满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The story showed marriage between people...

The story showed marriage between people of different races ,_____ was against the law at that time.

A.who             B.which            C.whoever          D.whichever


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这个故事展示了不同种族之间人们的婚姻,在那个时候是违反法律的。非限制性定语从句,which指代marriage,故选B. 考点:非限制定语从句


Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a wonderful old man who loved everything. Animals, spiders, insects...

One day while walking through the woods the nice old man found a cocoon(茧) of a butterfly. He took it home.

A few days later, a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then came out easily.

But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled (萎缩的) wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were Nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly.


1. 以约30词概括短文内容要点; 

2. 以约120词就 “个人成长需要艰难生活的磨砺”这一话题发表你的看法,并包含以下要


(1) 你读了这个故事后的感受;

(2) 叙述当前父母溺爱子女的现象和由此造成的后果;

(3) 假如你是父母一方,你会如何磨砺自己的孩子?




2. 文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称。






说明: 满分5 manfen5.com词汇:高考the College Entrance Examination













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1.Nick wants to read some of the public diaries to get some ideas for his diary. (If he finds something interesting, he can leave a message in that diary.) If he doesn’t want to write a diary on the Internet, he can try writing in an old – fashioned paper diary. He finds it a really fun way to practice his English every day!

2.Jack wants to show his feelings. He tries to make some of his own smiley, then shows them to a friend or classmate and asks them to guess the meaning.

3.Laura wants to challenge her teacher to see if he/ she is a good speller. She makes a bet that her teacher will make AT LEAST 5 mistakes on the test. If she wins the bet, the teacher has to buy ice creams for the whole class!

4.Donald tries designing his own paper invitations for his next party. He is trying to decide what the most important information is, and what kind of graphics or pictures he wants to use.

5.Lynn will find a lot of funny pictures at this site. It’s her job to write a funny caption for the picture. She will, first, get some ideas by taking a look at past photos to see what other people have written and which ones she thinks funny. Then she looks at the new photos and tries to think of a funny caption. When she has one that she likes, she can send it in an email with her name and country.



Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season.

“Seventy-six percent of consumers who plan to buy holiday gifts say that they will spend money or buy at least one technology product; definitely a solid vote of confidence for technology.”

Steve Koenig is with the Consumer Electronics Association. He says the group’s latest research also shows that Americans this year are spending more on technology products. “Here in 2012, $252 on average——the technology spend for consumers this year.

From tablet computers to smart phones, American shoppers have been lining up to get the newest and coolest electronic devices on the market. There are more choices today than ever before. "It's kind of hard to make a decision."

Tablet computers are one of the best-selling products this year. Brian Tong is Senior Editor of CNET.com. The website reports on tech news and examines the latest electronic products. He says the Apple iPad Mini is one of the most popular tablets. Its starting price is $329. One of Apple’s biggest competitors is the Google Nexus 7. It starts at $199.

Its hardware is more powerful than what’s in the iPad Mini, but also it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple’s maps.

But Brian Tong says there is one reason why people may like the iPad Mini more than the Nexus 7. “If you just want to read books and surf the Internet, you don’t really need to get an iPad Mini, but if you want the largest robust group of apps (应用软件) that’s where the iPad and Apple’s ecosystem shines the most.”

Elman Chacon is with the electronics store Best Buy. He says another hot product this season is smart cameras. They connect to the Internet through WiFi. This makes it easy for users to email or upload photographs directly from the camera.

“You can literally take a picture and upload it into your Facebook in a matter of seconds. These things are pretty cool because they do a lot of things.”

Streaming media boxes also connect to the Internet. People are able to watch web content such as movies and YouTube videos on their televisions. Another popular item is wireless speaker systems. The newest ones work with any device that has Bluetooth technology, including smart phones, laptops and tablets.

1.What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?

A.Every technology product costs an average of $252.

B.Consumers are spending $252 more on technology products than last year.

C.Consumers should spend $252 on their technology products.

D.It is estimated that $252 on average might be spent on electronics by consumers in 2012.

2.According to Brian Tong, why may people prefer the iPad Mini to the Google Nexus 7?

A.Because it is cheaper.

B.Because it has more functions.

C.Because you can read books and surf the Internet with it.

D.Because it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple’s maps.

3.What does “Its hardware” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.The hardware of tablet computers.

B.The hardware of the Apple iPad.

C.The hardware of the Google Nexus 7.

D.The hardware of the iPad Mini.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.People will spend most of their money on electronics.

B.Photos can be uploaded from the camera when connected to a computer.

C.A streaming media box is a box which can contain CDs.

D.Most people would like to buy electronics as gifts.

5.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Electronics: People’s Most Favorite Gifts this year

B.Which is More Popular, the Apple iPad Mini or the Google Nexus 7?

C.Latest Technology Products

D.More Electronics to Choose from



If you don’t want people to know too much about you, then you had better keep your fridge contents secret, according to a British market research document released last week.

Researchers peered (凝视) into the fridges of 400 people in Britain and compared the contents with the owners’ lifestyles. They claim to be able to classify the nation’s people by fridge contents.

They say those people can be separated into five categories:nutrition nerds (no social sense), food faddiest (whatever’s in style), martyr mums, fast food fanatics and restaurant regulars.

Nutrition nerds care much about what they put into their bodies. Their fridges are stocked with fruit, vegetables and healthy meat.

People in this category tend to be highly organized and usually work in law or accountancy. The vast majority is single, but if they have a partner, that person will be similar.

A fridge full of vitamins — enriched juices implies its owner works in media or fashion. They tend not to eat the foods they buy. Known as the food faddiest, they just want to be seen as purchasing the latest important things.

A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the martyr mum. Her fridge tends to be stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want. This fridge hints at difficulty balancing family and work life.

Fast food fanatics always buy mineral water or soda pop. The nearest they will get to fresh fruit is tomato sauce. Their fridges hint at someone who works hard and plays hard, also, someone who is not into long term planning.

Finally, a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water implies an owner who is single, lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life. The fridge is empty because this person regularly eats in restaurants.

1.What can we know from the first two paragraphs?

A.Some researchers are fond of staring at other people’s fridges.

B.People don’t want others to know about their secrets.

C.The food you put in the fridge has something to do with your personality.

D.There are mainly five kinds of lifestyles among British people.

2.According to the passage, people who belong to food faddiest_________.  

A.don’t care much about money when buying things

B.will try their best to stay healthy

C.often stay up late to finish their job

D.prefer to ask others about what to do next

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.“Nutrition nerds” are always organized and successful in their jobs.

B.“Food faddists” like to stock their fridges with all kinds of vitamins.

C.“Martyr mums” care themselves more than others.

D.“Fast food fanatics” usually do not stock their fridges with fresh fruit.

4.What will those who often dine out put in the fridge?

A.All kinds of food they like.

B.Only something to drink.

C.Fruit, vegetables and meat.

D.Food rich in vitamins.

5.What is this passage mainly about?

A.What people store in their fridges.

B.Fridge contents and its owner’s secret.

C.What we should store in our fridges.

D.How to keep our fridge contents secret.



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