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There are many great movie directors of ...

There are many great movie directors of all time and the following are five of those who have largely impressed audience with their body of work.

As a member of the New Hollywood gang, Francis Coppola is best remembered for The God father series. His decision to cast Marlon Brando in the lead also met with fierce opposition from the studio bosses. Good sense became popular, and The God father went on to become one of the most memorable movies ever. Critics may point out that he has become less creative after his seventies, but try as one might, no one can possibly take the place of this great director’s work.

Stanley Kubrick’s movies focus on the themes like sci-fi, horror, dark humor and war. He used symbolism in most of his movies, giving us some wonderful screen visuals, as shown in 2001: A Space Odyssey. His actors in Hollywood complained about the endless number of retakes, but they appreciated the performance he milked out of them. People argue about films like Lolita, A Clockwork Orange and Paths of Glory, but these are now seen as classics.

Steven Spielberg is a great success at the box office, and he is one of the world’s most popular filmmakers today. As the creator of classics like Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, ET, Indiana Jones series, Jaws, Saving Private Ryan, no one can win his hold over the audience. His critics accuse him of being emotional and over the top, but the fact remains that his movies attract the audience, and set the cash registers ringing.

Woody Allen is a director who directs movies full of crime and hate. This comic genius has given us Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters and Midnight in Paris, which have also become classical. His movies constantly include characters who arouse the audience’s sympathy and laughter at the same time, as they set out on a journey of self-discovery. Hollywood star power has never fazed Allen. Thankfully, awards and honors do not interest him, which results in creativity that is original.

1.What do the directors mentioned in the passage have in common?

A.They are interested in awards for their works.

B.They are members of the New Hollywood gang.

C.They have created a lot of movies taken as classics.

D.They focus their themes on negative side of the society

2.The movie Indiana Jones series is directed by ______.

A.Francis Coppola                        B.Woody Allen

C.Stanley Kubrick                         D.Steven Spielberg

3.Stanley Kubrick’s works include the following except ______.

A.Midnight in Paris                        B.2001: A Space Odyssey

C.A Clockwork Orange                     D.Paths of Glory

4.It is implied in the underlined sentence Steven Spielberg ______.

A.was successful in amusing the audience

B.succeeded in making a great box office

C.became much better at creating classics

D.had set a cash register working for himself

5.What will be discussed in the paragraph that follows this passage?

A.Their contribution to the society

B.The difference between the directors

C.Another famous movie directors

D.More great movies from the directors


C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了五个著名的导演中的四名,以及这些导演的主要作品和作品的特点,还讲述了人们对这些作品的看法。 1.C 细节题。根据文章第一段1,2行There are many great movie directors of all time and the following are five of those who have largely impressed audience with their body of work.可知这五个导演都有自己的经典作品,这些电影让人们难以忘记,故C正确。 2.D 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段Steven Spielberg is a great success at the box office, and he is one of the world’s most popular filmmakers today. As the creator of classics like Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, ET, Indiana Jones series, Jaws, Saving Private Ryan, no one can win his hold over the audience.说明Indiana Jones series也是Steven Spielberg的作品。故D正确。 3.A 细节题。根据文章最后一段Woody Allen is a director who directs movies full of crime and hate. This comic genius has given us Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters and Midnight in Paris,说明Midnight in Paris的导演是Woody Allen,而不是Stanley Kubrick。故A符合要求。 4.B 推理题。根据倒数第二段最后2行His critics accuse him of being emotional and over the top, but the fact remains that his movies attract the audience, and set the cash registers ringing.说明在票房方面没有人比得过斯皮尔伯格。故B正确。 5.C 推理题。在文章一开始提及了五个著名的导演,文章中只是提及了四个,那么接下来就应该讲述第五个了,故C正确。 考点:考查信息筛选类短文

BEIJING, March, 17th --The Japanese automaker Toyota will recall some 4,400 units of FJ Cruiser cars in China over seat belt flaws, China's consumer quality watchdog said Saturday.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) said on its website that Toyota China will recall these imported cars produced between December 2007 and March 2013.

Toyota is busy working on the solution to the flaw and will release improvement methods before April 15, according to the administration.

This marks Toyota's second recalling this year after the auto giant announced in January that it would recall 22,869 units of Lexus IS cars in China due to wiper arm problem.

China's private auto ownership reached 93.09 million units by the end of 2012, up 18.3 percent compared with the year before. Along with the fast expanding auto market, Chinese drivers grow more concerned about the quality of their cars.

