满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a little girl, I found love i...

When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I   36  at the dinner table, “My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines on Monday”.

Mother said, “We’ll see,” and she continued eating.

What did “We’ll see” mean? I had to have that box,   37  my second grade Valentine’s Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didn’t love me enough to help me with my   38  .

All Saturday I waited   39  and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased. However, I   40  that an enquiry about the box would   41  anger or loud voices, for in my house children only asked once. More than that   42  trouble.

Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with different kinds of colorful   43  . A (n)   44  shoebox rested on top of it.   45  flooded through me when Daddy said, “Let’s get started   46  your project.”

In the next hour my father   47  the shoebox into an impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts   48  to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished, he was so delighted that a   49  smile spread across his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked.

I answered him with a hug.

But inside,   50  danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father had devoted so much   51  to me, for his world consisted only of work.

The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal time   52 .

On the way home, I held out my valentine box for the world to   53  . The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside.

The valentine box became a symbol of his love that   54  through decades of other Valentine’s Days. My father gave me other gifts through the years, but none   55  compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old, empty shoebox.

1.                A.announced      B.appeared       C.served   D.sat


2.                A.and            B.but            C.or   D.so


3.                A.design         B.plan           C.idea D.project


4.                A.sadly           B.anxiously        C.disappointedly D.patiently


5.                A.found          B.realized         C.knew D.imagined


6.                A.start           B.cause          C.mark D.produce


7.                A.invited         B.took           C.saved    D.had


8.                A.boxes          B.gifts            C.paper    D.food


9.                A.new           B.big            C.attractive D.empty


10.               A.Relaxation      B.Relief          C.Cheer D.Calm


11.               A.by            B.at             C.in    D.on


12.               A.folded         B.packed         C.changed   D.pressed


13.               A.joined         B.attached        C.linked D.connected


14.               A.slight          B.brief           C.broad D.confident


15.               A.joy            B.fun            C.interest   D.amusement


16.               A.money         B.time           C.support   D.hope


17.               A.reached        B.set            C.spent D.came


18.               A.accept         B.respect         C.admire    D.recognize


19.               A.carried         B.kept           C.spread    D.lasted


20.               A.ever           B.even           C.yet   D.still



1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:这是一个情感故事,讲述了一位父亲帮助女儿完成情人节作业——制作情人节盒子的故事,体现了浓浓的亲情。 1.A 从上下文可知,我在饭桌上向家人宣布了(announce)老师要求交的作业。appear表示“出现”;serve表示“服务”;sit表示“坐”,都与语意不符。 2.C 从上下文语句知,我必须要有情人节盒子,否则(or)这个情人节将会是一场灾难。此处表示转折,用or。 3.D 下文11空格后的project有暗示,表示“作业”。 4.B 从下文my concern increased可以推断出,我当时的心情——焦急不安(waited anxiously),但是,我知道(know)我父母的脾气,在我家,小孩子只能问一次,过多的询问可能会使(cause)父母生气。 5.C 语意参见4题解析。find表示“发现”,realize表示“意识到”,imagine表示“想像”,都不符合语意。 6.B 语意参见4题解析。start表示“开始”;mark表示“标记”;produce表示“生产”,都不符合语意。cause表示“导致”。 7.A invite trouble是固定词组,表示“招灾惹祸”。 8.C 从第六段中的“Colorful paper covered...”知,当时桌上堆满了各式各样的彩纸(colorful paper),同时在上面还放着一只空鞋盒(empty shoebox)。 9.D 语意参见8题解析。文章结尾的empty shoebox有暗示。 10.B 看到彩纸和盒子,听到父亲说要帮助自己做情人节盒子,我大感解脱(relief)。relief表示“解脱”;relaxation表示“放松”;cheer表示“振作,欢呼”;calm表示“冷静”。 11.D 此时父亲说“让我们开始做你的作业吧”。此处get started on sth.是固定词组,表示“开始做……”。 12.C 此处表示“父亲用一个小时把鞋盒变成了(change)令人印象深刻的情人节盒子”。change...into...表示“把……变成……”。 13.B 固定词组attach to表示“依附于,附属于……”。 14.C 父亲边做边唱,非常高兴,当他做完后,脸上露出了开朗的笑容(broad smile)。slight表示“轻微的”;brief表示“简要的”;confident表示“自信的”都不符合语境。 15.A 我看到那做好的漂亮的盒子,心花怒放,选用joy“高兴,快乐”。fun表示“乐趣”;interest表示“兴趣”;amusement表示“娱乐,消遣”都不符合语境。 16.B 我高兴,因为这是父亲第一次把这么多的时间(time)花在我身上,他的世界原本只有工作。 17.D 从上下文知,最后,放学的时间到了(come)。 18.C 回家的路上,我拿出那盒子想让全世界的人都来欣赏(admire)它。accept表示“接受”;respect表示“尊敬”;recognize表示“辨认”都不符合语境。 19.D 那个情人节盒子成了父爱的象征,一直持续了(last)几十年,这些年,父亲给过我很多其他礼物,但从来没有一样能比得上那包含在破旧的空鞋盒里面的关爱。last在此表示“持续”。 20.A 语意参见19题解析。ever意为“在任何时候,从来”,符合语意。 考点:考查情感类短文阅读

---- Are your family ready for rafting?

----Yes, I really want my children to experience that       they are young.

A.\                B.if                C.unless            D.while



----It’s thirty years since we last met.

----But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _____ we got lost on a rainy night.

A.which            B.that              C.what             D.when



-----You’ve got a stomachache? But we ate at the same place. How come my stomach is fine?

------You have an iron stomach! Mine isn’t ___ strong.

A.as               B.such             C.much             D.enough



German Chancellor Angela Markel says united Europe could fail if Eurozone (欧元区)      over debt problems in Greece, Italy and other weaker economies.

A.pulls up           B.pulls down         C.breaks up         D.breaks down



She didn’t come back to her hometown for five years and ______, she had got married and had a couple of kids.

A.to be honest       B.above all          C.on the other hand   D.in the meantime



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