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A gentle wind blew through Jennifer’s ha...

A gentle wind blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red sun was  36  . She was on the beach, looking up at the ball. She was amazed by its   37  , deep red in the middle,  38  fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the  39  and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.

The atmosphere  40  her. After all she had been through, this is what she   41  . “It’s getting late,”she thought,“I must go home, my parents will be    42  where I am.”She wondered how her parents would react, when she got home after the three days she was  43  .

The sun had set by now and it was getting  44 . She tried to imagine having her favorite  45 on until she saw her front door. It seemed different.   46  had taken care of the outside garden for days. She was   47  : her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and  now… It all seemed    48  . She couldn’t understand what was going on.She entered the   49 . First,she went into the kitchen where she saw a(n)  50  written by her father. It said:“Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready,I went   51  .” Ellen was her mother but-where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her    52   room. She went in. Then she saw her mother,lying on the bed sleeping. Her

 53  looked so tired,as if she hadn’t   54   for days. She was really pale. Jenny just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer woke up she found something  55  . She was in her cozy bed in her nightclothes.

It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice.“Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared.”

1.                A.rising          B.setting          C.shining   D.smiling


2.                A.shape          B.shadow         C.size  D.color


3.                A.quickly         B.partly          C.softly D.probably


4.                A.waves          B.boats           C.trees D.sands


5.                A.relaxed         B.puzzled         C.disappointed   D.interrupted


6.                A.understood     B.considered      C.needed   D.regretted


7.                A.discussing       B.finding         C.asking    D.wondering


8.                A.alive           B.asleep          C.missing   D.hardworking


9.                A.sunny          B.warm          C.cold D.cloudy


10.               A.glasses         B.hat            C.skirt  D.jacket


11.               A.Somebody      B.Nobody        C.Mother   D.Father


12.               A.shocked        B.scared         C.exhausted D.comforted


13.               A.beautified       B.rearranged      C.deserted  D.destroyed


14.               A.garden         B.bedroom       C.yard  D.house


15.               A.book          B.note           C.article D.poster


16.               A.looking         B.working        C.fishing D.sightseeing


17.               A.own           B.parents’       C.sister’s   D.brother’s


18.               A.gesture        B.body           C.face  D.eyes


19.               A.studied         B.slept           C.exercised  D.moved


20.               A.different       B.new           C.precious   D.dangerous



1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个女孩在失踪三天后回到家中,发现父母为了找他而筋疲力尽,但却没有责怪她的故事。 1.动词辨析。根据第三段的The sun had set,可知答案为B. 2.名词辨析。根据后面所写的颜色,可知是color.选D 3.形容词辨析。红色慢慢地变成黄色,因为太阳落山是很慢的。选C 4.上下文串联。从上文可知,女孩在海边,故应是waves,选A. 5.动词辨析。这样的气候是他很舒服,其余均不符合语境。选A 6.动词辨析。根据句意,在经历了所有这些事情后,这就是她所需要的needed。选C 7.动词辨析。父母亲一定很想知道(wonder)她在哪里。选D 8.动词辨析。在她失踪(missing)三天之后回到家,他想知道父母的反应。选C 9.形容词辨析。天黑了,当然变得越来越冷了。选C 10.名词辨析。因为冷,她想象着自己穿着夹克衫。have…on穿着,选D 11.不定代词辨析。她失踪后,没有人(nobody)再去照顾花园。选B 12.形容词辨析。父亲一向对花园的干净和整洁很严格。所以看到花园几天没修理,她感到很惊讶。选A 13.形容词辨析。花园没人照顾,似乎被遗弃了(deserted). 选C 14.名词辨析。前面提到她看到了前门,所以现在走进家里(house). 选D 15.名词辨析。根据后面的内容可知,这是父亲给母亲留的便条。选B 16.动词辨析。父亲应该去寻找,而不是去钓鱼或观光。选A 17.上下文串联。根据后面妈妈睡在房间,可只是父母亲的房间。选B 18.名词辨析。母亲面容(face)憔悴。选C 19.常识题。母亲看上去很累,好像好几天没有睡觉了。选B 20.形容词辨析。她在母亲旁边睡下,而醒来时发现自己穿着睡衣睡在自己的床上,所以是different. 选A 考点:考查故事完型填空

When ____ to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, ______ nervous and  anxious.

A.exposed; felt       B.exposed; feeling    C.exposing; feeling    D.exposing; felt



I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _________ looked like a large market.

A.that              B.which            C.what             D.where



According to the air traffic rules, you ___ switch off your mobile phone before boarding.

A.may              B.can              C.would            D.shall



— Do you think another Korean War will break out?

         Only through peaceful dialogues can a war be avoided.

A.No way.           B.That’s for sure     C.Why not?          D.It depends.



While studying, fix your mind on what is really important, or you will

         remembering nothing.

A.take up           B.lead to            C.stick to           D.end up



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