Also on Saturday, the AQSIQ said in a statement on its website that its research has basically confirmed the German automaker Volkswagen's direct shift gearbox (DSG) transmission has defects which may cause engine power failures and urged Volkswagen to recall defective cars after China Central Television (CCTV) exposed Volkswagen's gearbox defect on Friday.

To better protect the interests of Chinese consumers, the AQSIQ announced late last year that it would formulate a guideline to regulate a recall system for faulty cars.

1.What does underlined the word “recall” in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.To ask people to return a product.

B.To bring something into one’s mind.

C.To remember something from the past.

D.To ask someone to go back.

2.According to the passage, Lexus IS cars were found to have       .

A.seat belt flaws                          B.wiper arm problem

C.gearbox defect                         D.engine power failure

3.What is the purpose of regulating a recall system for faulty cars?

A.To limit the sales of imported cars in China.

B.For a better development of national automobile industry of China.

C.In order to show the authority and power of AQSIQ.

D.For a better protection of rights and interests of Chinese consumers.

4.What was China’s private auto ownership by the end of 2011?

A.About 93 million units.                   B.About 110 million units.

C.About 79 million units.                   D.About 90 million units.

5.Which of the following statements is probably NOT true according to the news?

A.Toyota will release its improvements on faulty cars in less than a month.

B.Chinese put more and more focus on the quality of their cars.

C.You may get the information about faulty cars on the website of AQSIQ.

D.It was AQSIQ that first exposed Volkswagen’s DSG defects.



Sometimes, people are required to fill in personal information when they register online, which may lead to some unexpected trouble. Recently, the BBC is reporting that a 17-year-old girl in Australia posted a(n)  36  of her grandmother at home counting a large sum of cash that she   37   hidden in the house. Just eight hours later, two armed men  38  the girl’s house. They demanded to speak to her to find out where the grandmother’s house was,   39  they could get the money they had seen.    40   , the girl was not home at the time, so the robbers   41  a small amount of cash from the mother and left.

Because the  42  is still under investigation, local police aren’t saying   43  else about it. It’s not known yet whether the girl had used privacy setting on the Facebook profile page, and even whether the robbers   44   the girl in the past.

Two other   45  were at home then, a 58-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy, the girl’s father and brother. Luckily, no one was   46  . The robbers left peacefully after   47  that the girl was not home and that no one else there knew anything about the  48   that had appeared in the photo.

Police in both Britain and Australia are using the case to  49   citizens of the dangers of posting personal information on social networks and to suggest users of websites  50   doing so. The police say it is  51   that the girl posted a comment in the past that gave clues to the address,    52   that the robbers knew the girl in another way.    53  , they suggest, a posting by a friend on their site could have    54  such information. To find it, the robbers would only have had to search for those posting on other pages that   55  the girl’s name.

1.                A.picture         B.story           C.blog D.video


2.                A.kept           B.made          C.let   D.got


3.                A.knocked at      B.looked at        C.broke into D.ran into


4.                A.even if         B.so that          C.as soon as D.in case


5.                A.Usually         B.Suddenly        C.Fortunately    D.Finally


6.                A.spent          B.left            C.asked    D.took


7.                A.robber         B.family          C.case D.girl


8.                A.few            B.many           C.little D.much


9.                A.ignored        B.knew           C.remembered  D.followed


10.               A.members       B.adults          C.characters D.neighbors


11.               A.escaped        B.harmed        C.killed D.buried


12.               A.showing        B.realizing        C.discovering D.recognizing


13.               A.cash           B.grandmother    C.house D.website


14.               A.inform         B.accuse         C.rob   D.warn


15.               A.enjoy          B.stop           C.keep D.consider


16.               A.possible        B.important       C.necessary  D.strange


17.               A.so             B.or             C.and  D.but


18.               A.Besides        B.However       C.Therefore D.Instead


19.               A.taken up        B.set up          C.put away  D.given away


20.               A.included        B.drew          C.contained  D.attracted




—About income, I think most people deserve more than what they get.

— ______.

A.You have a point                        B.It serves you right

C.Not likely                              D.Don’t mention it



As a young man, he’d rather have a room of his own, however small it is, than ______ a room with someone else.

A.to share          B.to have shared      C.share             D.shared



All the soldiers were placed exactly ______ the local government wanted them for the control of the comeback of the flood.

A.while             B.when             C.where            D.though



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