满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Telephone users sometimes complain about...

Telephone users sometimes complain about unreliable service and       they consider unfair charges.

A.which            B.that              C.what             D.how


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:使用电话的人有时候抱怨那些不可靠的服务,并且他们认为那是不公平的收费。and后的分句,缺少consider的宾语,故用C。 考点:考查连词的用法。

I really appreciate       to drive me home,but I am afraid that I have to finish my work first now.

A.you to offer                            B.it you offer

C.your offering                           D.this you are offering



Many people like to talk about generation gaps. I don’t think there is       in my family, though.

A.it                B.some             C.none             D.one



The drilling in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental ______ and severe cold.

A.concerns          B.assumption        C.occupations        D.ignorance



There is no doubt that the Diaoyu Islands are _______ part of China and what some Japanese have done recently is actually ________ offence against Chinese people.

A.a; /              B.a; the             C.the; /             D./; an




Since I started high school,there have been many misunderstandings between my parents and me.They think I am in puppy love(早恋).

They secretly check my text messages and listen in on my phone conversations.They also talk with my class teacher and keep telling me how bad puppy love is.What my parents have done drives me so crazy that I have had several violent quarrels with them.I know they are trying to protect me from being hurt,but I just feel they are ignoring my need for privacy and independence.

I don't want this to go on,so I have decided to take some action.I on purpose leave my text

message and diaries about for them to read.I stay in their sight while I am talking on the phone and avoid joking with boys.I spend more time at home studying than hanging out and trying my best to improve my school performance.

Gradually,my parents have started to calm down.They hardly ever check my messages any more and allow me to talk with male classmate.I'm happy that they are beginning to trust me.

In our life,misunderstandings happen at times and bother us.But if we can put our feet into other's shoes and take positive action,a misunderstanding can be a chance to achieve better understanding.













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