满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—How long is it ______ you picked up you...

—How long is it ______ you picked up your badminton training?

—It was not until my finance became better last December _____ I started the training.

A.before; when                          B.until; that

C.that; when                            D.since; that


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查强调句型和特殊句式。第一句是对“it be一段时间since…”自从…以来有多久了。这个句型的提问。第二空中的that与前面的it is构成强调句型。句意:你开始羽毛球训练多久了?—直到去年12月份我的经济情况好转我才开始训练。故D正确。 考点:考查强调句型和特殊句式

—Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.

—I _____it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview.

A.attended                              B.had attended

C.would attend                           D.would have attended



She was reading a book in her chair _____ first time I saw  _____ old lady.

A.a; an             B.the; the           C./; the             D./; an



_____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.

A.No matter what                         B.No matter which

C.Whatever                             D.Whichever



As we all know, it is usually cold in this place in January, but it _____ be warm sometimes.

A.must             B.can              C.should            D.would



40 kilometers _____ Chengdu lies a town, _____ suffered great losses in the earthquake, but is now on the road to recovering.

A.west of; which                         B.on the west in; where

C.west of; where                         D.on the west of; which



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