet barely resting on a small piece of the cliff that jetted outward. Jason said to Alexis, "I know that you have been on this cliff now for what seems like a long time. Your feet and fingers are cramping(痉挛)up and your forearms feel as though they are on fire. But , Alexis, you are strong, look how far up you are already. You have taken one of the more difficult paths up the cliff. Look Alexis, look at the path you have taken."

At that moment, Alexis moved her cheek away from the rock face and looked down. The bright white chalk she used on her hands to give her a better hold, showed the path where her tired hands had moved her upward on the cliff. Jason was right. Alexis had taken the hardest way up the cliff. Jason then looked straight into Alexis' eyes and in a calm voice he said, "You are not alone out here, there are people who care about you, who want to help you and see you succeed. We are going to do this together. Are you ready?" Slowly she shook her head yes and took a deep breath.

1.Jason went down the cliff because _________.

A.Alexis took a wrong path                  B.Alexis was trapped in rocks

C.Alexis didn't believe in herself              D.Alexis' forearms were badly hurt

2.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.Alexis was finally pulled up by Ed

B.Alexis regretted having taken the wrong path up the cliff

C.Alexis was immediately sent to hospital after she was pulled up

D.Alexis successfully rock climbed

3.The underlined word "hot" in the story means _________.

A.disappointed       B.angry             C.uncomfortable      D.running a high body temperature

4.Alexis would probably become _________.

A.more strong-minded                     B.easier to give up

C.poorer in health                        D.less interested in rock climbing




1. 反映问题;         2. 你的看法;         3. 你的建议(至少两点)。

注意:1. 词数100-120;                     2. 文中不得提及人名、校名及地名;

3. 信的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

Dear Sir,

I am Li Hua, a senior 3 student in your school. I’m writing to tell you about a problem.










I went to a shop to buy a jacket one Sunday. It is famous one where there are a variety of clothes. I looked all around and finally find an attractive jacket. When I was asked the price, the assistant said, "Seventy dollars." He added that if I paid by cash, he would give me a discount – ten percent off the fixing price. I thought it was so expensive and started to leave. As I was left, he grabbed me and said, "Okay. Forty-five dollars." Delighting, I bought the jacket. However, when I got home and tried on my new jacket, I realized that anything was wrong with it. It had a pocket where wouldn't open. I was speechless and looked at it in amazement.




   1    Men lie; women lie.Husbands lie, friends lie, wives lie, and believe it or not, your mother might lie.A recent study showed that 91% of all people lie on a regular basis, and people tell at least 13 major lies a week.

Dr.Robert G.Newby, a professor of sociology , believes that men are more likely to tell lies than women."Men are more concerned about how they present themselves in public, the impression they make on people and things like that," he says."And they want to make sure that their presentation of self is one that makes them look good.    2    ”

Women, on the other hand, Dr.Newby believes, are more private people and their relationship tends to be more interpersonal, as opposed to having to put on a public face.Women are more easily hurt and they are not as likely to try to cheat like men.

Psychotherapist Vesta Callender also agrees that men and women do lie differently."   3  They plan better," Callender notes. "They create a history around the lie, and they try to project into the future what might happen if the lie is detected. With a woman, a lie has a beginning, a middle and an end. " Callender believes that men tend to lie for the moment or to get out of a situation.    4  

Dr Elmore stresses that while it is true that most people lie from time to time, one should be truthful.

"   5   Everything that is true does not need to be said, but everything said needs to be true," he says.

A.Be truthful at any cost.

B.Men also lie to each other.

C.Everyone lies from time to time.

D.Women are much more careful in their lies.

E. Men think less about how the lie can be detected.

F. He lies about almost everything, even when he doesn't have to.

G. Men are more likely to step outside of their relationships than women.



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