满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

While studying, fix your mind on what is...

While studying, fix your mind on what is really important, or you will

         remembering nothing.

A.take up           B.lead to            C.stick to           D.end up


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:A. take up占据B. lead to导致C. stick to坚持D. end up最终,后面搭配动名词,意为:以…告终,句意:学习的时候,专注于真正重要的事情,否则你什么也不记得。选D。 考点:考查词组

Advertising is different from other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays for the message         .

A.to deliver         B.having delivered    C.to be delivered     D.delivering



— Hi,Michelle, I can’t find my e-dictionary.

— Sorry,I           it. I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.

A.had used          B.used             C.was using          D.am using



-Do you know why Michael resigned from the board?

-He held out for higher wages, but was ____ in the end.

A.put down          B.broke down        C.cut down          D.turned down



He flew to Paris two hours ago,           he would stay for three days.

A.there            B.which            C.when             D.where



— I didn’t go to class last night because my car broke down.

— You            mine. I wasn’t using it.

A.should borrow                         B.might have borrowed

C.could have borrowed                    D.must have borrowed



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